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GUID 5a7e8fec7f59a2557afe4c4875fc5753 need Global Ban

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GUID: 5a7e8fec7f59a2557afe4c4875fc5753


IP: Hidden

Date: 14.09.2012 21:30 GMT+1

Server: DE940

He killed the hole Server whith teleportation behind the players. His problem was that all players on the Server, without him, are on a TS Server. He use a AS50 TWS to kill the players

First Kill Cord: 42:51 on the North Western Airfield at 09:28 PM

Second and Third Kill Cord: 57:67 in the near of Starry Sobor at 09:30 PM

Fourth Kill Cord: 122:28 at 09:40 PM

The he tried to kill at the Cord 57:67 again, but he miss, an a player of use killed him, as he want to run away to teleport again.


Edited by smasht_AU

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1. You can't post GUIDs publicly onto the forums.

2. Nice job publicly posting someone's IP. (That's sarcasm.)

3. Post logs or no proof. Right now your only proof is you inspecting his dead body somewhere in the woods.

Edit; Oh, and. Rocket / DayZ does not issue Global Bans. Only BattleEye will do that.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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I've removed the IP, GUID is fine.

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I've removed the IP, GUID is fine.

So i can post yours, asking you to be global banned, saying you're a cheater, without evidence.. and i'll be fine?

(i'm not sarcastic, i'm trying to understand how do you (mods/admin) apply these rules.. and based on what assumption;)

Edited by WalkerDown

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Go for it, I don't cheat so don't have anything to worry about, global bans aren't issued by BattlEye because someone posted a thread saying they cheated. Any admin that banned my GUID because they saw a post on the forums with no evidence isn't a server I would want to play on regardless.

Edited by smasht_AU

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global bans aren't issued by BattlEye because someone posted a thread saying they cheated.

Here's the point.. so what's the purpose of this forum exactly? It's a public place to express our own frustration? :)

If none is doing anything anything with it... why keeping this forum open?

/trying to understand

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Sorry, but what shoud Server Hosters do? If we ban a User, we have to report it. But if we report it, then there are many problems with saying that we are frustrated and we have no evidence.

The real Problem is, that every Kid in the Age of 12 Years can order a trusted Server. So they will use their own Server for their own benefit. But this is not my Problem. If i found a Cheater/Hacker what ever, i will ban him and report it here I will have enough evidences. Lets take a look if BcBud will claim a unban or give us a comment here

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There's no problem (in my opinion) to report ppl here... since none is doing anything, neither anyone can do anything about it.. it's just a wasting of time (hence the "frustration").

- You are an admin, and you *CAN* ban a cheater on your own server, assuming he's really a cheater. Here finishes your "job".

I'm ANOTHER admin on ANOTHER server, i can't ban someone just because a friend of mine told me that someone else cheated on HIS server... it's against the ToS, because i have NO EVIDENCE of him cheating, my "friend admin" can be just the 12yo kid admin that spammed a guy's GUID, because he got mad of being killed.

Why there's ppl reporting other ppl here? Battleye CANNOT ban those chaps, and other admins cannot trust your words.

So my question is (again): what's the purpose of this "reports"? What are you trying to obtain? What do you expect? Are you posting your bans as a personal diary or what?

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I understand what you mean. So i also read the ToS, an as far as i know i must report banned players here. That is what i do.

All kick or ban actions must be reported in the forums under section http://dayzmod.com/f...heat-reporting/

I dont want any discussion or anythink else. I do my "job", and i think now its finished.

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I dont want any discussion or anythink else. I do my "job", and i think now its finished.

Discussions helps to improve the current situation.. doing what you're doing, without even asking yourself why you're doing it, and knowing that none is doing anything with your reports, won't help much. Anyway feel free to stop the discussion here.. good luck. ;)

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tbh.... reports with proof or without proof is always helpfull. Even tho I would not add somebody on a banlist soully based on a 'story' it will atleast be written down and when more reports come about the same GUID we see a trend and know the truth ;)

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob
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you say "You have bigger issues to concern yourself with though ", but yet i dont see what the issue is, a post on the fourms where most of the replys are made against the OP and other people saying that wont ban a person on a random persons word. the way i look at it i should be concerned with aynthing. If i was hacking BE would catch me or there would be more than 1 report of it ( im assuming your connected to this guys cause it was posted same day )

Edited by BcBuD420

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you say "You have bigger issues to concern yourself with though ", but yet i dont see what the issue is, a post on the fourms where most of the replys are made against the OP and other people saying that wont ban a person on a random persons word. the way i look at it i should be concerned with aynthing. If i was hacking BE would catch me or there would be more than 1 report of it ( im assuming your connected to this guys cause it was posted same day )

Your issues is you were caught TWICE by two different administrators. While the OP may not have gone about making this thread the right way, he still identified you. The value in this is you posted some garbage in my CBL submission and I was able to find another report on you thanks to the OP. Your time with BE will come, until that day comes the CBL acts as a bridge allowing admins to protect the DayZ community and share reports. I am not connected with the OP, the submission I linked above is from one of our servers.

OP, make sure to collect your logs and submit proof to the CBL https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/entry.

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tbh.... reports with proof or without proof is always helpfull. Even tho I would not add somebody on a banlist soully based on a 'story' it will atleast be written down and when more reports come about the same GUID we see a trend and know the truth ;)

Accounts aren't checked.. i can write 10 reports with 10 fake nicknames (and IP's.. and whatever) just to force you to believe that the mentiones GUID really comes from a cheater. You still understand ppl on their own words, with no evidence, and you're understimate the wilfulness of a troll/idiot. That's the reason of why an "unofficial" and unregulated cheat report repository isn't going to take serious by anyone, neither anyone is gonna place bans trusting randoms "admins" (and amateur website like CBL) on the net.

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As an update the CBL committed this user to the ban list :beans:

5a7e8fec7f59a2557afe4c4875fc5753 -1 W 4d9b2182 0x0f44d938

Accounts aren't checked.. i can write 10 reports with 10 fake nicknames (and IP's.. and whatever) just to force you to believe that the mentiones GUID really comes from a cheater. You still understand ppl on their own words, with no evidence, and you're understimate the wilfulness of a troll/idiot. That's the reason of why an "unofficial" and unregulated cheat report repository isn't going to take serious by anyone, neither anyone is gonna place bans trusting randoms "admins" (and amateur website like CBL) on the net.

Only a troll like you would waste your time to do something like that.. Much like your posts. I find it hilarious you're still at it, the CBL is going strong and protecting servers. We see about 10-14 cheaters denied access to each of our servers per day THANKS TO THE CBL and the admins that contribute to it :D. People have lives, they don't have time to falsify multiple submissions to get a single GUID committed to the list.. lol!

Stop embarrassing yourself, familiarize yourself with the CBL https://code.google....munity-banlist/, and let this thread go because the cheater got what he deserved.

Edited by (OCN)Vortech

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As an update the CBL committed this user to the ban list :beans:

5a7e8fec7f59a2557afe4c4875fc5753 -1 W 4d9b2182 0x0f44d938

Only a troll like you would waste your time to do something like that..

If i'm a troll or not doesn't makes any difference: what i've exposed is exactly what a troll is used to do.. that's why they are called trolls: they "waste" their time to annoy you, exactly like you "waste" your time to play.

We don't need a bunch of text to expose a supposed cheater, we need a good reliable way to find em, and they must be global banned, coz they doesn't care at all if you ban them on "your" server, there's thousand other servers.

You may continue with an amateur website (it's your time!) , but i want the developers to invest their time for something official that really works.

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If i'm a troll or not doesn't makes any difference: what i've exposed is exactly what a troll is used to do.. that's why they are called trolls: they "waste" their time to annoy you, exactly like you "waste" your time to play.

We don't need a bunch of text to expose a supposed cheater, we need a good reliable way to find em, and they must be global banned, coz they doesn't care at all if you ban them on "your" server, there's thousand other servers.

You may continue with an amateur website (it's your time!) , but i want the developers to invest their time for something official that really works.

Stop typing for a second and try what I suggested:

Stop embarrassing yourself, familiarize yourself with the CBL https://code.google....munity-banlist/, and let this thread go because the cheater got what he deserved.

Now that you've corrected your uninformed point of view we can move forward. I imagine you're not an administrator so it's OK that you don't get it OR support the cause. Trust that informed administrators are working as hard as they can to keep your servers safe for you to play on. If the basis of my position continues to pass over your head then I'll stop wasting my time responding. :thumbsup:

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I imagine you're not an administrator so it's OK that you don't get it OR support the cause.

Players cannot control other players, since they are "involved" as well. I don't trust anyone in this game neither auto-elected "administrator". I've seen so much shit in this game (ie: admin banning because someone killed em; or resetting their servers because of stolen camp/vehicle/whatever) that forcing others to trust your word is pathetic. You say that guy is a cheater, he says that he is not... who's right? None, you're both right = you're both wrong. We need someone over the parts to determine who's cheating, your mouth (neither mine) is more important that anyone else (ironically, including the cheaters). Unfortunately we don't know if someone is honest, just reading his nickname.

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I see you still didn't take the time to read about the CBL.. I see you don't understand the job the filters do.. I see you don't know who develops the filters.. I see you still don't realize who maintains the commits.. :huh: lol, the whole conversation is over your head. Sorry.

Edited by (OCN)Vortech

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I see you still didn't take the time to read about the CBL..

Anything not mantained by BattleEye or DayZ developers (hive db) is not official, that's why is ignored by the most, that's why is "exploitable", and that's why it's far to be effective to fight the cheaters.

We need a definitive and official and working anticheating, not those admirably but unfortunately not working initiatives.

Maybe you're missing that we're aiming for the final game, not for some amateur mod, and so we absolutely need something OFFICIAL, over the parts, not a "community blabla thing".

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Anything not mantained by BattleEye or DayZ developers (hive db) is not official, that's why is ignored by the most, that's why is "exploitable", and that's why it's far to be effective to fight the cheaters.

We need a definitive and official and working anticheating, not those admirably but unfortunately not working initiatives.

Maybe you're missing that we're aiming for the final game, not for some amateur mod, and so we absolutely need something OFFICIAL, over the parts, not a "community blabla thing".

lol, it's official. You're an idiot. No disrespect, but you're something else man. I tried to help you, I tried to give you the opportunity to find the error in your ways yourself.. Unfortunately you couldn't see over that pile of BS. :lol: You were too lazy so I'll just leave this here:

We offer a banlist comprised of people who have very likely either cheated or acted abusively. We also have an updated set of filters that are more frequently updated than the "official" filter set, courtesy, chiefly, of Dwarden.

Please note that while we rechecked most log files, there may be a few false-positives due to cheaters executing scripts across clients before this was effectively logged by battleye and simply due to the nature of this collaborative project. We have striven to eliminate most edge cases. We have quite a few bans that were issued for continued "abusive behavior", like consistent defamatory or derogatory chat messages. We will repeal those, though, if people ask. In general, if someone wishes to appeal, they should open an issue ticket on this page. We'll then look into our files again.

- Jens

Now that WE have your attention:





Good luck with all that.

Edited by (OCN)Vortech

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