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M136 - Very Rare - Rocket Launcher

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Rocket Launchers

Name Rarity Weapon Type Mag Type(s) Mag Size(s) Damage Body Shots to Kill Effective Range Zeroing Rate of Fire Recoil Noise Attachment 60px-Weapon_M136.png


Very Rare

rocket launcher

M136 Rocket




25 - 1000 meters


N/A (single shot, non-reloadable)


Very High


It is said that there is only one of these in each server, I honestly have NEVER found one or seen anyone use one are they

really that rare? =D I found mountain dew's before 2 of them in less then 20min apart from eachother but never this rocket

launcher. anyone ever found one while playing dayz?

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As Dancing Russian said, he has only found one.

I have only found one as well and i've been playing for over 6 months.

If i am correct they are currently broken (Found one at a camp tried to use it and it wouldn't work had ammo and everything).

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You can find them at the barracks at the NW airfield (It's the most common spawn)

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Found one before.. Makes one hell of an explosion...

However they are rather poo. One shot, no reload and you have to loose your bag.. I find them, shoot a building and move on :-)

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I've seen them found in the NW airfield once. However, it does not work. It makes a sound, and shoots, but.. doesn't seem to shoot any *thing* and isn't able to be pointed.

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they are rare die to the fact that hackers don't spawn then. the fact that they take up your entire backpack slot for a single shot means they are not useful at all. this just goes to show how common hackers have made some"very rare" weapons

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I would love to see one take down a chopper ! maybe when I reach the end of my end game I'll film that happening ! Gotta get a launcher first : )

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I've found one yesterday at the southern barracks at nwaf.

It's pretty crappy though, takes too much space in your inventory and ammo is as rare as the weapon itself...

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Oooh i can tell you a fine storie!

When i was walking through the early morning mists! I suddenly saw a bright flash behind me, followed by a big bang.


And then i ran! I ran all i could. And i survived with minor injuries,i thought im going to get revenge on that person. So then i hid in a small bush and saw the man walk past it. 1 shot 1 kill. And then i had my first rocket launcher.. aaaand a buch of other nice shit! And im still alive by this day! Without morphine and a pair of broken bones :( god save me.

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found one at the barracks when I first started playing. haven't seen one since

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One of our guys found one with a rocket at the North East barracks at the NWA. Fired it off for the most disapointing load a shite we ever seen. It may be the rarest weapon but its also the most useless in the game and its takes your backpack slot when you equip it.

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I found 1 in the Prison on Lingor Island after cycling the loot. Shame there is no ammo for it.

You have to drop your back pack to carry it. I did see another 1 in a pile of loot about 2 weeks later. But that is all I have seen.

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I found one it in camps and my friend hacker did me it (rly big BOOOM, like heli crash :D). It's rly rarly weapon, like as-50, but usless without team - rocket launcher occupies backpack slot and rockets occupies 3 slots - without cars and friends its usless. Only hackers using it

Edited by Sloy

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Found one ages ago, the animation was buggy so after equiping and loading it I still showed as holding my AK, fired it at a player missed him and hit a building maybe half a meter awayfrom him, the player survived! Its an anti armour rocket not a HE so has almost zero splash damage. Its utterly useless really unless they introduce some kind of armoured vehicle.

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Oooh i can tell you a fine storie!

When i was walking through the early morning mists! I suddenly saw a bright flash behind me, followed by a big bang.


And then i ran! I ran all i could. And i survived with minor injuries,i thought im going to get revenge on that person. So then i hid in a small bush and saw the man walk past it. 1 shot 1 kill. And then i had my first rocket launcher.. aaaand a buch of other nice shit! And im still alive by this day! Without morphine and a pair of broken bones :( god save me.

Do you need some morphine still?

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You dont have to drop your backpack for it. Put it in your pack. When you want to use it jus drop your pack on the ground, take it out, and blow your enemy to oblivion.

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You dont have to drop your backpack for it. Put it in your pack. When you want to use it jus drop your pack on the ground, take it out, and blow your enemy to oblivion.

It's funny because it works the same way in real life! All kinds of children have rocket launchers in their school backpacks, it just fits right in!

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