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The Game - A Hacker's PoV

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If you use DayZ Commander, private hives are marked with a small X to left of the server name. Your characters on other servers have no effect here, and you will have to make one from scratch.

Pros for private hives:

1. Admins have significantly more power. If you smell like a hacker, they can ban you without having to provide logs.

2. More/better loot and vehicles, if the admin has chosen to create it that way.

3. Side chat is usually enabled.

4. Sometimes you start with more gear.

Cons for private hives:

1. Admins have significantly more power. If you smell like a hacker, they can ban you without having to provide logs.

2. More/better loot and vehicles, if the admin has chosen to create it that way.

3. Side chat is usually enabled.

4. Sometimes you start with more gear.

Not too worried about the cons. I don't do anything to cause suspicion such as hoarding or even PvP that much. I've hardly seen a vehicle so more can't be that bad, I don't really pay

Very informative. +Beans

What some people may like about them, some people view as cheating, just in a different form.

Honestly, you can't take these items from the private hive to the main one, so I see no advantage, how is that cheating? :L

1 shit cannot be "corrected" in this mod. All you and the cheating scum of your ilk are doing is ruining a great mod. Spoiling the "fun" for others... You are so dreammy!

2 you fuck wads are picking on the little guy. Rocket and BIS are gamers making games. You and your kind are unable to hack shit so you attack a company that actually makes games not games for mega profit!

3 fuck off!

1. Uh, yes it can. That is why it is in alpha, to correct it's errors. u r dum.

2. Hackers are not a race or a breed. Please stop referring to them as such because it makes you look silly.

3. nou

Edited by Rage VG

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What I mean by the private hive "cheating", for exmaple, is my friends.

"Why play on a server that hands you vehicles easier, starts you out with weapons, where the admins can abuse their power!" so on and so forth.

And, to begin with, Private hives were frowned upon.

1 shit cannot be "corrected" in this mod. All you and the cheating scum of your ilk are doing is ruining a great mod. Spoiling the "fun" for others... You are so dreammy!

2 you fuck wads are picking on the little guy. Rocket and BIS are gamers making games. You and your kind are unable to hack shit so you attack a company that actually makes games not games for mega profit!

3 fuck off!

On the contrary, once again.

The mod can be corrected by giving admins the tools they need to make the game a safer environment for the player.

"You **** wads" is a remark based that there is a specific group of people like me. I don't intend to "hack ****" or "attack a company", I am simply extorting a game in a form that can be corrected based on actions done by people like me, or learn from our mistakes.

Edited by Retr0

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Mm yes, but he could make it much more simple for server admins to do their job.

my point is it all happened organically. it was never meant to be this big. it didn't begin as something that would make it easy for server admins to deal with hackers. it began as just trying to get the mod to work

I know it's cliche, but it's an alpha. can you think of another situation where you have to worry about your alpha testers hacking?

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Ah, but in retaliation you could say

"Why play on a server that makes you work harder for your items, where vehicles are a miracle, only to be dropped into the ocean randomly and admins can't do anything about it?"

my point is it all happened organically. it was never meant to be this big. it didn't begin as something that would make it easy for server admins to deal with hackers. it began as just trying to get the mod to work

I know it's cliche, but it's an alpha. can you think of another situation where you have to worry about your alpha testers hacking?

The hilarity of that fact only just dawned on me.

Edited by Rage VG

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Rage you need to get the facts, they are going stand alone to fix it. Otherwise they would need to ruin arma to fix dayz. You are even dumber... Herp a derp!

You are right they are parasites.

And go fuck yourself script bitch wannabe.

Retro just because you can doesn't mean you should. Obviously your parents must be so proud of the way they raised you.

As for admins I agree but then what about those like you who would abuse the system because they can?

You are nothing but a script bitch and suck the life from gamers everywhere.

Edited by Pendragon

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my point is it all happened organically. it was never meant to be this big. it didn't begin as something that would make it easy for server admins to deal with hackers. it began as just trying to get the mod to work

I know it's cliche, but it's an alpha. can you think of another situation where you have to worry about your alpha testers hacking?

Yes, almost every other situation with every other gaming company PAYS their employees to try and hack their game. Why do you think games like Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, ect are very difficult to mod/hack/script in any way? Yes, of course the hacks are out there, but it isn't as simple as googling them.

As I stated before, how do you prepare a anti-cheat device if you have no idea what to expect? Simple! Get copious amounts of people to cheat it, report their findings, and then fix them before they go in to the standalone real-time.

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I may not agree with your hacking, but I do like that you put forth a good study with statistics being shown.

Enjoy my beans, sir.

May we see you in standalone?

Edited by HappyMushroom

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Haha, sounds like a great addition.

"Bots" are indeed appliable, physical or imbedded in the server. Have you ever seen a log file for a server? It updates to fast to read, but the problem is most of the scripts don't get logged due to Rocket dumbing down the logging for server owners. This makes it easy to bypass with CreateVehicleLocal scripts and what not. Run a automated "Auto-it" system that checks ALL of the scripts as soon as they're applicable, from a person picking up a can of beans, to a person spawning a helicopter. Log everything.

The way I look at it. If the servers all came with an embedded bot as well as Battle eye. It would help as well. Rocket could program it to scan and kick to his own specs, lock it to admins. It would add another layer to things. Just like "Lights" do to things.

For those of you that don't know places ward off would be criminals with -lights- car lots and things have bright lights all day every day as a main deterrence for criminal activity. I think a few layers of security would do the game a wild improvement because even if its all easy to by pass the scripting to do it to make to by pass say three different messures would start to get taxing and more work then worth. WHOOT SPENT A WEEK WRITING A GOOD SCRIPT TO BY PASS IT all then forget one little thing.

Having three blind and deaf people on guard duty isn't much but still, they've got a better chance between the three of them than one alone.

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It is relevant to quote Reddit rules here

"When a hacker employs their less than savory methods, they are usually doing so for a few main reasons:

  • They have fun doing so

  • They want to see if they can pull it off

  • They want attention

Option three is why we have our rule about no hacking related content"

The OP obviously falls under option 3, poor thing is probably ignored IRL. As with trolls feeding hackers attention only encourages them, moderators should close this thread.

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Rage you need to get the facts, they are going stand alone to fix it. Otherwise they would need to ruin arma to fix dayz. You are even dumber... Herp a derp!

You are right they are parasites.

And go fuck yourself script bitch wannabe.

I'm pretty sure as parasites are living organisms, they can be considered both races and breeds in some sense.

Secondly, What are you talking about? Are you saying they can change literally nothing with the mod because they can't change ARMA? Explain how Graphical artifacts were fixed, for example? I think I'm aware of the facts, and the fact is you have no clue what you are talking about.

Your quote is insanely ironic, also. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain" Yet here you stand, criticizing because something he did didn't fix literally every problem ever, condemning him as inferior to you because you don't like what he's doing, and complaining that you don't like hackers after clicking on a thread you know has a hacker in it. Ben's right, you're a fool.

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I may not agree with your hacking, but I do like that you put forth a good study with statistics being shown.

Enjoy my beans, sir.

May we see you in standalone?

And for that, I oblige. I do not condone hacking the way it is being treated, dropping players from the sky, kill commanding, and the like.

I see it as an opportunity for Rocket to consider the reverse method of the anti-cheat system. Get people to cheat the system, record the findings, deter the cheating, and continue until cheats are almost in-applicable.

Yes I will be playing the stand-alone because I support this game and the way it has formed 100%. I do not agree with Rocket's actions on some things, but he will get there. He is doing a fantastic job and he knows it. Keep his game up, and he will have a very successful baby on his hands.

And to the above, you can classify me under Option 2.

I like to see what I can pull-off, and what I can't. What has been detected, and what has not? I think it's sad to see that it took such a extended time for me to actually get banned. I would actually have much more faith if it happened in the first day or so.

This is week #4 of my hacking. I am not proud, I am not asking for forgiveness. Again, I will restate the fact I am providing the viewers of this thread with knowledge they may find interesting, if you do not, then there are other threads.

Edited by Retr0

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Not too worried about the cons. I don't do anything to cause suspicion such as hoarding or even PvP that much. I've hardly seen a vehicle so more can't be that bad, I don't really pay

Honestly, you can't take these items from the private hive to the main one, so I see no advantage, how is that cheating? :L

1. Uh, yes it can. That is why it is in alpha, to correct it's errors. u r dum.

2. Hackers are not a race or a breed. Please stop referring to them as such because it makes you look silly.

3. nou

I realize that the cons may sound like not such a big deal, but let me give you a few examples of why these can be bad:

Admin abuse cannot be reported. Period. If you annoy the admin in any way, you are gone. If someone says you're a hacker, the admin may just ban you without investigating. If you find a car and the admin wants it, you're gone. Etc.

More loot and vehicles sounds good, but on one private hive I ventured into, there were silenced guns in every fire station and 2-3 vehicles in every city. Might as well go play BF3.

Starting with more gear sounds good too, except that one particular server I know of lets you 'buy' guns. Making a donation to the owner meant you would always spawn with an L85AWS, and the larger donators would always spawn with a car.

All I'm saying is, be careful which server you pick. Some of the private hives are worse than public hives.

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I'm pretty sure as parasites are living organisms, they can be considered both races and breeds in some sense.

Secondly, What are you talking about? Are you saying they can change literally nothing with the mod because they can't change ARMA? Explain how Graphical artifacts were fixed, for example? I think I'm aware of the facts, and the fact is you have no clue what you are talking about.

Your quote is insanely ironic, also. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain" Yet here you stand, criticizing because something he did didn't fix literally every problem ever, condemning him as inferior to you because you don't like what he's doing, and complaining that you don't like hackers after clicking on a thread you know has a hacker in it. Ben's right, you're a fool.

You're a fucking moron, and if I have to explain it to you. The arma 2 engine is made so things can be injected in to it. See they made it that way, for them to correct it they need to change the source code. That effects arma as well as dayz. The graphical glitch was c aused by an injected item. Ffs I know shit about this shit and I seem to have a better grasp then a lolzhacker!?

I'm done you can't see past your own nose! Fine destroy the community more nub.

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Here's another instance of security,

This may take from the "realism", but hear me out.

Think for one moment, if it displayed who killed who, instead of "Retr0 was killed", it put "Retr0 was killed by Rage VG"

Then 20 more lines pop up by Rage VG killing people, wouldn't it be SO easy to BAM screenshot, BAM cheat reporting, or even shorter, BAM ADMIN BAN.

This is just one way the game could be modified in it's current state that would be so simple, but would make such a large change.

If this takes away from the game to much, at least make it displayable to the admins.

Edited by Retr0

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I personally like the anon. Killing, it keeps people from being hunted, general populace should not have access to that knowledge but a server admin should. Should be something that shows up in logs for -them- but not the general populace.

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Your "research" is useless. All you have done is told us something that every member of the DayZ community and every dev is already aware of. At least the fact you were banned tells us that Battleye works to some extent. If you cared even slightly about the future of this project you would have posted your findings to one of the devs or an admin without feeling the need to tell the world about your hacking. As I've said, this would have been pointless anyway, because the information you have given is already available to the devs. This demonstrates to me that you are proud of your exploits and have made a post here to get some sort of attention since you are now banned.

I look forward to the future of DayZ. Hacking will remain an issue as long as there are computer programmes. I hope one day you'll buy a game legitimately and enjoy it as intended. Many of us here work hard in our daily lives and enjoy the escapism a game like this can offer. People like you ruin that experience, for me that is the worst part about what you do.

*Thread locked - We don't need another hacking thread, or another hacker "contributing" to the forum.

Edited by Fraggle
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