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So i had M4A3 CCO and i found some guy inside a building, i sneaked behind him until i was about 2m away and then i shot him 5-10 times in back (all shots hitted) and after that i stopped shooting thinking like he must be dead already but then he turned and shot me one time with winchester and im dead...:dodgy: Was that a glitch or what? Is M4A3 CCO so bad? Worse than makarov LOL...:huh:

Post your own Bandit fails here too :D

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I was in NWAF, in the barracks, when I hear shots from outside. I close the door of the room I'm in, go prone and, feeling super clever, move to the side of the room so he won't immediately see me. about 5 minutes later, door opens, I empty a clip of AKM... into the door. He turns around and headshots me with a DRM. If that happens again, I'm crouching in the middle of the room...

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Walking up the stairs to the roof of the tower in Rog, I notice a guy crouched in the corner. Lined up the crosshairs with the blokes head and without going into ironsights fired the Enfield in 3rd person at point blank... and missed. Found I hadn't walked up the stairs enough and ended up shooting a round in the ceiling of the floor below. Last time I engage someone in 3rd person.

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Traveled to Sobor with a friend to cause some troubles. Found lil bit more that we asked for and my friend died from the .303 bullet stuck in his arse. Saw a guy behind, shot at him with Winnie and missed. Thankfully i had my trusty 1911 so i just acted bold and decided to jump on the guy from the other side of the house. He was smarter and hid. Had to dart in the nearby barn because i was all in the open. Zeds followed me so i had to hide there and wait so that dude gonna taste some if he decide to enter. And he did. He was bold and brave too and this was cool move :) Zeds bit him, he wasn't been able to spot me fast (neither I was) enough so he ran away bleeding and hid really close. I heard him running around and then crawling. It was my turn. I jumped off the barn and thought i will finish him off while he is crawling. Zeds bit me bad too, i started to bleed and after one circle i didn't found the guy so i decided to hide in the barn again. Tried to bandage myself but some zed was faster and break my bones. I had to start shooting them off since i was ended up cornered, bleeding and prone. Almost shot all of them, had about 3K blood, lots of meat in the pack and still really good on ammo. And then my character started to panic, crawl in random directions and so on. I was like "Fuuuuuu! Moron! Bandage yourself! Use morphine! Stop it you imbecile!" More zeds walked inside, i was pressing G like mad and threw a grenade under myself.

My adversary was still somewhere close outside and he continued to laugh over chat for quite some time :) Good times. Love this mod.

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So i had M4A3 CCO and i found some guy inside a building' date=' i sneaked behind him until i was about 2m away and then i shot him 5-10 times in back (all shots hitted) and after that i stopped shooting thinking like he must be dead already but then he turned and shot me one time with winchester and im dead...:dodgy: Was that a glitch or what? Is M4A3 CCO so bad? Worse than makarov LOL...:huh:

Post your own Bandit fails here too :D


I had almost that exact same bullshit happen to me! :dodgy:

I had just logged in, I was at NWA on the top level of the firehouse tower. I glance out the window towards the hangars and notice two players dart from a hangar to the firehouse. My first instinct was log the hell off and dodge the bullet, lol, but I checked myself and figured I'd just light their asses up as they came up the stairs. Well, homeboy suddenly warps to the top of the stairs with his back to me... I panic and start spraying on full auto, I'm pretty confident my first 10 rounds hit the wall but I know the rest of that 30 round mag was deep in his fucking spine. Well, he slowly turns around and blasts me in the face with a SINGLE Winchester round and then we BOTH die. Of course, his buddy came up the stairs after the carnage ensued and picked my body clean... got themselves some nice NVGs, M9 SD, M4A3 CCO, ton of ammo and grenades, GPS, etc etc.

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This is someone else failing, but I found it funny.

I was in Elektro with a friend, gearing up after dying. My friend calls out a sniper on the school and shoots at him, probably wounding him. I hear shots landing around my feet, so I run into the school to take cover, not knowing that the bandit was on the roof above me. I'm sitting in a corner, waiting for the guy to move or come to me. Suddenly I hear a crunch, pain sounds, and then flies. Turns out the bandit fell off of the roof and died. I ran out to loot his body. He had a Lee Enfield with three mags, all the useful tools, a ghillie suit (that I couldn't take, since he was wearing it), a bunch of medical supplies, an ALICE pack, and a Mountain Dew.

He was the most fail bandit I've ever seen. Couldn't hit a target with a one-shot rifle from 15 meters away, and then falls off of a building.

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In 1.7.0 when you spawned with a makarov~

I just spawned. Ran carelessly towards the closest buildings. (what do i have to lose? nothing? No need to be carefull.)

As i run next to the building i hear bullets hitting the wall. "oh shit!" i get inside a building and to my suprise a guy in a ghillie(sp?)suit witha silenced m4 started shooting me in the chest, i popp him in the face with the makarov a few times and we both die.

I lost 3min of gameplay. He lost... Quite alot more.

I didn't go back and loot the corpse though since i spawned way across the map.

(I don't respawn over and over untill i find a good spot.)

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Yesterday, after downloading, i logged into a server and i was still at NW airfield at the north barracks. I then decided to head to the firestation, some zombies were chasing me, so i literally ran into the firestation and up the ladders. On the middle floor i saw some guy standing outside on the firestation roof, but he didn't move at all. So i took my M9 and fired 6-7 shots in his back, waited a second, but he still didn't move, so i thought he was bugged or something, but suddenly, he turned around and took cover on the roof. I fired my last few M9 bullets into his body and he died, but his AK47 wounded me badly, so i went unconscious and died too.

Lost really good gear though.. my M9, one M107 with 6 Mags, 3x GPS, second biggest backpack, camo clothing, almost all tools. But yea, it was totally avoidable, i could have picked my M107 and shot him in his back while he was not watching, or i could have talked over direct com with him, like i do normally. :D

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I was in the barracks at the Northwestern Airfield, and I heard something really loud, like an explosion, I immediatly ran into the bathroom and hid from everyone, 5 seconds later, I hear another loud explosion and I am dead - pretty much with all the gear needed in the world.

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I was in the barracks at the Northwestern Airfield' date=' and I heard something really loud, like an explosion, I immediatly ran into the bathroom and hid from everyone, 5 seconds later, I hear another loud explosion and I am dead - pretty much with all the gear needed in the world.


Where is this a "bandit fail"? I mean you died without seeing why, that's bad luck for you, but this thread is mainly about trying to kill innocent survivors but failing on doing so.

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My Bandit fail would be I attempted to ram a player with a bike who was shooting at me and succeeded in both of us dying.

Only to have his two buddies come over and loot my corpse, saving his loot and getting all of mine.

Not mad or sad, laughed hard I managed to ram someone with a Bicycle. Was kinda hoping I would live. Yet hey, I was riding towards a guy shooting at me with an AK.

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