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m.w. vindicator

Unique Looking Weapons and Unique Ammo

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I am a history nerd and I was reading about the Soviet War in Afghanistan and the current war there with America.

I read about the weaponry the insurgents use. Many of them use Kalashnikovs of varying origin and quality. Also Lee-Enfields and occasionally western weapons.

But how does this relate to DayZ???

Chernarus was recently in a scenario similar to Afghanistan's. There would be a large demand for weapons. Black Market dealers would sell weapons and ammunition to many warlords. This is happening in Syria too.

In afghanistan you see



AKMS (folding stock. Prefered weapon of Taliban)

Type-56s (Chinese Copy)

Vz58s (Czech 762x39 Assault Rifle)

Along with Bulgaria,Romanian,Albanian,Indian,Iran, and copies.


Khyber Pass guns (my personal favorite and reason for post, more on that later)

PK machine guns

RPK squad machine guns


PSL designated marksman rifle

AK74 and variants and copies

*Google a weapon if you aren't familiar and reply if you think I missed something*

These weapon all flow into war zones for several reasons

1. Cost of gun. The weapon prices vary widely but these are normally cheapest. I read that in Syria a good Kalashnikov goes from $1000 to $1500 due to high demand.

2. Cost of ammunition. Approximate quote from a Syrian Free Army commander "A gun with no ammo is just a stick". M16s a great weapons but ammo for them is scarce compared to 762x39 which is much more common.

Another popular ammunition type is 762x54R. It is used by the PK, SVD, and PSL.

3. Easy of use and cleaning

Everyone and there mother wants more of these guns in DayZ. The thing I would like to see is visual differences to each gun. Factors could be quality and origin. At the moment every AKM is identical. Lame!!!

A Type-56 in great condition would look and function very different to a rusty AKMS. I really love how each weapon has it's own personality. Khyber Pass guns are copies and hybrids of existing firearms made by Pakistani gunsmiths. They vary greatly in quality and functionality. It would be cool if you could find hybrids or..

Make hybrids. (this is a radical idea).

It may not be possible but if Pakistani gunsmiths in their garage could make a gun why couldn't the player combine gun parts into a hybrid. It would be a very unique system and would end up being a little like borderlands with bazillions of unique weapons. This is just and idea.

I think some hybrids would be great successes and others would be horrible failures. Some weapons could explode when fired if not properly made.

Finally ammunition quality should vary. I think Rocket has mentioned an idea similar to this. Corroded bullets wouldn't fire as straight as good quality rounds. Taliban warriors' magazines are often filled a variety of bullets.

Some have argued that this is Chernarus not Afghanistan or imaginary Takistan but I think the same phenomenon would have occurred in Chernarus pre-apocalypse and in the initial out break stages. During the initial outbreak the demand for guns would have gone through the roof and into space. I imagine that the price of firearms would have inflated greatly. People would have acquired guns from many different sources.

It is likely the Kalashnikovs and there copies would be bought by many different people. These people probably stashed them away for emergency use. Governments don't allow automatic weapons. That is why they would be hidden in Deer stands

Edited by Vindicator
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Chernarus is not Afghanistan. You should play ARMA 2, you will see. Here was russian army and americas army, so post soviet and americas weapons. Khyber pass guns is nice idea, but here weapons from arma 2 only.

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Chernarus is not Afghanistan. You should play ARMA 2, you will see. Here was russian army and americas army, so post soviet and americas weapons. Khyber pass guns is nice idea, but here weapons from arma 2 only.

I do play Arma 2 alot. Many of the guns are in Arma 2 already and that is why I would to see them in DayZ. I wrote this at school and I had to go so that is why the idea and thoughts are incomplete. Sorry for any grammar.

Edited by Vindicator

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Another note. I don't necessary think all these weapons need to be added but variations of the existing ones.

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I like the idea of keeping Dayz as realistic as possible, and in the realest sense, no two guns are the same (IRL).

Example: Finding a stockpile of good condition M15s isn't an issue, it's the one with the broken firing pin you have to check for.

Good idea. Beans to you sir.

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you have my beans sir, good idea.

Chernarus is not Afghanistan. You should play ARMA 2, you will see. Here was russian army and americas army, so post soviet and americas weapons. Khyber pass guns is nice idea, but here weapons from arma 2 only.

Rocket has stated that he isn't following the Armaverse and that any history of the area is going to be written from scratch. (Sorry I don't have that quote off hand)

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you have my beans sir, good idea.

Rocket has stated that he isn't following the Armaverse and that any history of the area is going to be written from scratch. (Sorry I don't have that quote off hand)

Alright. But in the early stages of the apocalypse there would have been a huge increase in demand for firearms. The formerly listed weapons would be in high demand due to the listed reasons. So there would still be an increased amount of weapons flowing into the country in my opinion.

As for hybrid and makeshift weapons, if they are implemented there shouldn't be any sort of guide for what works and doesn't work. Players with have to figure out combinations of parts that do and don't go together by themselves.

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While I am on the topic of customization I should talk about clothing.

In Chernarus 2.0 there will be many more enter-able buildings. DayZ standalone will be a more loot oriented game unlike Arma. Clothing customization will undoubtedly be added. I would like to see clothing have a warmth value and an inventory space associated with it. You could find shirts and overcoats, pants, boots, mask, and hats. It would give a player more identity with their player.

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