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Since DayZ is based on the Take On Helicopters engine.. This map might be possible?

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It's called Real Virtuallity Enigne and is the same Arma 2 is running on. DayZ will be running on an improved version of it, similar as but not exactly the same as Arma 3.

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Well, it will look the same as Arma 3 I guess, just stripped of some of the mechanics that aren't needed for DayZ and some added especially developed for DayZ that Arma 3 doesn't provide.

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Seriously in a near future, I'd love to play DayZ in Seattle. I know the graphics settings for making a HD video in the editor and for 50-60 player experience is very different, but I just can't help dreaming. Maybe by improving the ground textures slightly or adding some visual effects, smoke, fog, smog, dust, grain, you could lower the view distance and mabye squeeze some reasonable fps out of the map.

You could have a majority of the city be scorched by fire, leaving most houses and building in inentrable ruins and turn sewers, subways, a few large buildings into large instanced maps of their own. C'mon Rocket I know you want to.

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This Map could be awesome.. but those residental blocks should be there too.. not only the "manhattan :D" with skycrapers

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A washington state map would be cool from my research wa state is smaller than chernarus

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A proper inner city map is what I've been waiting for, it would be a great change from the open layout of current DayZ maps.

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I did visit that map, it's optimized to the max for helicopter play, it looks absolutely horrible from the ground and i doubt that the engine can support much more of it.

To give you an idea, does the ground looks slightly blurry? It's exactly how it is at ground level, everything is painted on. The only places that have a little more details are the takeoff/landing zones.

It's a great game, seriously, buy it. The only helicopter game where you can get out of your chopper and walk around. It also merge with arma2, like operation arrowhead.

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If you look on PlaywithSix, DayZ Emita City is there.

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  On 12/2/2012 at 6:44 PM, ComradeClash said:

A proper inner city map is what I've been waiting for, it would be a great change from the open layout of current DayZ maps.

CQB mixed with rooftop sniping, i'm sold!

(now really, i'd like this)

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I would love to see a map with a big town and subway (big like Gta IV (not looking like but big like and not on an island)) . but we need a contry side area with farm, small airport and small town like the chenarus map. The problem is the map would have to be fucking big. maybe over 500 km/s... (just saying)

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If this makes it into the standalone which I would easily pay another $20 for, then this would be beast, especially for those of us who live in washington and visit seattle often. People like me would easily be able to navagate the whole city and everything.

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  On 1/21/2014 at 6:47 AM, Dlcoates1 said:

If this makes it into the standalone which I would easily pay another $20 for, then this would be beast, especially for those of us who live in washington and visit seattle often. People like me would easily be able to navagate the whole city and everything.


It won't. It would take years to model interiors for all of those buildings and they're nowhere near finished with Chernaplus yet.

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