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To buy or not to buy?

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I am getting ArmA:CO on Saturday, should I buy it? I wanted to play DayZ so bad, but are the other two games(ArmA:OA and ArmA2) still fun to play? or should I just wait for the stand alone.

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Get it you will

Not regret it ! Arma 2 in itself is so much fun and dayz is fucking amazing ! Go for it dude it's the best 25 quid I ever spent

Edited by Hank_scorpio

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It really is up to you. I would read some reviews and so on and then make your choice. There's plenty of information available about all of the games.

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The arma games are Pretty much fun , and you can have some decent fights that require real Skill.

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I know how you feel man.

I simply love the movies posted on youtube and clips on this forum, but I'm afraid to buy it before I try it.

None of my friends play it... so I'm kinda stuck here.

I even tryed asking the community for a "demo" - lend me the acc for 2h. And I felt like "going into electro yelling FRIENDLY while shooting an AK47 in the air." haha

Don't want to buy the game then see that it's not for me... like I diablo 3. =(

+ The standalone might be here soon.

Sry for the thread hijack... but I have the same problem :D

Edited by Epialt

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I suggest buying the standalone.

Why? Scripters.

But if you have the extra cash and you really want to play Arma2, Arma: OA, and DayZ then it is a pretty good deal.

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I'd still buy it again despite it's problems with hackers, standalone is coming out this year though if you don't mind waiting.

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I am getting ArmA:CO on Saturday, should I buy it? I wanted to play DayZ so bad, but are the other two games(ArmA:OA and ArmA2) still fun to play? or should I just wait for the stand alone.

Arma2 and Arma2:OA are togheter arma2:CO ,,, you will get Reinforcement (BAF and PMC) lite free whit a patch, and now olso the lite version off ACR DLC"s.

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It will be hard, it will be brutal, but in the end you will love every fucking second of it.

Just stay off US servers, they're hacked to hell.

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I like both Dayz and ARMA II they have great fun missions that require skill. If your looking for something you can just jump in kill people n jump out of get something else. Otherwise I'd get both DAYZ mod and the standalone.

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Do yourself a favour and look at Arma 2 on Youtube, If you like it buy it.

DayZ is great despite some of the issues, but with more maps and more coming soon your money will be well spent either way. Just make sure your P.C. can run it as it can be a pain in the arse having the game and having gameplay issues.

Arma 2 Is a great game and the amount of other Mods (Other Zombis mods inc) are superb. Dayz standalone will come out eventually but Mods will come out all the time and DayZ mod will change over time anyway, probably by the community when BI drop it due to standalone.

It's definately a thinking persons game, And not a shooter like the majority on the market.

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I was in the same predicament as you for a long time. After torrenting the game and playing on cracked servers (which were terrible) I decided to buy it and it was the best decision ever. You might as well learn the ins and outs of dayz so coming when the standalone is released you don't completely suck. Abs it's worth it, even after playing for two days was a reassurance it is well worth th money.

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Thanks for the comments guys, this really helped me. I'm gonna fucking buy it.

Edited by DoppelG

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I'd buy it, you get not just Arma2 and DayZ but there also so many other mods out there I.e. Takistan Life

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