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About talbess

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey there, i'm new to the forums so I apologize of this thread already exists :) I along with a few other dayz members I have spoken to would love to see a dayz store open up. My main reason behind this is because if a poster style map of the Dayz maps came out (much like the map on http://dayzdb.com) that I could have in my room and large enough to have pins to mark out high value areas etc. I know if this existed I wouldn't hesitate in purchasing one. What are some ideas you would love to see if a store opened up?
  2. talbess

    To buy or not to buy?

    I was in the same predicament as you for a long time. After torrenting the game and playing on cracked servers (which were terrible) I decided to buy it and it was the best decision ever. You might as well learn the ins and outs of dayz so coming when the standalone is released you don't completely suck. Abs it's worth it, even after playing for two days was a reassurance it is well worth th money.
  3. talbess

    DayZ Stories

    I'm running, out of breath. One foot in front of the other with a hungry zombie on my trail. I've managed to lose the horde down to one and approaching the out skirts of a town I am sick of running. I turn around and load my second last bullet into my Winchester and crouch and take aim as the wild beast runs further towards me. The peiricing shot of my rifle stops him in his tracks and a dead silence takes its place. Soon after I hear more screams of zombies and realized I have attracted more to my position. I run into the forest, then I hear a voice. "Woah man, stop running I can help". I spot another survivor with a makarov, I circle around and he lays his clips into the beasts, killing all of them. I thank him for his help and offer him medical supplies for helping me. Never taking my guns barrel off his position. We end up forming a friendship and going through and savaging supplies through towns on our way to elektro. We were raiding a military base and he ran off to lure the zombies away from our position. He told me he's falling back to the apartments, I wait... I then hear a few gunshots. I wait a few more minutes then decide to try and find him. I never did, now I walk alone. Making my way to elektro. I don't remember his name, but this survivor helped me incredibly. So far I have never had a hostile run in with a survivor, this however was the best experience I have had in dayz so far.