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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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except for hackers, the cons are not cons IMO.

Also, please let dayz logout automatically if it detects a skype, ventrilo, teamspeak, mumble etc.. running. 3rd party communication negates real ingame player interaction. people need to feel desperate for human contact. and please remove tents, they're just abused to circumvent permadeath.

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I've suggested this myself ealier. It'll makes it feel more special when you actually find a gun, and it will encourage some teamwork between freshly spawned survivors.

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Your best defence is in being sneaksy' date=' not the Makarov. And besides, finally finding your first gun would feel GREAT!


Trust me, it does...but finding the first Pepsi, when you are dying of thirst, even better. Finding the Chezh Pouch was a close 2nd.

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a realistic 'buffer' combating the game breaking aspects of pvp griefing, also providing a significantly increased atmosphere due to defenselessness

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Make it a temporary thing. If' date=' after some time, players really hate it, revert back to how it is now. I'd like to give it a shot.


of course ppl wont like it at first

you took away their beloved starting gun that makes starting 100x easier

ppl like easy, but easy games are not remembered for their quality

it is the truly challenging games that stick around for ages

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This has actually changed my mind. People will be way more trusting since every man and his dog won't have a gun' date=' and if someone does they'll be less likely to kill you if you are unarmed (no threat).


Bandits don't care about threats, they just shoot you in the face.

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Lots of mention on encouragement to team up and help but then of course you have the..

you spawn, you meet up and run about with 5 others looking to kit up, YOU find a winchester, and then proceed to bump off each of those with you in turn for beans and other goodies they collected while also looking for a weapon.


But in general I like the idea so a YES for testing at least for now..

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Finding someone to team up with who has a gun has incentive' date=' and the person who has the gun feels more inclined to be "trusting".


VERY interesting point... but do you actually think this would happen? Interested to hear other thoughts on this.

Honestly don't think it has the potential to draw fresh spawned people together. Think people will shoot on site more in fear of loosing there precious gun. If you want to promote teamwork I think you need a join group feature.

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Instead remove makaroni and add the crossbow as starting weapon with bolts in your backpack, good for zombies, bad for death match, also it fix the lader bug.

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Honestly don't think it has the potential to draw fresh spawned people together. Think people will shoot on site more in fear of loosing there precious gun. If you want to promote teamwork I think you need a join group feature.

but players look vastly different when they are unarmed. So you're not going to shoot people that clearly dont have a weapon because you are "in fear of losing your precious gun"

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However, just leaning to one side will not work. You need to find a balance between the two.

I think what needs to be done is reduce the amount of ammunition you start with to one magazine. Players will be less willing to use up their only mag killing another survivor especially since it takes an entire mag and then some to drop a guy.

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It sounds like a very odd and interesting thing to try out.

It promotes teamwork, but it also promotes backstabbing.

"Hey let's team up, you cover that entrance with the pistol and fend off zombies, while i loot and try to find another weapon."

"Whats this, a crossbow? hmm... What if I had a pistol aswell..."

New oppertunities arise, you get put in a stalemate where both have weapons and you wonder if you can trust this other person won't kill you for your newfound weapon. And he wonders the same about you.

I approve of this suggestion, as it would spice things up heavily. It would however put many people in the position of being a prey.

Side-effect would be players learn to con other players, I wouldn't call it trust or bonding... Rather a forced cooperative event that lasts until they get to break free from eachother, or one kills another.

The guy with the gun only has a limited amount of ammo, shoot the unarmed guy or let him leech off your offensive capabilities in favour of himself?

Share the supply and loot with this person, or end his life? You get a choice, you don't HAVE to shoot the guy...

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Instead remove makaroni and add the crossbow as starting weapon with bolts in your backpack' date=' good for zombies, bad for death match, also it fix the lader bug.


Thats a very good idea, start with a xbow and 6 bolts. Make bolts stackable ammo. I love the crossbow.

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It would be ok to spawn without gun, if something like stones or empty cans given instead for throwing and stunning zeds, giving time to run away and hide.

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crosses the line b/w realism and fun. traveling/searching is the most tedious mechanic' date=' don't expand upon that if you're looking for more hardcore gameplay


A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease.

Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive.

Step 1: Scavenge (Loot/Weapons)

Step 2: Slay (Zombies/Bandits/Survivors)

Step 3: Survive (??????????????)

Thats what the "Mod" is all about Realism/traveling/searching....

How is that a tedious mechanic :huh:

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Simply reduce the amount of starting mags and bandages to half of what it is now and reduce the spawning chance of makarov mags. As it is now they spawn in such abundance that playing carelessly with the makarov is no problem at all.

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Honestly don't think it has the potential to draw fresh spawned people together. Think people will shoot on site more in fear of loosing there precious gun. If you want to promote teamwork I think you need a join group feature.

but players look vastly different when they are unarmed. So you're not going to shoot people that clearly dont have a weapon because you are "in fear of losing your precious gun"

I would like to think someone is going to stop and look to see if I’m armed or not. I think realistically they are going to see me and shoot first rather than debate it. Much like it is now.

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-Make the Makarov a common spawn

-Give people less incentive to kill freshly spawned players

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a. make spawns more sporadic

b. hackers will be dealt with

c. zombies are easily avoided with the tiniest bit of forethought

d. you dont attract zombies in the first place so you dont have to hide. if you do attract zombies' date=' get better at sneaking


a. ok

b. ok

c. agreed

d. ok, however as i said "in it's current state". so in it's current state you can be seen through walls, attacked through walls, closed doors have no effect on zeds. So despite anything you do to avoid them, they can still see you and attack you without warning while you're in a building. Sneaking has nothing to do with that. So all that, and you want no means to defend yourself.

which is why in my original post i said it could be interesting with the proposed changes in the new patch.

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BUT, we do need some sort of melee defense. A knife, fists, a plank of wood.. anything. I'm all up for making things more realistic and less about run-and-gun, but we can't be completely harmless.

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a. make spawns more sporadic

b. hackers will be dealt with

c. zombies are easily avoided with the tiniest bit of forethought

d. you dont attract zombies in the first place so you dont have to hide. if you do attract zombies' date=' get better at sneaking


a. ok

b. ok

c. agreed

d. ok, however as i said "in it's current state". so in it's current state you can be seen through walls, attacked through walls, closed doors have no effect on zeds. So despite anything you do to avoid them, they can still see you and attack you without warning while you're in a building. Sneaking has nothing to do with that. So all that, and you want no means to defend yourself.

which is why in my original post i said it could be interesting with the proposed changes in the new patch.

you can hear zeds from a long ways away.

before entering a building, scout around it first

it would necessitate a whole new level of situational awareness

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It should make the game more difficult while also making early mass PVPs less likely. Both positives in my eyes.

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Yes and no.

I'm on the fence. Try it out. Lets see how it goes.

I came in here to say fuck off this sucks. But playing it through in my head I'd like to actually test it out first before making a decision. Hehe.

20 words or less HAHAHA! You're a funny guy, you.

(I won't be doing shit though if lighting stays the way it is *jab jab* :P)

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