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DayZ Development Blog #2: The integration begins

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it's been said before "ArmA 2.5"

I know it's a bummer that's why I keep mentioning that you guys demand these features:

(I know its repetitive, 3 post about it just today, but if these features don't make it into the game I hope Rocket is aiming at a 1.2 million copies sold and a boom of 4 months, because that's all he'll get)

Real Melee (directional)


Player customization

Yeah...It needs to be feature packed or it'll be just another game that was all hype and fell on its ass before 6 months passed.

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Looking forward to SA, but i've not heard anything about price... Any ideas?

Estimated around 10-15$

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Does it being on the same engine as Arma2 OA mean that we still have to put up with the terrible lighting system?

I was hoping for some better night-time play with the more advanced lighting of Arma 3 :(

For me, personally, it is the ARMA II engine that has made this game so visually appealing from the onset. The way lighting works means there is no practical light hack allowing ppl to see unhindered in the dark (no amount of contrast or brightness adjustment is going to give you any more detail at night). Any other engine would have resulted in this game/mod looking like another cartoon zombie fps.

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It has been a month, do we have an updated? new post?... Can't see the tumblr feed from here :(

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It has been a month, do we have an updated? new post?... Can't see the tumblr feed from here :(

"Too busy for twitter! DayZ tumblr update soon though I promise!" - Rocket on Twitter (10/8)

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"Too busy for twitter! DayZ tumblr update soon though I promise!" - Rocket on Twitter (10/8)

Is it normal that im f5'ing the hell out of http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ ?

but seriously though, i still prefer rocket taking his time on this game to do things his way and by not hastening this game just because the community demands it. As my opinion as an artist, Forcing yourself to work as fast as you can because you want to please somebody or everybody doesn't make good art. (Yes, i view video games as an art form)

We might wait a little bit longer. But you got yourself a Masterpiece that you wouldn't regret on making.

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Seeing that it will still use Real Virtuality 3 engine from Take on Helicopters will DayZ standalone support just 4-CPUs? No support for esacore CPUs?



Really? That's a deal breaker for you? Stability, security, efficiency, earlier release are less important than whether or not it supports more than 4 cores? The fact it's an awesome game doesn't matter?

OK, goodbye.

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If the 4 cores will be enough to run the engine at "full throttle" why would it need to support more cores?

You may even have those "left over" cores for ther use...

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