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I admit defeat

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I've tried god i have tried to be a decent person in this game, tried not to shoot on site even when i could of easily killed them first,

tried to help people when asked, avoided people when silent, told people friendly time and time again. Even tried to find servers

claiming to be friendly, but these place do not exist like the promised lands of old.

I get it now though, i understand. I've learned the lesson i should of months ago. The only way is BANDIT

So a new man i am. From now on : If i see you i kill you

If your in the same building as me i kill you

If you got what i want guess what yep i kill ya

I never wanted this but i've been pushed to far now i can't go back,ladies and gents there a new DOUCHEBAG in chenarus

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i feel you bro. A while a go was playing and ran into a guy with no gear at all. the guy asked for my ax and i gave it to him then we walked away to different ways. 5min after i saw this guy and started to walk after him with my pistol in my hand and just chilling with him. But then we noticed a corpse and as i was looting it, SMASH i got raped behind with my own ax. From now on the only thing i give to ppl is a bullet in the butt.

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Never trust anyone ingame because you can't see their face/expression/eyes to see if they're telling the truth.

If you do team up with some random stranger never turn your back on them, always watch indirectly where they're looking (most of them aim for your head lol).

Never enter the building first with them behind you don't ever tell them what you are really carrying.

I just kill on sight everything aside from my brothers I play with =)


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I've tried god i have tried to be a decent person in this game, tried not to shoot on site even when i could of easily killed them first,

tried to help people when asked, avoided people when silent, told people friendly time and time again. Even tried to find servers

claiming to be friendly, but these place do not exist like the promised lands of old.

I get it now though, i understand. I've learned the lesson i should of months ago. The only way is BANDIT

So a new man i am. From now on : If i see you i kill you

If your in the same building as me i kill you

If you got what i want guess what yep i kill ya

I never wanted this but i've been pushed to far now i can't go back,ladies and gents there a new DOUCHEBAG in chenarus

Welcome to the real DayZ :thumbsup:

not pussy footing around in the wilderness stroking goats and cows for your kicks!

Get out there and kill em all!

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You should have been playing as a bandit from day one, i thought people would know better then to trust randoms on the internet.

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“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy.”

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I have to admit tho I have seen some players 2-4 survivors teaming up to survive and work together. I can tell they were complete strangers because all they did was communicate in direct chat voice/type. It was fun watching them watch eachothers back and share their loot. I think I recall them splitting up ammo and being fair about the supplies. BUT it was even better watching them go into panic shooting at eachother thinking that one of them shot the other. When really it was me who shot them once so each of them gets hit and them BOOM they turn around and start shooting at eachother. The smart ones usually yell they didn't shot and it was from someone else blah blah blah. Those ones I usually just have to kill them all. BUT keep looking you might find some trustworthy players who can team up with you.

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I've tried god i have tried to be a decent person in this game, tried not to shoot on site even when i could of easily killed them first,

tried to help people when asked, avoided people when silent, told people friendly time and time again. Even tried to find servers

claiming to be friendly, but these place do not exist like the promised lands of old.

I get it now though, i understand. I've learned the lesson i should of months ago. The only way is BANDIT

So a new man i am. From now on : If i see you i kill you

If your in the same building as me i kill you

If you got what i want guess what yep i kill ya

I never wanted this but i've been pushed to far now i can't go back,ladies and gents there a new DOUCHEBAG in chenarus

All right, I love this shit! go get em senior grumpy pants! :thumbsup: Beans for j00 mang! :beans:

Finally someone who is not quitting, they just tired of taking it and wanna give some back. I wish you luck with vast amounts of player kills

Edited by Faceman Peck

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Well yes; It's always possible to decide what kind of man you want to be. Or, as in your case, to let others dictate that choice for you. Sorry to see you become a part of the problem.

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meh everyone has always been a threat to me in this game since day one lol

sorta devo tonight i got my 20+ day character killed by a hacker (yep i know i shouldn't be surprised)

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Well yes; It's always possible to decide what kind of man you want to be. Or, as in your case, to let others dictate that choice for you. Sorry to see you become a part of the problem.

can you identify the problem for me, cuz im not getting it... :rolleyes:

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Playing DayZ the bandit way is for noobs. Catching an AS50 from a tent and killing the shit out of people doesn't require much to do it.

Playing DayZ the hero way is pro. Only kill bandits, help survivors and other heroes whenever you're able to. This requires more than clicking a mouse button: it needs social skills.

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Playing DayZ the bandit way is for noobs. Catching an AS50 from a tent and killing the shit out of people doesn't require much to do it.

Playing DayZ the hero way is pro. Only kill bandits, help survivors and other heroes whenever you're able to. This requires more than clicking a mouse button: it needs social skills.

accoding to whom?

lawl another one is butthurt from snipers

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Heh yea we all have been betrayed. Here is my vid when some guy betrayes me after I gave him blood transfusion (although I shot him first because he stalked me with axe and did not say a word, I told him he scared the shit outta me and that I will fix him with blood bag, guess he was pissed or just generic dbag).

That mentioned encounter starts at around 2:14

Edited by Hombre

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I feel bad for you. Friendly people find means outside of game to see who's friendly and team up. Ex: teamspeaks.

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You do realise that becoming a bandit you are only going to drive more people to banditry? I have nothing against bandits, you can play the game how you want to play it, I guess it's about integrity, about how much punishment you can stand and still be a good guy.

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accoding to whom?

lawl another one is butthurt from snipers

He's right about the first part, it is easy as hell to get an AS50 and camp on a hill to kill those barely equipped passers-by.

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It's not that i think people shouldn't play as bandits thats the great thing about this game you can play how you want survvor ir bandit. Nor do i think it's about integrity or that bandits are some major issue, hacker are a problem being killed by a bandit is just annoying..

I've been playing for months since there was about 400 000 players and 99% of people have or tried to screw me over .It's just that i'm tired of being on the recieving end and now feel like dishing some out.

Perhaps this will make me a better player in genral as i have never really played much on the pvp side of this game, perhaps i'll learn a few things.

When it's out my system maybei will go back to being a good guy who know.

But now i think i'm gonna have some fun.

P.S Just got my first official bandit kill in cherno got it felt good HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

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I have nothing against bandits. In fact, they make the game a lot more interesting.

But for me? I will just stick to the nice guy route.

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In the Standalone.. If they added bases, where the only way in was by Keys given out to its members.. there would be a sure and safe way to store and gather supplies.. Unless you have a traitor or someone died and the person picked up there key and managed to find the base.

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