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A Guide For Noobs

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Hello, and today I will show you how to survive your first day in chernaurus.

DayZ is becoming a very popular game. People buy ArmA 2 + Addons everyday JUST for DayZ. If you are that person, then this will help you become a better player in DayZ. This post is based on my opinion and what I think will help you in DayZ.

First off, if you have any questions or comments after you read this, please feal free to write them down there.


There are many essential parts to surviving in DayZ. You may be able to survive off one thing, but you won't last long.


DayZ can be very complicating. But once you learn the basics it makes it seem very easy. Controls can start out hard, but here is a picture to help you know the main controls in the game. http://androidrocks.in/preview.php?ss=2&id=240 Your Inventory: Your inventory is a very important thing in this game. I will just let this picture explain that i found on google images. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/images/thumb/b/b3/Elunah.com_DayZ_Inventory.jpg/700px-Elunah.com_DayZ_Inventory.jpg To loot an item you need to use your scroller and scroll down to "gear" and click the left mouse button or hit enter on your left keyboard. ( not numpad ) Another important thing in this game is the movement system in the inventory. For some reason it is a but complicating for new players. When you are looting an object on the left, you see numbers nuext to objects. That shows the number of that object in the loot pile. on the right it shows how many of that item you have in your inventory. To put the item from the loot pile into your inventory use the right arrow you see when scrolling over the item. The left arrow takes it out of your inventory. To open your bag click on your bag, then click ( on bottom of screen ) "open bag." Symbols: On the right side there are four icons there. They represent the major things that you need. When they are green, that means you are perfectly good and don't need to fix/repair any of those things. If one is slightly red, or red, then you need to fix that. One symbol is a thermometer. This records your body temperature. You do not want to run for too long or this will get high. You could even die. You should either crouch walk by pressing X once or drink something. Another symbol is the food symbol. This shows your hunger. It has the fork and knife on it. You need to eat regularly to survive in DayZ. It also keeps your blood up. There is also a symbol that looks like a water drop. That is the blood symbol. It basically is what i just said. It is how much blood you have. To keep that up you need to eat. If you see the blood symbol flashing with a cross that means you are bleeding. You need to bandage yourself. To bandage yourself press G. If you have a bandage, right click it ( When it is on the right side ) and left click bandage self. . .The last but not least is the water bottle symbol. This shows how much water you need. Find soda and water to keep that up. Tip: When you start out don't start in big servers. Start in small servers, because in big ones you might get killed, and loot is scarce.


Looting is probably one of the main things in DayZ. There are many things you should loot, and many things that you shouldn't.

Here I'll show you a graph of MY OPINION on what to loot. I'ill use percentage to show how important looting that item is. A lot of stuff you can't even use on yourself or for yourself.

Any kind of empty can = 0 - 30%

Water bottles when empty are very usefull. You can fill them up at a water source and get a constant water supply. But regular tin/metal cans are useless if they are empty. That is probably one of the most common items when looting.

Food/Water = 40 - 70%

Looting food is probably just as important as looting guns/ammo. Food keeps you alive and keeps your blood level high. When eating food your blood increases, and so does your food level. When you drink it is the same thing, but with your drinking level.

Guns/Ammo = 0% - 100%

This depends on many factors. http://i.imgur.com/BuY29.jpg

Here is a chart on showing the importantness ( Lol ) of each gun and weapon. This shows the ammo type, damage and much more.

Clothes = 70%

This depends on what kind of clothes. You probably will want to change into any clothes. The best type is a ghillie suit. That is a huge part in this game. You can be technically invisible when in the woods.

Flares And Lights = 20%

You probably don't want to pick these up. If you do use these and want light/attention at night use flares. Survivors come running, and so do zombies.

Medical Supplies = 90%

This is very important. Bandages and painkillers help you alot, they will make you last and survive. Blood bags help if you are with a friend. They can give you a blood transfusion and you can get full blood back.


http://dayzdb.com/map Here is a map of chernauras. It shows where places are, looting areas and important things. There are 4 important looting places in my opinion. Cherno, Elektro, NW Airfield and NE Airfield. The ones you will probably want to go to first is Cherno and Elektro. They have the best loot in the game ( Considering Surviving ). The places you should loot are fire houses http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/images/3/3e/Land_a_stationhouse.jpg , churches http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/images/thumb/9/92/Land_Church_03.jpg/300px-Land_Church_03.jpg

hospitals http://media-chernarus.cursecdn.com/avatars/117/802/Land_A_Hospital.jpg

school houses, and hospital tents http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=671&tbm=isch&tbnid=i2fdnG_A9TLNCM:&imgrefurl=http://db.dayzwiki.com/buildings/91-hospital-tent&docid=iXkjCxzyzaZ6JM&imgurl=http://media-chernarus.cursecdn.com/avatars/117/857/USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital.jpg&w=800&h=598&ei=Lg9VUMafNsiUiAK7ioCYDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=641&vpy=312&dur=878&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=221&ty=81&sig=103720809338280874802&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=232&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:95

To get into hospitals you need to break the glass with a melee weapon.


This is probably the easiest topic to write. I Have learned that in the end everybody wants to kill eachother. Just don't trust everyone you come by. Either kill them or just pass by. You should only team up with people you already know that will help you. Snipers are in a lot of places and want to kill you for your stuff, so watch out.


Axes are a big part to survive if you are a noob. They are VERY Common, and they one shot kill zombies. If you find one, just pick it up. When it is on your toolbelt, right click it then left click, remove from toolbelt. You equip it as your primary. When you are holding it you will see a mag symbol. Just Middle mouse click and it will reload the axe for you. It sounds wierd but you have to load an axe. When using an axe on zomibes, you want to kill the zombies before they see you. So you should sneak up and hit them. Axes are a simple temporary weapon untill you get a nice gun.


Surviving all depends on spreading out your findings. You want to find the best stuff and just basically survive.

I'm Still Editing This So PLEASE Comment On Anything I Should Add.

Edited by Aliikekoa

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if you think food is not useful you are deluded :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:food can keep you alive food helps you on journeys food makes you feel good

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Not sure why Pasta wouldn't be useful :o

I know. It is usefull. I was wrong. It's just as usefull as any other food. Edited by Aliikekoa

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if you think food is not useful you are deluded :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:food can keep you alive food helps you on journeys food makes you feel good

I don't mean food is not usefull. I was tired when i wrote this.

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Pasta barely restores blood.

Pasta restores as much blood as any other canned food. I bet you're biased in favor of beans and wanna put pasta down.

Edited by Angryofficer

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Dude you gotta re-write this whole thing.

Empty water bottles and even empty cans are more useful than any gun, for the most part, when you are just starting.

Explain how to break the hospital glass. (note you said cans were not useful). Explain why you want what's inside - and why you can't use half the stuff in there on yourself.

Re-write it with an eye toward explaining how to survive the first 5 or 10 minutes, and a goal of getting enough stuff to survive the next 30.

Also how to learn from your death in minute 31.

Good job on the axe, but you forgot to explain that it needs to be reloaded. Nobody expects that, even if they are lucky enough to find an axe when they first start out.

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