TheLonelyFrog 4 Posted September 12, 2012 Browsing the forums is getting me a little worried. BE surfs on a mass ban wave and yet there seem to be even more threads yelling "Hackers!" than there were before. I'm starting to see things like common glitches (spawning on the beach for no reason/ respawning after dying with gear/ glitching and ending up with only Ghille) being pointed out as hacks. Car is gone? Hackers. Tent is empty? Hackers. Got in a firefight and died? Hackers. No good loot? Hackers.What worries me is that these posts are starting to sound like the chat in APB: Reloaded, where every loss of a mission results in slews of hackusations. Now the forums are nowhere near that bad, but they feel a tiny bit closer than before. And it worries me because this is exactly what happened to APB. It started out with a lot of hackers but has been pretty damn clean for a while, yet people accuse everyone else of hacking.Asking your honest opinion, does this seem to be the case or am I reading this all wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 92 Posted September 12, 2012 No wonder you are lonely, you think the world is out to get you....Nah.. I dont think it will get that bad, at the moment everyone seems to be at the hating the devs for the moment (not me), then it will move to hating the dogs when they get implemented and we will see all sorts of stories about 'you shot my dog!' etcGiven the amount of forum users and browsers it aint that bad actually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLonelyFrog 4 Posted September 12, 2012 On 9/12/2012 at 4:25 AM, Arch said: No wonder you are lonely, you think the world is out to get you....Nah.. I dont think it will get that bad, at the moment everyone seems to be at the hating the devs for the moment (not me), then it will move to hating the dogs when they get implemented and we will see all sorts of stories about 'you shot my dog!' etcGiven the amount of forum users and browsers it aint that bad actually.I think playing APB has scarred me, but I would rather think I'm insane when it comes to the internet than see this community slide into the depths of hackusation hell.I wasn't even thinking about the dogs. Can't wait for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SWC_Jesfa 0 Posted September 12, 2012 With the way hackers are, and the limited ways that exist to catch them, it's pretty much an assumption that when you die, it's from a hacker. I'd guesstimate the amount of times I've died (other than spawning in Kamenka and running to the nearest zombie, that have been 100% legit deaths with no thoughts of "hacker!" appearing in my head, to be like 10%. Hitting someone many times with a gun to see no blood/death, seeing them with a missle launcher, dying from what appears to be an impossible angle, etc etc etc. All COULD happen, but when in DayZ things seem to be shady, they generally are/make you believe they are, whether it's legit or not. :/Then again, 96.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot. >_> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted September 12, 2012 (edited) I have faith it will improve considerably with standalone, I hate hackusations but you can't really blame people with the amount of cheating currently in the mod. Edited September 12, 2012 by smasht_AU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sheepdawg 278 Posted September 12, 2012 People hate change. Hacking in this game is actually(what I assume) easier than most. There is barely any fortifications against hacking, and its a mod of a game. THe damn "game" is essentially a hack of the game. So, people are going to doom and gloom. I have blamed hackers for thigns that just dont feel legit. It is obvious when your tent and car is in the middle of nowhere on a low popluation server and then MIA one day, what really happened. It is not hard, nor really secret that hackers run this game. Have i SEEN a hacker? NO. Have i logged into a server thats been nuked? Yes sir. Whos to say someone isnt "wall hacking" in this game. Its really easy to see a youtube video of people doing this and in a game like spec mode, no sort of regulating or proving hacks, it is WAY easier to get away with.Please note that I have never hacked in this or any other game(unless you count game genie a hack lol) but I get peoples frustrations. This game is about surviving, and when you spend DAYS...err DAYZ looting and building something up, and its wiped away while you snooze IRL, its rather annoying, and brings out the worst of emotions in people.Its always something. VAC sucks, Punkbuster sucks, BE sucks, etc. People need a way to vent but on THESE forums, I have to kinda "tie goes to the runner" because it's way easier to believe someone hacked yo shit, than the server took a poop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gambles 234 Posted September 12, 2012 I take it you're new around here? Hacking in this mod is so bad even Rocket said there is not much he can do about it until stand alone. It is just everywhere, the hacks are easy to find, and hard to detect because of how arma works. With ease of use and little risk hackers will run rampant. And they do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venthos 605 Posted September 12, 2012 (edited) I know it sounds like a broken record, but there is a reason people keep saying this.It's an Alpha mod on an engine that borderline encourages cheating given how trusting of the client it is. Every time I see a post about "DayZ is dead/dying/doomed to fail/blah blah" I just face palm. It's clear that everyone continually forgets the circumstances of this mod.When standalone progresses through Alpha and into Beta, then you guys can start up the cry machines and you'll start to have a point. Until then, the constant BRAND NEW threads about the same rehashed topic and the same thread participants is just getting so goddamn tiresome.It's the brand new threads that irks me. We always have at least 1 active thread about how someone is stating "too many hackers, bye" or "I know why DayZ is going to fail" and that shit. Stick to the existing active thread or don't post a new freaking thread. I'd love to see a new forum section called the "Cry Bin" or "Ocean of Tears" where the mods just move all that bullshit into it. Edited September 12, 2012 by Venthos 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 12, 2012 What others said, I love high population servers but I really only go on as a fresh spawn due to these servers being hot spots for hackers. For me it has cooled down slightly, but I still spot obvious hackers on a weekly basis even on private severs (or obvious signs like SUV or gun boxes) . But hackusations are driving me crazy, every third kill I get seems to end in hackusations on private servers with side chat enabled. I get if we crossed path on some forest (although everyone runs through forests so it is somewhat common and I am always scanning), but in calamar (lingor's cherno) you expect other players. Not everyone teleported, many of you were either unlucky or careless.TL;DR Hackers are common but so are hackusations. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLonelyFrog 4 Posted September 12, 2012 I'm not worried about hackers because I know they exist and understand that no major steps can be taken agaisnt it until standalone. I'm worried about people having odd experiences and blaming it on hackers. Yes, it's possible, but it's also possible that shit happens. It's possible that someone did stumble across that well-hid tent or your car and made off with the stuff you worked hard for.The whole reason I came up with this rant is because posts were starting to remind me of APB, and that's probably clouding my judgement quite a lot. I'm just scared that one of the funnest games I've played in a long time will be ruined by hackusations even after the hacking problem is (hopefully) resolved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted September 12, 2012 On 9/12/2012 at 4:40 AM, Venthos said: I'd love to see a new forum section called the "Cry Bin" or "Ocean of Tears" where the mods just move all that bullshit into it.Personally, I love this idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 119 Posted September 12, 2012 (edited) I picked up APB:R a couple of days ago, just to see that "hacker's paradise" in action, honestly, I didn't see any obvious hackers.And people in the chat seemed pretty friendly (overall, of course, there are always the little kids, but hey, this is the internet!), and I didn't see that many hackusations either.Btw, I find the game to be pretty fun, even if some of the weapons you can only get by paying real life money seem really OP (mostly thinking about the silenced MP5).And I don't think DayZ will become a hackusation fest, because the standalone is on it's way, and there will (hopefully) be a new anti-cheat system (I'd love it if VAC was in it, but I doubt it's going to happen). Edited September 12, 2012 by MeDuzZ- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLonelyFrog 4 Posted September 12, 2012 On 9/12/2012 at 4:58 AM, MeDuzZ- said: I picked up APB:R a couple of days ago, just to see that "hacker's paradise" in action, honestly, I didn't see any obvious hackers.And people in the chat seemed pretty friendly (overall, of course, there are always the little kids, but hey, this is the internet!), and I didn't see that many hackusations either.Btw, I find the game to be pretty fun, even if some of the weapons you can only get by paying real life money seem really OP (mostly thinking about the silenced MP5).That's what I'm saying. The hacking problem has been well taken care of in APB yet it still has that reputation. And yes, sometimes the districts have a quiet chat with a few friendly people, but I have been in quite a few districts where hackusations and name-calling fills the chat constantly. I've been accused of hacking at least 3 times, which is funny because I'm just barely a decent player. It only takes one team having a bad time to get the arguments started and it creates this spiral of negativity that just keeps feeding itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerwyn 77 Posted September 12, 2012 This game really ramps up your emotions, when I get into a tough firefight in CoD or Battlefield, my heart doesn't race nearly as fast as it does at the sound of a single gunshot on DayZ. And I believe that fact may have something to do with the hackusations.I've noted on many videos, even the professional ones like Sacriel's that in the heat of the moment, it's easy to think you were killed by a hacker, when in reality, your aim was just off, or the hit detection hated you, or you simply didn't hear the guy sneaking up behind you. That said, there are times when the hacking is -very- obvious. like the thunderdome, server nukes, etc. but not every death is from a hacker, sometimes newbs get lucky, but it's hard to look at a situation logically when you're pumped full of adrenaline from a tough fight.To point, I can only think of two situations in my time here that I can reasonably use the accusation of hacker, the first was a mass server teleport to Elektro, pretty obvious, but the second was a bit trickier. I had just killed a man I had busted trying to sneak up on me, but he'd managed to break my legs before he went down, while I bandaging and waiting for my friend with the bloodbag, I hear someone on direct say "What do you call a man in your situation? KA BOOM!" and I was shot dead. I swore, but wrote it off as just someone stumbling across me laying near a deer stand. but not thirty seconds later, my buddy reports getting killed, "Alright," I think, "Terrible luck, but we can start again. Ten minutes later in Cherno, the -exact- same voice, using the exact same tagline, and the exact same gun shoots me dead, this is in addition to a rapidfire list of deaths, and I can't believe that it was all coincidence.All that said, in my second example, it could be understandable if I'd yelled "Hacker!" at the first death, simply because I thought I'd scanned my surroundings thoroughly, and my emotions were still high from having had a very close brush with death. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted September 12, 2012 We all need haxcinations, not antibiotics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites