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Stuff in tents is gone

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Date/Time: 6/12/2012 around 11pm Pacific.

What happened: All stuff in tents disappeared except for medical supplies, I did save all tents and they had stuff before, a lot of stuff.

Where you were: North, (secret base)

What you were doing: Logged in after server restart.

*Current installed version: 1.7

*Server(s) you were on: Seattle 9

*Your system specs:

*Timeline of events before/after error: Well first all my tents/vehicles were gone because of bad server restart, then when another fixed that all the stuff in the tents were gone.

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Now my tents are completely gone except for the medical supplies tent, is there any way I can get reimbursed for the items? it was quite a lot and I don't know why/how they disappeared. Even after 2-3 server restarts the tents never returned.

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Oh, come on! Tents suck big time, everyone knows that. You might have been followed and your tents could have been looted.

It's an alpha, and besides, it's a game mechanic - everything can get lost/stolen, so you won't get reimbursed anyway.

I spawned in wilderness with lots of equip and no water/food, but shit happens, don't get too attached to your stuff or you won't be able to have fun.

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You probably know that tents might not be loaded correctly when a server restarts, but they usually reappear with the next restart.

[...]All stuff in tents disappeared except for medical supplies[...]

That, however, pretty much sounds like someone just found your stash and looted it.

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Tents will disappear two days after the character that placed them dies. Were all of your tents placed by your current character?

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Yeah, I had died but I placed all the tents, and no if they found my tents they would have taken all my vehicles. I placed the medical supplies there and I placed all the tents. I don't know why only the medical stayed and why all my other tents were there, then they were emptied(some of them were just food or car supplies or just basic stuff) and then they all disappeared, except for my medical supplies tent.

And that removing all empty tents thing, I lost my tents yesterday. If I lost it because of that when they weren't properly loaded I definitely should be reimbursed for that as it was the server/dev fault for my stuff being removed on accident.

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Dude you got robbed ffs, hide your tent better.

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I did not get robbed, as I said, if I did they would have stole my vehicles and left my other useless items, why would they take lee enfield mags and scrap metal and leave blood bags and cars?

.. but you died' date=' so they probably disappeared after two days.


Why would all but one disappear? and why would they first spawn empty and then next server restart not spawn at all?

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Yeah' date=' I had died but I placed all the tents, and no if they found my tents they would have taken all my vehicles. I placed the medical supplies there and I placed all the tents. I don't know why only the medical stayed and why all my other tents were there, then they were emptied(some of them were just food or car supplies or just basic stuff) and then they all disappeared.


.. but you died, so they probably disappeared after two days.

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I follow people to tents or look for them in places I would put them all the time and rob the stuff I need. I would never take a blood bags most useless if your lone wolfing it.

I will never take a car if is one attracts too much unwanted attention.

I'm guessing you were robbed or your tents dissapeared 48 hours after your charater died and you didn't replace them.

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I follow people to tents or look for them in places I would put them all the time and rob the stuff I need. I would never take a blood bags most useless if your lone wolfing it.

I will never take a car if is one attracts too much unwanted attention.

I'm guessing you were robbed or your tents dissapeared 48 hours after your charater died and you didn't replace them.

But why would they first come up empty except the medical tent, then all but the medical tent disappear, also I have bikes/atvs and cars so I doubt he would not take at least one vehicle, especially with the location of the camp. Along with that I had backpacks in the tents(not just one) and they were all gone. So your telling me one guy took more than one backpack and left vehicles or that a group came and took the backpacks but not the blood bags/vehicles.

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Can you recall anything special about the tent was not emptied. Was it placed first, last. Long time between placements. Was there something that did disappear from the tent.

Details that seem minor is very important if someone is gonna check if its a bug.

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Well on the day the tents were empty(I believe most likely due to a poor server restart) the development team decided to wipe all empty tents. Now I feel like this was terrible timing and down right ridiculous. I feel that I should at least be told what happened.

The medical tent was not missing anything at all, Just all the other tents were completely empty when the server came back online.

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some one probably used your vehicles to run down the tents.. .as this causes items to be destoryed

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Got almost same problem. Server restart cleared my tents. I can swear it didn't get robbed since car stand near tents and car is FULLY of goods too. Goods in car is all there after server restart and tents are empty.

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I didnt know you could loot cars until recently, so whenever i found one i ignored it, cars attract too much attention.

Tents i would raid, but i wouldnt take blood bags.

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everyone who has used a tent, has missed items before. its not like you're the first person who has this issue.

Dayz wont reimbours this for you. you will just have to find new loot again.

I myself have lost 2 full tents of gear after a server restart. shit happends :)

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Yup , shit happens. Not like i'm goin emo over loosin spare NVG/Coyote n stuff , just tryin to help dev's figure out what could be case of such problem. It's an alpha and it's buggy to hell : )

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I have found that when I first place a tent, anything that I place in it dissapears after the first server reset. From then on everything saves as normal. Happens every time.

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this just happened to me and two friends, did a run on the NWAF, got back to our tents and filled them up with shit, left the site and the server restarted and now everything is gone.

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I can also vouch for this.

My buddys and I were playing all afternoon, and stuff from our tents dissapered.

Second time today.

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Our two tents were wiped after server crash.

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Okay. I hid my tent extremely well I highly, HIGHLY doubt my tent was raided within 12 hours. It was extremely out of the way and barely visible from anywhere even when you were within feet of it. Rocket has screwed something up or wiped all the tents. I didn't die, and it didn't get looted. It was within 12 hours on a low population server.

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