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pingu (DayZ)

abusive kids arent helpful please dont click this

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ok last time i made a forum immediately kids who were just plain suicidal starts hurling abuse like theres no tommorow.. anyway i got banned by battleye for "hacking" all i wanted to do was kill my friend by blowing him up not going to be a kid and start flying through servers destroying things left right and center and was wondering because i have another steam profile that has arma 2 and OA bought on it, i was wondering if i changed my login details to that account and launched it through that account would it ban that account or would i already be banned or what please help

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Hacking is hacking. If you're too stupid to realize that then I'm glad you got banned.

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There is no way that you can justify Hacking its plain wrong and stupid to boot. Spoils the enjoyment of a great game for others.

So please stop with this, you made the error in judgement so live with it.

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I just wanted to blow up my girlfriend...

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I hope you miss out on everything cool in life.

Don't start that kind of shit on this forum.

Pingu, the fact is battleeye's global bans are linked to the IPs. So if you ever want to play again, you're gonna need a new IP. Which comes with a new computer. You should think about how hacking fucks up a gaming community. DayZ isn't about "fun" and lolz.

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This game has being ruined for many legitimate users by people who cheat. People like you, 'pingu'. Don't expect any sympathy from them.

This thread is just going to be a rage fest, so I'm locking it.

Don't start another on the same subject, that's spam and will get you in trouble here on the forums as well.


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