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An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

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Yeah guys this wont be in the mod probably, the place to look for a plane would be the standalone

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This is indeed the best vehicle Idea I've seen in a while, 1+ support :D

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EDIT: Nevermind, they removed two of the civilian skins but the green military An-2 is in game now

First, patch notes state:

* [NEW] An2_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned.(AN2_DZ)

But then state:

* [REMOVED] An2_1_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.

* [REMOVED] An2_2_TK_CIV_EP1 Got removed during testing devs felt it lacked perpose in the game.

So is it added or not? If yes, has anyone even seen one yet? I've seen and/or built all the other new vehicles except this one.

Edited by spamaddict290

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i have seen one but only on a private hive.... so I can't say for sure, that it is in.

P.S.: quite a lot people in europe can handle a gun. Not many own one but many people served in the army and learned how to use and maintain a gun (even I did so) and I know that the safety is not only a on/off-switch.... there can be multiple states (burst, auto, safe)

Edited by The L!ne

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