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FogeyZ Gilly

How do you DEW!

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Well. Started of on Sunday morning looking forward to logging in up north with my new fancy kit. Was rocking a dmr,m4a3 cco ghillie suit coyote backpack with all the tools in the world, but as per 'alpha shit' I spawn on the beach with nothing at kemenka.. Fed up I moved back north thinking my kit would still be there... I got to stary sabor and thaught fuckit , best raid this incase some chump has looted my body my first find.. MOUNTAIN DEW .. I look at it... Shall I? Yeah why not, loot the store and get map compass Alice pack, tent , go through the town in the big barn to the south of the tents to find a shiney new cz50 Beut! get to the mil tents and a m4a1 awaits me..all going well... Nwaf is next on the list, north bound I head again .... Is that a ? It is aswell ! The crashed chopper is not far from the mil tents in the field to the northwest , set my tent up in ze bushes and take a m14 with ammo, fal with 1 clip from the chopper.As I circle round back to the tent I set up using a different route I bump into someone else's tent.. And inside there's a dmr Nvgs rangefinder gps cammo clothing ,sweet, 10 foot further stashed in the same group of trees another tent. As50 L107 MK48 M4a3 cco ssd all with plenty ammo spare Nvgs rangefinder toolage ... All this after 2 hours picking up the DEW..

So ... How do ya DEW!

Cheers for ya swag lads! ( I didn't save your tents so wait fort server restart)

Edited by English_infidel

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I keep hold of it and die shortly later.

I drink it and have good luck.

Now I just drink it. It is cursed I tell you!

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I hold mountain dew close to my heart, and it keeps me alive in impossible situations, always gives me the drop on everyone I meet, and lets me find the best gear.

It is nice to find another player that has been blessed by the Dew Gods... But be careful, they demand sacrifice of innocent blood, or they shall feast upon yours.

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I found a dew today and then ended up finding a fully repaired V3S and ATV. Thank you dew

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I die within moments of finding it.

Sunday(on Lingor) found a dew, 5 seconds later 2 Zombies spawn directly on me begin to hit me, I run out of building see a bandit go to raise gun and drop dead, bandit was faster.

Later same day (still on Lingor more dew found here) find another, I think what the hell drink it, BANG and I bleed out unconcious on floor

Its cursed

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My Dew once blocked some AS50 Nato rounds so I could survive. And I swear, the can was still intact!

Some other time it distracted an m136 Rocket. The rocket flew some circles around me and than straight back to the Bandit who tried to kill me with it.

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I'm more blessed by water bottles. I was in elektro on top the shool and took a drink, just as my character bent down an AS50/M107 round flew over my head, needless to say I was running into the building before another shot could get lined up.

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mountain dew is what started the zombie apocalypse what happened was the scientists of green mountain tried to communicate with the dew gods of the mountains and the gods saw it as a threat against the dewy kind. so they turned all of the non-believers into zombies, and the rest of the dewians were transported to the mountains to live with the dew gods.


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I found 3 (I kid you not) 3 in the same day on the same server, didn't have space, just drank them all. lived for 30+ days, got all the tools I ever wanted.

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I die the moment I get one, if not that then just a little bit longer, and not to normal things. Straight full retarded shit. :|

Edited by Orlyy

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Found one today, then found a ghillie suit a few minutes later. Is there anything the dew can't dew?

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I drank a mountain dew once.

And after tonight I can tell you it takes sixteen days for the poison to run it's course.

Farewell my beloved M107, you shall be avenged.

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My group's bodies duped whenever we logged out on our home server. Two of us had mountain dew at the time. We've elected to do the right thing and drink all of the duplicated soda pop. We've had six dews in the past 12 hours, just 12 more to go.

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