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US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

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Server Name:

US 1992

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CST (Central Americas)


9/9/2012 ~9:45

Server Administrator('s):


What happened:

I was banned for having 15 satchel charges (I incorrectly recalled in appeal thread as 12, 12 in coyote backpack 3 in inventory) and a radio. Group of 4 took some satchels into 1992 and I blew 3 buildings, a hospital church and market in cherno. Afterwards I was running around with my group finding people to kill, during this time we killed probably 3-4 people then the server started to lag. 2 of my friends got auto kicked for ping and the other was reconnecting. While that was going on I got banned with message "Nope. Submitted to CBL."



Admin cites these logs as proof of wrongdoing https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=956'>https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=956

Reported by [url="https://code.google.com/u/[email protected]/"][email protected][/url], Today (7 hours ago)
[b]GUID(s) affected:[/b]

[b]Log excerpt(s):[/b]
09.09.2012 09:18:28: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:25 44:4 [6850,2499,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:18:39: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:26 44:4 [6851,2508,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:18:50: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:35 44:4 [6862,2498,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:19:03: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:45 44:4 [6869,2503,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:19:09: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:46 44:4 [6872,2493,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:19:20: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:47 44:4 [6864,2485,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:19:37: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:49 44:4 [6863,2496,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:21:27: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:51 44:4 [6902,2492,10] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:24:27: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:52 44:4 [6671,2305,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:24:34: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:54 44:4 [6688,2304,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:25:17: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:59 44:4 [6549,2309,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:26:11: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:66 44:4 [6587,2385,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:26:18: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:67 44:4 [6596,2394,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:26:52: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:71 44:4 [6563,2414,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:27:11: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:73 44:4 [6577,2411,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:27:17: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:74 44:4 [6568,2418,6] [0,0,0]

[b]Additional Info:[/b]

Comment [url="https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=956#c1"]1[/url] by [url="https://code.google.com/u/[email protected]/"][email protected][/url], Today (7 hours ago)
09.09.2012 09:37:08: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:147 44:4 [6504,2530,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:37:29: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:149 44:4 [6512,2523,9] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:37:40: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:153 44:4 [6509,2528,14] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 09:39:40: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:155 44:4 [6812,2707,6] [0,0,0]

Comment [url="https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=956#c2"]2[/url] by [url="https://code.google.com/u/[email protected]/"][email protected][/url], Today (7 hours ago)
09.09.2012 06:55:34: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:20 245:5 [6545,2313,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 06:55:42: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 245:21 245:5 [6517,2332,7] [47,-64,0]
09.09.2012 06:56:03: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:23 245:5 [6528,2347,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 06:56:42: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:25 245:5 [6523,2359,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 06:57:29: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:65 245:5 [6582,2383,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 06:57:37: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:80 245:5 [6593,2400,6] [0,0,0]
09.09.2012 06:57:47: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:87 245:5 [6569,2413,6] [0,0,0]

I was then told that I need to contest the ban at a 3rd party site, possibly for ad revenue here http://www.overclock.net/t/1298898/overclock-net-official-dayz-servers-ban-kick-dispute-thread and that I also need to contest my community ban list addition (which effects many servers) at another 3rd party site here https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist

Afterwards I was told that I was not banned for blowing up buildings, but the reason was not stated except that I would have been banned anyway automatically for "flooding" the servers even though the timestamps clearly show no flooding.

To clarify you were not banned for destroying anything. Also worth mentioning these entries would have tripped an automated ban by Anti-hax if Object Flood Protection were enabled.

Then after asking for more proof of my "hacking" or some kind of wrongdoing that permitted a ban I was given this saying my ban was self-explanitory.

2012/09/09, 9:17:53 "STARTING LOGIN: ["52538822",B 1-1-A:21 (rawrerz) REMOTE]"

2012/09/09, 9:17:53 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "52538822" rawrerz"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "Locality Event"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "Locality Event"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,'31842277',[135,[6849.7,2499.87,0.754579]],[["FN_FAL","glock17_EP1","ItemFlashlight","ItemKnife","ItemHatchet","ItemRadio"],["FoodCanFrankBeans","ItemSodaCoke",["20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL",19],"20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL","PipeBomb","PipeBomb","PipeBomb","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]],["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[[],[]],[["PipeBomb"],[12]]],[22,51,51],Camo1_DZ,0.96]"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:21 (rawrerz) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "Locality Event"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "WRITE: ['PASS']"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 Server: Object 44:6 not found (message 94)

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0.0659969,0],0,[614.969,554.162]],[0,0,0,0],["glock17_EP1","amovppnemstpsraswpstdnon",42],[135,[6849.7,2499.87,0.754579]],-70593]"

2012/09/09, 9:17:54 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-3-K:1 (rawrerz) REMOTE Type: Camo1_DZ"

Later after further asking for what I have done I am told that I actually only had 4 satchels to begin with with, which is wrong. The log above clearly states 15

"PipeBomb","PipeBomb","PipeBomb" ... [["PipeBomb"],[12]]
I assume this is to try and "prove" that I was scripting them in, but every time you put down a satchel (pipebomb) it logs that its down, not blown up... On some of them I had placed them and picked em back up because I didn't like placement or had a better idea before blowing them, they are very rare afterall...

After all this trying to almost justify I am astonished by what was written next.

Coincidentally once the three bans were added all suspect activity on the server stopped.


Not for nothing we've got over 272 bans submitted to the CBL (https://code.google....ter:overclocked) with only a single appeal which we provided logs for and was committed. Also worth mentioning the server you were banned from is ranked in the top 40 on GameTrackers, and is the 8th in respect to US servers including private servers. The point here is we see lots of logs, I personally spend time reviewing all of our submissions to the CBL:. Nobody is right all the time BUT given the state of this game (alpha) and how hacked to all hell it is as Admins need to do everything we can to protect the players that choose to play on our servers. When you add everything up, createvehicle entries, the *RPT entries, timestamps, the chatter in VOIP, your attitude here, and our experience reviewing logs it becomes more obvious.

So this admin who couldn't even read the inventory entries correctly and couldn't figure out that the satchels are logged upon placement has over 272 bans on a COMMUNITY banlist. Refuses to justify or even state the reason of the ban and flat out disregards the administrative rules for the public hive. Then gloats over how popular and ranked the sever is?

lol, you're clearly not getting it. Good luck with your witch hunt.

I don't even really have anything to say... I am just at a loss of words.

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15 Satchel charges ??! My player is 67 days old now and I have never seen even 1 satchel charge in the game, even in tents - yet you have 15 WITHOUT cheating ?

You can't blame an Admin for being suspicious they were hacked in.

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I didn't use them all, every time a satchel is placed it logs one of these

09.09.2012 09:19:03: rawrerz ( 062ed693052c291dd98e7b6500d6c6f1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:45 44:4 [6869,2503,6] [0,0,0]

You can deactivate them if you have placed them to replace or take them without using, I did this because me and my buddy got confused on who was going to blow the firehouse (didn't work anyway), at that time I picked up 4 that I laid.

Just because its logged does not mean it was exploded or is a individual satchel, I could actually produce those logs from 1 satchel...

Edit: An I have found 2 legit satchels, not in .6 tho. The ones I was using I found in a random tent.

Edited by rawrerz

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US 1992 Admin abuse! You only need to see the firehouse in Elektro! Is a fuckin militar base for his clan!!! And his clan [OCN] use AS 50 TWS!!!

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US 1992 Admin abuse! You only need to see the firehouse in Elektro! Is a fuckin militar base for his clan!!! And his clan [OCN] use AS 50 TWS!!!

Having a base and using scripted weapons isn't admin abuse, kiddo.

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Hello. I would like to point out that this thread was brought to my attention by another member of Overclock.net. I have ZERO control or power over the game servers of OCN. A simple google search should reveal to hopefully most that OCN isn't some "clan".

On a personal note, I haven't known Vortech for too long. Several months would be an accurate approximation and most if not all of OCN members that play on OCN game servers will stand behind Vortech on his bans. He has ZERO motive to place an improper or unnecessary ban.

I would like to point out that in the previous thread created by rawrerz, he demanded in what seemed to be a threatening manner that we better remove this ban "or else". He has shown greater persistence on reversing this localized ban (Submitted to CBL for further examination.) and playing witch hunt against OCN and Vortech, that it is reasonable to claim rawrerz has some personal vendetta against one if not both. Vortech has displayed his evidence which I feel is far more than what should be required and I guarantee that I say this without bias.

"Group of 4 took some satchels into 1992..." In this person's previous thread, he claimed to be part of a group of TWO, not four. His story and excuses lack consistency.

Our use of legal and legitimately acquired AS50 TWSs isn't abusive or "illegal". We happen to have numerous players from OCN playing on our own OCN servers working together to secure a location and hopefully a town. What actual clan server open to the public would NOT attempt to do the exact same? Once again, I would like to point out that OCN is not some clan but a website filled with members that enjoy everything about computers. It's rather insulting to be dumb-ed down to such a level as being considered a "clan". rawrerz, you have been locally banned from OCN servers ONLY from Vortech's administrative actions against your GUID. There are countless different public servers that could be selected. OCN's 1992 server is within the Top 5 server list on gametrackers. With such a ranking, it's obvious to expect that we'll be a high target to attacks which requires accurate and rapid response from our server moderators.

From one gamer to another, please stop playing "witch hunt" and move on to enjoy playing DayZ in a fair and legitimate manner.

DISCLAIMER! The words that I have typed don't represent OCN or its administration. I am a single player that has been a member of OCN for over one year and have enjoyed every moment.

I would like to point out that I might have had a little bit to drink tonight so I apologize for any and all mistakes. Again, I don't represent OCN but as one member showing his support to our server administration.

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This thread was just brought to my attention.. I've already indulged this user once so if you'd like to read everything in the proper context be sure to see my posts here (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/89573-us-1992-admin-abuse-banned-w-submission-to-cbl-for-blowing-up-buildings/). I applaud the user for his new found theory and poor attempt to twist my words out of context. Maybe they'll be some new excuse in the next thread when he dreams it up :lol:. In all seriousness though, we try to run things as professionally as possible on our servers. The lengths this user is going to slander me personally,OCN, and the inconsistency he is displaying while doing it is a bit concerning.

Please if anyone wishes to comment in this thread be sure to read over my replies in the original thread. :beans:

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I don't know why these types get so butthurt. What a joke.

Also pretty stupid to think satchel charges and other scripted items are "legitimate" ....please. A cheater brought them into the game against the rules, dropped them and you picked them up. So how are you any different from the cheater? gtfo.

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I don't know why these types get so butthurt. What a joke.

Also pretty stupid to think satchel charges and other scripted items are "legitimate" ....please. A cheater brought them into the game against the rules, dropped them and you picked them up. So how are you any different from the cheater? gtfo.

Satchel charges are legit DayZ loot, http://dayzdb.com/database/satchel-charge

Pretty shady that TruYadoo gave you his beans especially since he openely admitted to using AS50 TWS' while claiming they are legal (its not a DayZ weapon).

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I don't approve the usage of hacked items like AS-50 TWS (a weapon that is not and never was legitimatly in DayZ), but that is not the issue at ahnd ehre.

I think Vortech did the right thing to protect the legit and fair players on his servers by banning you rarerz. You change your story consequently. if you would really acted like you claimed, that story wouldn't change from thread to thread. In police interrogation it's common that criminals change their story because they lied and thus can't remember all the lies and will change their story after several times. Suspiciously, you did the same already in the next thread.

It's also suspicious that you are trying so hard to get Vortech and the server balcklisted. Smeels like a personal vendetta for me.

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I don't know why these types get so butthurt. What a joke.

Also pretty stupid to think satchel charges and other scripted items are "legitimate" ....please. A cheater brought them into the game against the rules, dropped them and you picked them up. So how are you any different from the cheater? gtfo.

Satchel Charges are a legitimate item...I do find it rather hypocritical that they banned someone for likely using duped satchel charges when they themselves use illigitimate guns (AS50 TWS) though.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Ok I stand corrected.

I figured they we not, since that's what I've read in a few places and have never seen one in game. Neither have any of my friends.

My opinion still stands about those guys with AS50 TWS's though. This guy seems like one of those types. Stir up some S*** and then cry "hey I'm not technically breaking any rules"

Then drag it on and on and post about it? Find another server to play on. Seriously. It's easy.

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I ban when I see the TWS in my logs, I also would have banned this guy (the OP) when i saw the 'ItemRadio' entry, although the only time I have seen those in my logs has coincided with someone having an AS50 TWS as well.

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Satchel Charges are a legitimate item...I do find it rather hypocritical that they banned someone for likely using duped satchel charges when they themselves use illigitimate guns (AS50 TWS) though.

I've held an AS50 TWS once but was unable to find someone to kill with it. I will admit, I love sniping and quite well at it in most shooters but no such luck with DayZ. I picked that AS50 TWS off some random person one day that has no relation to OCN. I honestly didn't know that it was an illegitimate weapon and would have never picked it up in the first place if I had known. I dislike all forms of unfair aspects, including aspects that were intentionally added. (Don't get me started on CoD's extremely OP 3 round burst rifles..)

I won't make an excuse for what other OCNers are doing on our servers but it does NOT change the fact of the topic at hand. If someone would like to discuss THIS further, feel free to make a seperate thread.

This person, rawrerz still has an inconsistent story and seems to have some personal vendetta against our community as a whole, our servers, our members or a combination of those. The evidence has been shown and reasons have been explained, I will stand behind Vortech with this ban.

@rawrerz, find another server and let this rest in peace. I'm sorry it came to this but our administration was doing what's best for our server and that included locally banning you. Goodbye!

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I ban when I see the TWS in my logs, I also would have banned this guy (the OP) when i saw the 'ItemRadio' entry, although the only time I have seen those in my logs has coincided with someone having an AS50 TWS as well.

I too only see the radio on someone who also has the AS50 TWS. If they are on the server I warn about the items and they usually leave and never come back.

My personal opinion: The use of ANY item that is not a legitimate item per the wiki ( ie Hacked In), should not be allowed no matter how you got it. They are not allowed on our server.

This seems like a couple of players who need to just find a different server to play on. Unless they have proof of you actually spawning the items in, the CBL will deny the ban. They will not add a ban to the CBL based on what a player has on them upon login.

OP and Server admin need to part ways and let it go.

Edited by Reality

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Ok I stand corrected.

I figured they we not, since that's what I've read in a few places and have never seen one in game. Neither have any of my friends.

My opinion still stands about those guys with AS50 TWS's though. This guy seems like one of those types. Stir up some S*** and then cry "hey I'm not technically breaking any rules"

Then drag it on and on and post about it? Find another server to play on. Seriously. It's easy.

You're digging a deeper hole for yourself with every post, time to quit while you're behind champ.

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The OP, rawrerz hasn't replied for almost two days so he might have finally realized that our local ban will stand. IF an issue ever arises later, local bans can be appealed at this link provided. http://www.overclock.net/t/1298898/overclock-net-official-dayz-servers-ban-kick-dispute-thread

I would like to point out for those that don't know, rawrerz mention of the notification that he received when he was banned is our default notification that has been presented to everyone that has been banned. ("Nope. Submitted to CBL.")

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in a semi-unrelated post does anyone know the admin for 1993. ive been wrongfully banned and would like to receive clarification before writing a thread accusing of wrong doing. im sure this was a mistake of some sort since i had nothing hacked in or suspicious at the time that i was kicked/banned and threatened to have my guid sent to CBL. just a response as who to talk to about this would be nice. thanks.

Edit: went to your forums to post and appeal about it guess ill see what you guys have to say

Edited by Eatfish1

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in a semi-unrelated post does anyone know the admin for 1993. ive been wrongfully banned and would like to receive clarification before writing a thread accusing of wrong doing. im sure this was a mistake of some sort since i had nothing hacked in or suspicious at the time that i was kicked/banned and threatened to have my guid sent to CBL. just a response as who to talk to about this would be nice. thanks.

The post directly above yours shows where you can post to appeal your ban.

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Well the reason for my ban has not been stated yet.

It is sad I am being banned for bringing and setting down satchels. No hacks, no wrongdoing on a server that resets every 4 hours. This is clear admin abuse.

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rawrerz, you've been told time and time again on why you have been banned and why that ban with remain but if you wish to ignore everything that is told then it's impossible to help the "unhelpable".

We should have our information displayed upon spawn on both servers. US 1992 and US 1993 are OCN servers.

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Edit: went to your forums to post and appeal about it guess ill see what you guys have to say

I replied to your post over at OCN by way of PM.

Well the reason for my ban has not been stated yet.






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hey sorry cant respond in your forums PM atm reached my 2 allotted responses . the thing is i logged in in the cherno church and never left it, just got kicked otherwise i was never kicked by battle eye. i only know that when i logged in there was no one in the church but me and my partner mr snapback. upon searching the corpses there another player by the name of dean was in the church i dont know if he also logged in there or what. point is he shot my friend i shot him and then proceeded to loot him never even leaving the church at anytime during the session. after waiting at the alter for some time for my friend to come back and get his stuff i was kicked/banned thats really all i've got. the only thing i can think is when i log in sometimes while its changing my skin sometimes im still in the survivor skin in debug plains but i dont remember if that happened that time or not.

Edited by Eatfish1

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