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US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

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It's legal to own any number of satchel charges/radio granted you have not/there is no evidence of you duping them or scripting them in.

you think for a "OHH YOU DONT HAVE THE EXACT LINE WHEN IM DUPING; YOU CANT BAN ME LALALALALALALA" the server would be blacklisted? lmfao xD

go to my server I ban you for the itemradio. like to play with hacked gear? pay for your host.

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you think for a "OHH YOU DONT HAVE THE EXACT LINE WHEN IM DUPING; YOU CANT BAN ME LALALALALALALA" the server would be blacklisted? lmfao xD

go to my server I ban you for the itemradio. like to play with hacked gear? pay for your host.

By legal I meant legal on public server with set rules and guidelines not your "my server my say" law for your private server.

Nobody is asking for the server to be blacklisted, but the ban is still unfair and I don't care what you do in your little play pen of a server ban who you want but this is a public hive server; they can't just ban someone and refuse unban when their "evidence" is flawed.

it's annoying reading people's posts when all they have to say is "if he did that on my server..." nobody really gives a shit what you do on your PRIVATE SERVER, but when people play on the main hive they expect the server admins to follow the rules. This includes not being banned without evidence/banning on suspicion.

<sarcasm> Nice system though banning legit players for having a radio, I mean you taught those bastards not to play with a massive advantage over the other players! </sarcasm>

why do you think it's against rules to ban people for having items? Because it's not necessarily banning a hacker but a legitimate player who innocently came across the gear and picked it up.

Edit: I am assuming it is a private hive because you wouldn't incriminate yourself on the forums like that if it was in fact a public hive. If it is public and you do ban people for having a radio then shame on you and I hope you ban somebody that knows enough to make a server report.

Edited by Chris529

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By legal I meant legal on public server with set rules and guidelines not your "my server my say" law for your private server.

Nobody is asking for the server to be blacklisted, but the ban is still unfair and I don't care what you do in your little play pen of a server ban who you want but this is a public hive server; they can't just ban someone and refuse unban when their "evidence" is flawed.

it's annoying reading people's posts when all they have to say is "if he did that on my server..." nobody really gives a shit what you do on your PRIVATE SERVER, but when people play on the main hive they expect the server admins to follow the rules. This includes not being banned without evidence/banning on suspicion.

<sarcasm> Nice system though banning legit players for having a radio, I mean you taught those bastards not to play with a massive advantage over the other players! </sarcasm>

why do you think it's against rules to ban people for having items? Because it's not necessarily banning a hacker but a legitimate player who innocently came across the gear and picked it up.

Edit: I am assuming it is a private hive because you wouldn't incriminate yourself on the forums like that if it was in fact a public hive. If it is public and you do ban people for having a radio then shame on you and I hope you ban somebody that knows enough to make a server report.

the rules say without proof.

dont like his proof? its no his problem. go cry elsewhere.

my server and a lot of servers have the variablevalue txt script for battleye to kick the players (after 5 min) with hacked weapons/item. if you dont throw them after 2 kicks it autoban. Dont like? go to other servers to use hacked items or spam pipebom/wiretraps/sandbags. easy.

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the rules say without proof.

dont like his proof? its no his problem. go cry elsewhere.

my server and a lot of servers have the variablevalue txt script for battleye to kick the players (after 5 min) with hacked weapons/item. if you dont throw them after 2 kicks it autoban. Dont like? go to other servers to use hacked items or spam pipebom/wiretraps/sandbags. easy.

is that how it works if the proof is false and doesn't actually prove jack shit then too bad son?

can't believe these people are server admins fucks sake..

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The proof doesn't correspond with what he was banned for.

OCN said he was banned for duping sachel charges, they said he only came in with 4, while the evidence they supplied shows him joining their server with a full backpack of sachels and 3 in his main inventory. Clearly they mis-read the logs and don't want to admit it.

The radio and it's legitimacy has nothing to do with this case. I'm all for banning hackers/dupers/etc, but only when the evidence is valid.

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Everyone needs to keep in mind this was before the major duping fix so killing someone and getting satchels and radios was nothing, most people at the time didn't know radios were not legit, like me.

Also to set the record straight I never once visited the OCN website, this is a public hive ban and the rules say it needs to be brought up here. This is also not just a post asking to be unbanned (that post was locked and I was requested to make a server report) this is a post giving awareness about these abusive admins also adding people to a community ban list. What kind of admin writes this:

"Not for nothing we've got over 272 bans submitted to the CBL (https://code.google....ter:overclocked) with only a single appeal which we provided logs for and was committed. Also worth mentioning the server you were banned from is ranked in the top 40 on GameTrackers, and is the 8th in respect to US servers including private servers. The point here is we see lots of logs, I personally spend time reviewing all of our submissions to the CBL"
then goes on to ignore every post proving their interpretation is wrong? I'll tell you, a bad one.

Only now do I see that OCN is actually overclock.net, now I am depressed because I used to frequent their site years ago. Much has changed I guess.

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im legal i have 15 satchel charge and a itemradio looted yesterday. /sarcasm=off

Bam Banned

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each side makes their points and in a situtation like this it's just best for each party to head their own way

what doesn't make sense is this whole "community ban list" thing. so if i'm understanding this properly, admins can report local banlists to a global banlist, effectively banning users from multiple non-affiliated servers at once? sounds completely rotten.

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each side makes their points and in a situtation like this it's just best for each party to head their own way

what doesn't make sense is this whole "community ban list" thing. so if i'm understanding this properly, admins can report local banlists to a global banlist, effectively banning users from multiple non-affiliated servers at once? sounds completely rotten.

It works when actual hackers are banned because servers using the CBL will benefit from not having to deal with the hacker should he attempt to join their server. It does not work so well when admins abruptly ban legit players and immediately put them on the CBL for hacking with no evidence.

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Everyone needs to keep in mind this was before the major duping fix so killing someone and getting satchels and radios was nothing, most people at the time didn't know radios were not legit, like me.

Also to set the record straight I never once visited the OCN website, this is a public hive ban and the rules say it needs to be brought up here. This is also not just a post asking to be unbanned (that post was locked and I was requested to make a server report) this is a post giving awareness about these abusive admins also adding people to a community ban list. What kind of admin writes this:

then goes on to ignore every post proving their interpretation is wrong? I'll tell you, a bad one.

Only now do I see that OCN is actually overclock.net, now I am depressed because I used to frequent their site years ago. Much has changed I guess.

but-but-but..lol, You stated there is/was no such bug in your first (but now locked thread) ahmin-aboose . Second poses you a question on how you obtained 27 satchel charges within <40 minutes.

You response;

"Because deactivation puts them back in your inventory so you can replant them..

I had 12 on me when I joined your server with waggs...

Why was I banned? "

where the original questionair states that you're more-than-less duplicating, knowingly. You respond.

There is no deactivation bug... Jesus you people are dense. If you set it down it logs as a pipebomb on the ground, you deactivate it and it goes into your inventory. You set it down and it logs again...

You people DO NOT need to be admins.


You really like this server, eh? Fallen in love? :blush: or truly, petty "idk why, idk why"

the hor-roar, the hor-roar<fade2black. ~fin

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What are you confused about Blunt? He didn't plant 27 different sachel charges. He planted some and picked them back up to put them somewhere else, the admin thought he planted more than he joined with because he saw 27 log entries that said rawrerz planted a pipebomb.

At the end of the day, the admin didn't understand what the log said.

I'm sure he doesn't like the server anymore, he just wants to spread the word about an admin abusing his power.



The log shows he in fact had 15 sachel charges when joining the server. The last entry has 12 in brackets, meaning he has 12x pipebombs in his backpack. I guess when you have multiple of the same item in the backpack it doesn't list them one by one.

Even me, never reading a log in my life had no problem seeing that. Why else would there be a 12 listed inside the brackets for the pipebomb in his backpack?

Alright let me explain this to you since I'm not sure you've actually read the whole entire thread. rawrerz logged onto our server at 9:17 am on 09/09/12 with 4 pipe bombs.

OCN Allan thinks he had 4


We can see here you logged in with 4x PipeBomb not the 12 you said (which btw wouldn't fit for all intensive purposes).

In the locked ban appeal thread, OCN Vortech also claims he has 4x pipebombs.

I do think Rawrerz mistakenly said 12 when in fact he had 15, but still, the log clearly shows he joined with more than 4 like the OCN admins have claimed.

Is there any question what the log I quoted above says? I read 15, other people have agreed, the only people saying 4 are OCN admins.

Edited by bad_mojo
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It was actually 20 laid (entries-entered from the link rawrerz) within twenty-minutes+ 6 on the other OCN server a few hours-previous that happened within two-minutes. How many slots on a backpack. Not saying impossible but...c'mon not one-bit wonder'n 'how' every few seconds laying and what..picking it back up? Digital Parkinson's?

Talks about duping glitches, and not knowing about them. Be nice to see what inventory is on server-quit/exit.

Log excerpt(s):

#1 [email protected]

09.09.2012 09:18:28: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:25 44:4 [6850,2499,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:18:39: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:26 44:4 [6851,2508,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:18:50: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:35 44:4 [6862,2498,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:19:03: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:45 44:4 [6869,2503,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:19:09: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:46 44:4 [6872,2493,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:19:20: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:47 44:4 [6864,2485,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:19:37: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:49 44:4 [6863,2496,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:21:27: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:51 44:4 [6902,2492,10] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:24:27: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:52 44:4 [6671,2305,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:24:34: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:54 44:4 [6688,2304,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:25:17: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:59 44:4 [6549,2309,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:26:11: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:66 44:4 [6587,2385,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:26:18: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:67 44:4 [6596,2394,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:26:52: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:71 44:4 [6563,2414,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:27:11: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:73 44:4 [6577,2411,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:27:17: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:74 44:4 [6568,2418,6] [0,0,0]

Leaves and rejoins? or exerpted section in log

09.09.2012 09:37:08: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:147 44:4 [6504,2530,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:37:29: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:149 44:4 [6512,2523,9] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:37:40: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:153 44:4 [6509,2528,14] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 09:39:40: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 44:155 44:4 [6812,2707,6] [0,0,0]

#2 [email protected]

09.09.2012 06:55:34: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:20 245:5 [6545,2313,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 06:55:42: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 245:21 245:5 [6517,2332,7] [47,-64,0]

09.09.2012 06:56:03: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:23 245:5 [6528,2347,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 06:56:42: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:25 245:5 [6523,2359,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 06:57:29: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:65 245:5 [6582,2383,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 06:57:37: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:80 245:5 [6593,2400,6] [0,0,0]

09.09.2012 06:57:47: rawrerz (ip) guid - #0 "PipeBomb" 245:87 245:5 [6569,2413,6] [0,0,0]

Maybe the four Allen saw were the additional info (the last four 'pickups')

Can you tell me what the numbers mean? :huh: I'm reading 12 as the number of items in the backpack "pipebomb" being the only item that's on the 'word-filter'. So is that 4 or 16 with 26 laid picked-up over two servers?

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Been playing for 5 months have not found 1 hmmmmmmm i dont blame the admin with all the stuff going on everyone can make a mistake but we seem to be flogging a dead horse here please put this to bed

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Been playing for 5 months have not found 1 hmmmmmmm i dont blame the admin with all the stuff going on everyone can make a mistake but we seem to be flogging a dead horse here please put this to bed

Thing is with this case, I'm sure the sachels were not legitimately found. I'm betting either Rawrerz or someone else duped them into existence. But, the suspicion of duping is not grounds for banning. Solid evidence is needed.

Also, why are you so concerned that this be "put to bed"? Wouldn't locking this thread be considered censorship? It's a legitimate server report and it should remain here for all to see. It seems strange to me(a third party with no relation to rawrerz or OCN) that you are so concerned with dismissing this case, do you have some special reason for being so dismissive of this report?

It was actually 20 laid (entries-entered from the link rawrerz) within twenty-minutes+ 6 on the other OCN server a few hours-previous that happened within two-minutes. How many slots on a backpack. Not saying impossible but...c'mon not one-bit wonder'n 'how' every few seconds laying and what..picking it back up? Digital Parkinson's?

Talks about duping glitches, and not knowing about them. Be nice to see what inventory is on server-quit/exit.

Maybe the four Allen saw were the additional info (the last four 'pickups')

Can you tell me what the numbers mean? :huh: I'm reading 12 as the number of items in the backpack "pipebomb" being the only item that's on the 'word-filter'. So is that 4 or 16 with 26 laid picked-up over two servers?

30 slots on the coyote backpack he was wearing.


The 12x pipebombs in the backpack log entry is a bit confusing, but it's important to take note of the brackets....


Notice how the green brackets contain both the blue bracketed "Pipebomb" as well as the black bracketed 12, which is all inside the red bracketed "DZ_Backpack_EP1". Basically this means everything inside the red is inside the backpack. And the pipebombs inside the backpack are multiplied by 12 as shown by the [12] being inside the green brackets.

As for the accusation that he placed the sachels charges down and picked them up minutes later in order to dupe them, I have a hard time believing he would go the trouble of placing so many charges so far apart, on a server he doesn't have a camp on,(or a means to store more than 15) in the middle of Chernogorsk. And then on top of that, come on here and appeal the ban and report the server. Maybe, but I don't think the evidence(or logic) supports that.

Now what?

Edited by bad_mojo
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I remember some of those pickups were from a communication error with a buddy about how many and where the satchels needed to be inside the firehouse to take it down..

Anyway I find it odd people are coming in here trying to make me defend my actions of playing the game in its current state at the time. The real issue here is the instant ban "Nope. Submitted to CBL" with submission to community ban list, using unrecorded non side chat VOIP as "evidence," using "evidence" that does not fit their description. Its like these "anti hackers" in here don't care about the rules :S it really sounds like OCN and Vortech are trying to defame. I didn't ask anyone I know to come in this thread, I didn't ask anyone to spread a word. Hell I even dropped it for quite a while and saw a PM pop up in my email.

If you want to talk about how my actions are bannable or shameful you should do that in my ban appeal thread, the one that escalated by request of a mod to a server report, remember that. If I had done wrong all of this would have ended in the ban appeal. As for carrying around 15 satchels, yeah I knew they might have been duped, but what do you expect from someone who finds a tent with a bunch of satchels? I do want to point out to those who have a hard time understanding, during this time the game was played completely different. Chances are if you played before november the majority of the gear you ever looted from people/cars/tents was duped. Like Vortech said, him and his clan avidly used AS50-TWS, but I get shit for satchels? At the time the TWS was out of the game for months, satchels are still there...

By the way for anyone wondering satchels spawn looking like maps in barracks only.

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had the same problem till I switched to private server dayzpriv now all is well

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I would also like to point out that between last thread and 5 pages in this thread the OCN admins have not actually said why I was banned, still.

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Keep in mind, rocket has specifically stated picking up hacked/duped items and using them is ok. Because not everyone knows whats up with an item.

I got bad news for you though rawrerz:


So this guy is saying in this thread that none of the rules are enforced at all anyways, which goes in line with the pm you recieved previously. So even though this is clear admin abuse you, the rules are out the window and they can ban/kick for whatever.

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Keep in mind, rocket has specifically stated picking up hacked/duped items and using them is ok. Because not everyone knows whats up with an item.

I got bad news for you though rawrerz:


So this guy is saying in this thread that none of the rules are enforced at all anyways, which goes in line with the pm you recieved previously. So even though this is clear admin abuse you, the rules are out the window and they can ban/kick for whatever.

How WarZ of them.

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