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My cd key was stolen?

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I logged on Friday night and I got kicked out in the loading screen to arma 2 saying bad cd key given in setup. I couldnt find anything anywhere that covered this error. Finally I got into Arma 2 by going through all of the files and it said I was Globally Banned and im pretty sure my cd key was stolen because I have never hacked or clicked on any youtube links attributed to hacking. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, deleting my registry keys, and I even bought a new copy on a new steam account and I still get the bad key at setup error and Im still globally banned. Im just hoping now that I didnt get my new key stolen too. Id like some help to get back to playing on this pc if anyone can help. I downloaded arma 2 through my new steam account on my laptop and it works but it lags so bad even on the lowest settings so its basically unplayable. Any help would be appreciated.

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hello there

what is the error you get when you try to connect?

There will be a number like #2036, let us know and we can tell you where you went wrong.



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This happened to me before and i verifyied my game files and it worked but then i went to some server and i had all this hacked shit????? did my player get played to or was it some hacker?

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it said I was Globally Banned

Only Battleye can reverse a global ban http://battleye.com/

Go plead your case and if innocent you'll be unbanned :) If not then it's your own stupid fault for scripting

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It's a bit suss. If I had been banned wrongly, there's NO WAY I would consider is paying another x Euros/Dollars (whatever) for a new copy - unless I was a cheater.

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It's a bit suss. If I had been banned wrongly, there's NO WAY I would consider is paying another x Euros/Dollars (whatever) for a new copy - unless I was a cheater.

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