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American Weapons and Russian Weapons

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Alright, let me start with my first idea, replace the M136 with the RPG-7, i have some key reasons for this.

Explosives: The RPG would be used a lot in Chernarus because it was recently in a conflict with the Americans due insurgents. (RPG-7's would be a common weapon to take down American helicopters and vehicles). Why would the Americans bring an M136 to Chernarus after the conflict to fight against the infected, it simply makes no sense what are they going to kill with it? Infected driving vehicles or some shit?

Tell me what you all think, i was also thinking about suggesting to add an Strela 2 as it would also be a weapon used against the Americans. (It would also make it fair to deal with choppers)


Rifles: I think it would be better to make American and British weapons VERY rare as they wouldn't be used as much comparing to russian weapons such as the AKM, AK-47, AK-74 and the Ak-107. Adding in more Russian weapons could be nice as well, some ideas are AN-94, Ak-101, Ak-103 and the Ak12.

Weapons Spawns: I think making American weapons spawn at only millitary bases such as the one at Stary Sobor would be more realistic than the airfields as they would have been Russian ocupied whilst the camps would be American.

Now, time for a rant regarding snipers.

Snipers: Make the CZ550 more common as it's a common hunting weapon, M24 only spawn at american bases along with the AS50 and M107 (Make them SUPER rare). Make the SVD spawn more than it does (maybe even make some spawn without the camo?) as it is the only Russian sniper in the mod and you're in a Russian country. I think it couldn't hurt to add in some more Russian snipers as well such as the SV-98, SVU and the VSS.

I will update and change my ideas often with this topic.

Now, what do you all think of this?

Edited by Auzzii
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You make a good point. I think that there should still be a couple M136s though because supposedly Chernarus was invaded by the US before the zombie outbrake.

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You make a good point. I think that there should still be a couple M136s though because supposedly Chernarus was invaded by the US before the zombie outbrake.

Yes, but by the time the out break had happend i would imagine they would all be gone.

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Yes, but by the time the out break had happend i would imagine they would all be gone.

That's true, but maybe a couple got left behind for some reason. Maybe they were left in the rush to get out, they were dropped, etc.

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I completely agree with you. When I found my first M136 I was happy, but also thought why the hell would this be here. From the start I thought an RPG would be the best thing to have instead of an American anti tank weapon. The strela also seems like a nice add.

Nice post with a very valid idea.

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I completely agree with you. When I found my first M136 I was happy, but also thought why the hell would this be here. From the start I thought an RPG would be the best thing to have instead of an American anti tank weapon. The strela also seems like a nice add.

Nice post with a very valid idea.


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RPG to take down a helicopter? Maybe if it was landed and not moving, otherwise, you've been watching too many movies and playing too many games. :P

The American's had a presence, so I don't see why their weapons shouldn't. I'd rather the RPG be added in addition to the m134, then they could each have unique characteristics/attributes. (RPG is reloadable, m134 is disposable, etc)

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I agree with you on making the American and especially British weapons more scarce; Russian weapons can be found all over the world, while American and British weapons are quite unusual to find, especially in Russia. I think we need to come to realise that we're in Russia, and Russia is a Soviet, Communist state; Meaning every man and his dog has a weapon. I'm not saying we should just throw guns all over the place, i just think that there should be more scattered drops around the area, and not just in cities and other populated area's.

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there already is american and british weapons in the game the AS50 british the L85 british AR15 AMERICAN m249 american

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What he's saying is that the chances of finding an American or British weapon in a part of russia is highly unlikely.

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Do you live in the 80's?

Are you kidding? Russia has hardly evolved from a communist country to a democratic one. Technically Russia is a democracy, but the Government is incredibly corrupt and Communism is still alive and well in lots of parts of Russia.

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Are you kidding? Russia has hardly evolved from a communist country to a democratic one. Technically Russia is a democracy, but the Government is incredibly corrupt and Communism is still alive and well in lots of parts of Russia.

They simply don't hide it as well as other countries.

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They simply don't hide it as well as other countries.

Research the leaders of the country now and what they have done in their life and you will know what im talking about. It's not about hiding it, the whole way the country is run and system of Government, they're hardly considered to be a democracy at all.

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This is going off-topic. But yes, it bothers me a little tiny bit, too. We see a lot of american/western guns here, and as far as I have seen there are a ton of cool russian/soviet weapons in Arma, too. So, why not put them in!?

I wouldn't mind the AS50 becoming rare loot (helicopter crash only), and ONLY using AS50-rounds (like the FN FAL uses ONLY FAL rounds, even if it should be able to use the same rounds as DMR/M24). There is a slienced soviet sniper in Arma 2 CO!!?? ;-) just wait for the rage...

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Yeah the game needs VAL/Vintorez for quietly dealing with infected and players alike. However, the AK-100 series has not yet seen widespread deployment within the russian forces and should be rare spawns as well.

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lol, well this idea is recicled, but at least by bumping and posting similar threads we can tell the devs do it now

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Are you kidding? Russia has hardly evolved from a communist country to a democratic one. Technically Russia is a democracy, but the Government is incredibly corrupt and Communism is still alive and well in lots of parts of Russia.

Russia of today is a capitalist country, capitalism does not equal democracy.

I agree there should be more eastern weapons in the game.

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RPG-7 would be of actual use as it has larger splash radius than the M136. And the russians have a .50 caliber sniper rifle too, called KSVK, which could be as rare as AS50.

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Sure, RPG-7. Why not? I don't see why anyone would use it, really. It's not a terribly handy weapon in this situation anyway. A 40mm GL does as well or better against zombies and light vehicles, and it doesn't take up your backpack slot.

KSVK is a sweet gun. If I wasn't opposed to anti-materiel rifles as they exist now in DayZ (make it take the packpack slot, I'll be okay with it), I'd definitely be in favor of adding the KSVK.

The backstory of DayZ hasn't been made very clear to me, but if it's in line with the ArmA2 campaign, Chernarus is wall-to-wall with American troops and equipment. It shouldn't be strange at all to find US gear laying around, and the Humvees are fine, too. British gear comes from crashed British helicopters, so that's spot on (excepting the Lee Enfield, which should be a Mosin Nagant, although it's more trouble than it's worth to add it at this point in the mod's development).

It hurts a little in terms of immersion when the "best end-game" gear includes no Russian weaponry. I for one vastly prefer the aesthetics of the Russian guns. I like a little wood on the stock, I like the AK sound, and I like feeling like I'm a Chernarussian survivor, rather than a PMC dude who fell off a boat. More SVDs, fix the AK damage vis-a-vis the AR damage, let me carry around a Kalashnikov without feeling like I'm hobbling myself for roleplay purposes.

On my list:

Scorpion instead of PDW

PKM instead of Mk. 48 mod 0

KSVK instead of AS50

SVD instead of DMR

RPG-7V instead of M136

Obviously, I'm okay with every "instead" being "in addition to", since more guns is more fun. I'd also like to see less interchangeability on magazines. Guns should feel right.

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Sure, RPG-7. Why not? I don't see why anyone would use it, really. It's not a terribly handy weapon in this situation anyway. A 40mm GL does as well or better against zombies and light vehicles, and it doesn't take up your backpack slot.

KSVK is a sweet gun. If I wasn't opposed to anti-materiel rifles as they exist now in DayZ (make it take the packpack slot, I'll be okay with it), I'd definitely be in favor of adding the KSVK.

The backstory of DayZ hasn't been made very clear to me, but if it's in line with the ArmA2 campaign, Chernarus is wall-to-wall with American troops and equipment. It shouldn't be strange at all to find US gear laying around, and the Humvees are fine, too. British gear comes from crashed British helicopters, so that's spot on (excepting the Lee Enfield, which should be a Mosin Nagant, although it's more trouble than it's worth to add it at this point in the mod's development).

It hurts a little in terms of immersion when the "best end-game" gear includes no Russian weaponry. I for one vastly prefer the aesthetics of the Russian guns. I like a little wood on the stock, I like the AK sound, and I like feeling like I'm a Chernarussian survivor, rather than a PMC dude who fell off a boat. More SVDs, fix the AK damage vis-a-vis the AR damage, let me carry around a Kalashnikov without feeling like I'm hobbling myself for roleplay purposes.

On my list:

Scorpion instead of PDW

PKM instead of Mk. 48 mod 0

KSVK instead of AS50

SVD instead of DMR

RPG-7V instead of M136

Obviously, I'm okay with every "instead" being "in addition to", since more guns is more fun. I'd also like to see less interchangeability on magazines. Guns should feel right.

Yea, add some Russian LMG's in as well.

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