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What has happened?

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I remember the first time I came to the dayz website. There was this beautiful feature on it called "Average Life Expectancy:" It used to hover around 30-40 min. But now, it's over an hour.

The game needs to become tougher:

•Zombies need to be stronger, faster, more aware, there should be more of them, and they need more hit-points.

•Food and water should be scarcer.

•The effects from becoming hungry or thirsty need to be more punishing.

•Fewer servers means meeting another survivor is much more likely, even in the wilderness. Cut their number in half. Empty servers shouldn't be an option.

I miss the days when surviving was a challenge; when i had no idea where my next meal was coming from, or if I'd get shot on my way to find food. Right now I could find an empty server and crawl through all of Cherno collecting beans (running at times even) without aggroing a single zombie, much less getting my legs broken by one.

Edited by vv211

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So becuase someone owns a sever and no one is on it during night means no one can play it?

If a sever has no players how will it ever arise again if no one can join it?

Think before posting.

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Think about it this way

All people will over time learn how to survive this hell of course then the average life expectancy time will increase. Which is most likely why its gone from 30 mins to over an hour over the past few months.

Nothing drastic needs to change gameplay-wise because one wrong change can be detrimental to the addiction of this mod. Its happened before.

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So becuase someone owns a sever and no one is on it during night means no one can play it?

If a sever has no players how will it ever arise again if no one can join it?

Think before posting.

I'm saying that there should be few enough servers that there's gonna be at least one other person on any given server

Think about it this way

All people will over time learn how to survive this hell of course then the average life expectancy time will increase. Which is most likely why its gone from 30 mins to over an hour over the past few months.

Nothing drastic needs to change gameplay-wise because one wrong change can be detrimental to the addiction of this mod. Its happened before.

I've seen a lot of new, unskilled, players able to survive several hours with all these new patches. I remember one time way back in where I aggroed a crawler, got away, and like 1km later i looked back and he was still chasing me.

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That says more about your inability to lose zombies than anything else.

there was no "losing" a zombie back then? they followed you until you disconnected or shot them

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I remember back when I started playing, and the average life expentancy was more than four hours...

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wow. that sounds terrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that :(

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I remember back when I started playing, and the average life expentancy was more than four hours...

Same here, and I felt that this was back when people still played the game seriously - i.e. When people talked instead of shoot on sight, when the best guns were winchesters, and when you needed to use flares to get around at night, since not everyone had a pair of nvg's on them. It wasn't until the mod got really popular that the life expectancy shot down to 30-40 minutes. Around the same time the game got much less social and became a global deathmatch with duped weapons.

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I'm saying that there should be few enough servers that there's gonna be at least one other person on any given server

Iv always thought that loot should only spawn in servers if there is 10 or more players in it.

The problem is getting worse not better as most players have left the game fed up of hacker deaths so now theres more 0 and 1 person servers than ever before, you could cut them down by 90% and everyone who wants to play could find a slot np.

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It increased because people can not spam respawn when they get one they dont like?

Nope, those lives didn't count.

What players did when they finally got the Cherno or Elektro spawn they wanted definitely impacted the numbers.

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You can't tell someone who is paying to rent a server that people aren't allowed to play on it because you don't think there are enough people on it. That's just silly.

If you're that butthurt about the survival times, then go hunt people on low pop servers.

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zombies should not be faster. They are already at a horrible speed. If zombies could attack while moving, we would be dead so much quicker, but the fact they have to stop to attack(just like a player with a hatchet) makes it easy to get away from them. They need to be in more of a group, stronger, but decrease the speed and I think it would be more of a survival.

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