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There's an option in the controls for blood. Zombies = gore and shit. Is this a kiddies game or what?

Don't post and say 'search bro' co's I've not seen one post re blood since I started 2 weeks ago sorry.


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There's blood everywhere. Perhaps you have you video settings on low or something? when I shoot a zed/bandit in the face blood spews out everywhere.

Not sure why you aren't seeing similar.

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Gore man gore! The zombies are all grey. We want crushed testicles- burst anuses -- let's partyyyyyyyyyyyy


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Gore man gore! The zombies are all grey. We want crushed testicles- burst anuses -- let's partyyyyyyyyyyyy


You're a knob.


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There was an old blood addon in OFP. I havent seen one since but its plausible if the game can handle more resource usage.

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Go get scratched by a zombie, you literally bleed gallons per second, it's kinda comical.

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Gore man gore! The zombies are all grey. We want crushed testicles- burst anuses -- let's partyyyyyyyyyyyy


You're a knob.


I fully concur.

Burst anuses? Really?

No-one wants that.

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What is up with all the sociopaths? I've seen people talk about how pleasurable killing is and how it makes them hard. I've seen suggestions to torture players and make them scream. Now we have people who want bursting brains and tearing off limbs.


Probably the same kids who tortured lizards in their backyard with pliers and a microscope, giggling maniacly while wearing a dead rabbit for a hat.

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I have a dead rabbit for a hat. its the best hat i've owned.

Don't lump me in with the lizzard doctors.

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Gore man gore! The zombies are all grey. We want crushed testicles- burst anuses -- let's partyyyyyyyyyyyy


You're a knob.


I fully concur.

Burst anuses? Really?

No-one wants that.

He was being sarcastic..

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I would just like to point out that a burst anus is no laughing matter.

It's a real pain in the ass.

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everyone a fucking hero on this forum are't they?

its realistic. zombie gets you. more then your anus get ripped apart, the blood is terrible in this game. its like MS paint spray can.

some better blood and shotgun offable limbs would be cool

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Gore man gore! The zombies are all grey. We want crushed testicles- burst anuses -- let's partyyyyyyyyyyyy


You're a knob.


I fully concur.

Burst anuses? Really?

No-one wants that.

Don't tell me what I want and don't want, I would fucking love ruptured anus.

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Damn what if bursting anus was the climax to the sickness you get when you get too cold.

That would suck ass...

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Most of this thread just made me laugh, but I have to agree with:

the blood is terrible in this game. its like MS paint spray can.

some better blood and shotgun offable limbs would be cool

I mean, seriously. We don't need crazy MSpaint sprays coming off our bodies. Steadily growing blood spot textures would totally work. As would classic (game-style) blood spurts when hitting something.

I figure this is an Arma folly, though. I swear it's like this is this company's first, full 3D game or something.

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I would just like to point out that a burst anus is no laughing matter.

It's a real pain in the ass.

Oh god why can't I stop laughing

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