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What next.....

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Ok so you arrive on Chernerus with sand in your mouth and a salt water enema, find a weapon, get a decent pack, some food, drink and a decent place to camp and store some kit.

What comes next?

Now I enjoying camping in the woods and hunting for food, I have an abundance of fresh water to fill my bottles from, and the occasional ration dash into Electro/Cherno for those creature comforts. I like the sense of satisfaction having snuck in and out without any major hassle. I bump into people from time to time, help them out if I can, cautiously shoot the breeze and go our seperate ways.

What goals should I set myself?


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Kinda defeats the purpose on someone telling you how to play an open sand box... Build me a pirate ship.

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Well, you could help me by gathering data to further my research and prevent the needless deaths of so many endangered, majestic zombies.

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-Help survivors

-Troll survivors

-Get a vehicle

-Make a huge camp

-Hit every town on the map

-Do 'X' 'Y' times(make up your own quests or achievements)

Those are a few I could come up with.

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Well, you could go fix a vehicle but since 2.6 was released i've just been seeing vehicles teleported to areas where nobody can get them. You're essentially just screaming "come here scripters".

Anyway, you could also get a rifle and specifically hunt people with the bandit nameplate. Give out free med supplies to people who need them, or join the medics of the wasteland.

You could become a bandit (highly frowned upon).

Get satchels, blow up important buildings in elektro/cherno.

Trol cherno/elektro by putting barbed wire and tank traps around the perimeter of the entire city.

Just keep helping the new spawns who don't have bandit skins.

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I was thinking of opening up a "tuck-shop" from my tent selling nibbles and cans of pop. My tent is full, so I went on a scavenge into Electro, no tent but a big fat hairy arsed DMR and 4 magazines, PROF! Might turn my attention on the bandits for a spell.

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After about a month, I became bored. So, helping others alleviated the boredom. That, and just keeping my eyes open for crashed helicopters.

But that's about it.

Seeing how fast I can go on a bicycle, ringing the bell along the coast of course...

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