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Why do you have to get punished for the game failing?

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Hey everybody

Today, my friend and I where flying a helicopter when suddenly I got kicked as pilot.


Then the heli landed by itself and kicked my friend out the heli.

After that it flyed normaly like I was stearing it in a direction for our camp.

Then I logged in again and we tried looking in our camp but there was nothing.

Then I read that if the pilot is kicked then the heli will despawn.

Why do we have to get punished when the game is failing on us.

especially when its a heli. It takes ages to get one.

Now we have wasted 5 hours...

Plz make it like the heli will land or get back to the location where it was last time it stood still.

Greetings Smotix and Dennissamsoe :)

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DayZ is in alpha.

It sucks having to explain that over and over, doesn't it? This is what happens when casuals beta test a game.

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I don't even understand how it could land itself in the first place in my experience hitting the ground at anything more that 2m/s will severely damage the helicopter. My condolences on your lost helicopter though.

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Yep, the game's not even feature-complete yet, much less polished. What we have here amounts to a proof-of-concept, a test of the basic mechanics of what will (hopefully) turn into a game in the future. It's a lot of fun, but complaining about things like hacking, server stability, control variances and even core play mechanics like tents and vehicles not working correctly is a fool's errand. There's a list of things to do as long as your arm, and a list of things to fix that goes for miles and grows every day. Either get comfortable with the game not working right, or stop trying to play it until the full, complete version is released.

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Because, Alpha....everyone has died or been fuc*ed by DayZ at one point because of game bugs or just server problems, dealwithit.jpg, Sorry if it sounds like im attacking you but, you cant expect much in terms of fluidity from an Alpha mod running on a not very stable engine.

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It's just that, how could the heli fly by itself? When I got kicked I looked a my friends screen.

It flyed all by itself :/

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