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IF this was an actual game...

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Firstly may I say what a fantastic Mod, I just started this morning and have never experienced anything so captivating.

I would rather see this as an DLC expansion to Arma 3, using the latest tech. Support the game like Carrier command with a buy into beta, but get continual feedback and suggestions with this Arma 2 alpha.

Keep up the great work!

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Game purchase only. (Arma II / III DLC)

Studio Developed.

Kickstarter = Beta Buy-In? Then: Yes!

player based Servers.

Need the Arma Engine. I dont think it would work with Takistan. And I dont know how it works with Limnos. Chernarus has the perfect feel to it!

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The fact people are buying A2:CO it' date=' while helping my case to make it a reality, does worry me a bit because it is so unfinished. So yes, I can't imagine people paying for it until it is much, much better so you are safe.


I've paid for several kickstarter projects, happy to know that even if they didn't come to fruition, I at least helped give them a chance.

If a kickstarter project also meant that I was still allowed to play the Alpha as it was being developed, I'd be even more happy. :)

For that matter, several nerds in PL have bought A2:CO for this mod alone. Most of us have already gotten far more value from this mod than we would've gotten from a fully fledged game. Heck, for that matter, this mod is far more stable and playable, not to mention well supported, than many retail titles that are released these days.

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Arma 2:CO DLC/Expansion and retail version, something like Reinforcements, you know what I mean.

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My vote goes for whatever keeps this mod going in the direction that the creator intended. As stated money does screw things up. But nothing screws things up more than publishing companies.

Whatever choice that gives the creator a final say in everything is the best choice. That being said I'll pay whatever you ask, because this looks like the games I've been waiting for since 98-00 Ultima Online. (Free for all pvp style, full looting, and gear means little ie one guy with a cz can go toe to toe with someone all decked out)

As long as this mod doesn't try to cater to the little kid call of duty/halo crowd I'm on board 100%

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Like how counter strike was bought up by valve and made into a legit game, you guys should try to work with Bohemia to create a sort of Stand alone expansion to Arma 3.

Other than that, I would say purchase only. No micro transactions or things to water down the game.

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One time purchase.

Only if YOU get full control of the project though. I don't want this to turn into another left 4 dead or dead rising.

If it were to be free to play though, i'd rather see it as something similar to League of Legends, as in cosmetic shit only.

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Rocket, you should have no problem getting this mod published since you already work at BI right?

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Single purchase



Is it gonna be made on a different game engine or will they stick with the arma engine?

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I've already talked to my friend i play daily with on if Day Z was a standalone game.

Our answer was plain and simple. Yes.

Game purchase only.

Studio with some community insight.


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Payment Model:

Either free to play, or game purchase only. I really like the f2p model, if done well (Tribes: Ascend). But I don't see it working well just like that in something like Dayz. Seeing as with a free to play system, people expect some long term persistent reward for their hard earned money, which is kind goes against what this mod is about. If you find a way to properly implement it though, all the power to you.

Community developed or studio developed?

Definitely studio developed, I do, to a certain extend believe in firm game design where a certain development route is decisively taken. Too many different ideas by too many different people mostly ends up being a product which does a lot of things, but none well. That don't mean you don't got to listen to your community at all though. Full extremes are rarely the way to go.

Community or studio servers? or both?

Community hosted servers.

Kickstarter? or not?

No Kickstarter. Not a fan of it, I'd like to have at least some footage or preferably a playable release before I put my money into something. Been screwed over by broken promises a bit too often in the past. If you decide doing this on the same engine though, that's enough proof for me. There are plenty like-minded people who haven't played the mod and don't own combined operations though.

I'd love to see this being part of Arma 3 in one form or another. But I don't know how welcoming you and Bohemia are to that idea. The engine is a big part of what makes this mod so great for me.

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Everyone is going to say "purchase only" or "Play for Free".

If you want to make most money:


If you want to keep everyone happy and have more playerbase, purchase only.

If you want to piss people off more, plus make kinda middleground money, play for free + buy retarded shit.

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Game purchase only or Subscription if shard idea.

Studio developed.


If you did something like EVE online, with a single shard type server and had more territory we could fight over. That would be absolutely amazing.

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Game purchase only. (I'd never pay for a subscription service' date=' and F2P with purchased items is purely imbal.)

Studio developed. (Professional. There's no need to involve a community in the development process.)

Kickstarter. (Extra cash on the side never hurt.)

(Super excited to hear that it's gettin' serious, you deserve it entirely. :D)


This 100%.

Beautiful mod, but if it ever goes full price please, please include a Friendly \fire off mode for us who are getting shot by bandits as soon as we spawn :)

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Game purchase. Kickstarter. Studio developed, with good response to the community

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Game purchase only.

Studio developed as long as they don't try to mess around with it based on profit motive.

Would be stoked with Mod for Arma 3 or a stand alone if that led to better core gameplay (e.g. Improved Zombie behaviour, better inventory system, more enterable buildings, built to purpose map, etc).

I think the concept and basic gameplay are superb and if done well this could be a HUGE game. i would happily cough out a reasonable sum on single purchase, but not a fan of paying fees after. Would happily donate for development - largely because you seem focused on doing what's right for the game, and it's huge potential.

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You've done well with this mod' date=' you should just chuck it out as a mod for £5 and be done, still £50,000 to be made with the people playing right now.


I haven't got OA yet so am yet to play, but think something along these lines is a good idea. Mostly so you can keep this as your own idea and your own work without people feeling intitled to blackmail you because they bought something and want to change it.

Maybe just accept donations and see how you feel about the need to persue a "model" later...

I know I woulden't mind paying for it based on the handful of vids I've seen on youtube and the motivation/direction I see from you.

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Game purchase only. Studio Dev'd with community input.

Community & studio servers, but easily distinguishable (i.e. guaranteed a fair game on studio servers, custom rules on community ones)

No Kickstarter.

And make it for Arma III pretty please.

It seems a lot of people want this for Arma 3 :)

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Preferably, game purchase. Definately not free to play, unless there's also an option to just buy the damn game and get it over with. Micro transactions are annoying as hell.

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- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)

- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Free to play, buy your shit?

All of these are choices where I would probably throw money down on this. Free to play is a great model, I tend to spend a decent amount of money on F2P games. As long as it's not pay2win though.

I would strongly suggest a kickstarter for this project if you wanted to go retail. It would be very successful.

edit: anyone saying "no" to kickstarter is a dummy

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Game purchase only

Its a mod now but in the future I would consider buying it if it was an addon like operation arrowhead but there would need to be a lot more content. I wouldnt pay for a monthly subscription for any game. The players buy the game, then run the servers themselves. If you needed bandwith and the game was popular, there would be no end of offers of servers to manage the game.

Also, a lot of very talented people will help you develop this mod for free if you ask them.

I would prefer one strong leader as opposed to many different inputs and opinions you get with a studio. Im sure the current team knows what they are doing and I trust them to make the right choices

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Single purchase, smaller dev team. Big studio funding is great and all, but it's hard to retain your identity in that big of a workspace. I like that idea of a "minecraft" style login. Sell the game during alpha/beta to get funding, have a central login that is your character on all servers.

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Monthly Fee

This game is no good without quality servers, and a small fee ($10) a month will go a long way in to bringing that quality.

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Anything but monthly fee or f2p. Anything different from that will make this game stand out from the rest. That's my ideal game.

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