Khors 6 Posted July 22, 2012 - DayZ isn't a mmo so treat it more like a Competitive or Cooperative online Multiplayer Game; Like GW- DLC pack for ArmA3- Continuous DLC for aesthetics / cosmetics, lighting, and vehicles repairs; non-game changing stuff.- Studio Developed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malice (DayZ) 1 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) One time feeStudio developedKickstarterit shouldn't make a difference, your community is always growing if you decided to launch a kickstarter for donations I bet you'd surpass your goal. Edited July 22, 2012 by Malice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
REVOLT (DayZ) 12 Posted July 22, 2012 If a monlthy sub with get content and features out faster. I would pay $15 a month to play. I'm not a tight wad douche hat that is clueless on how a business works like some others.If Yogcast can get $500,000 in a day for their game. I think you all shouldn't have a problem. Just offer something cool for the donors when the game is released. Some cool skins or always starting with an Alice pack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flying Mathias 18 Posted July 22, 2012 If a monlthy sub with get content and features out faster. I would pay $15 a month to play. I'm not a tight wad douche hat that is clueless on how a business works like some others.If Yogcast can get $500,000 in a day for their game. I think you all shouldn't have a problem. Just offer something cool for the donors when the game is released. Some cool skins or always starting with an Alice pack.Nothing that affects gameplay. Skins or some out-of-game items would be nice though. (Art, for example) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pxxl 259 Posted July 22, 2012 How would you rather pay for it?- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez) GTFO- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez) Yes- Free to play, buy your shit? Only if i can get, what the noobs/rich kids need to buy, with hard work as well.- Something else? Sure make it free and get Coca Cola, Pepsi, Heinz, Lays, Heineken, Jack Daniels etc. support.Also:- Community developed or studio developed? Studio, but no premium, payed for DLC shit that will split your community.- Community or studio servers? or both? Both, i would love to play on official servers (none of that sudden restart shit).- Kickstarter? or not? Only if you are going to spend it on whores, cocaine, go to vegas and tape it all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sutinen 635 Posted July 22, 2012 Either as part of Arma 3 OR as a stand-alone game. Your pick.If it's monthly fee, then you can forget it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyler Bro 20 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) I would also pay 15$ a month for this game if it didn't have as much bugs... I wonder if you guys can get it off the arma engine because somethings can't be changed whilst on this engine, for example - MOST of the buildings you can't go inside which is really annoying, zombie animations are really weird, they flank u and teleport behind you... Hard to explain. But just simple stuff like that would make the game better, also a party system, I'll code it for you and send it to you if you want, should be easy to code. but yeah, just my honest opinion, I'm not really gonna sugar coat anything, just being honest but it's a really good game, nothing really out there like it but War-Z which isn't coming out til the end of this year. Edited July 22, 2012 by Tyler Bro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
derailed000 20 Posted July 22, 2012 How would you rather pay for it?- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez) If so the way to go is with studio hosted servers and pre, mid and end game expections. Content needs to be updated, alot of patching updating etc etc. - Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez) Most likely to be the case here as an expansion or DLC for Arma II with community based servers. If game is stable it wont be necessary to apply with new content to the game except for fixing minor bugs if even that which means less cost.- Free to play, buy your shit? A stable game, mod, dlc ofc buy it.- Something else? Slow zombies down but make them hording the map and players need to rest (one cant run on beans forever).Also:- Community developed or studio developed? Studio developed and asking community for opinions as in this case.- Community or studio servers? or both? As stated above is likely what to be expected. I would say both since alot of players are probably looking for a pve server with pvp areas and would perhaps pay sub fee for it.- Kickstarter? or not? Go for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 22, 2012 I would say purchase wise a one off payment.Development wise through the studio with some input from community.I would say servers should stick to the current model as unless there is a monthly charge for the game studio run servers will become very expensive to run. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nalyid 28 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) I Love the game, It kicks my ass but I can't stop playing.Anything other then one time payment is pathetic. I will never pay a monthly fee for something unless it is under $5 and even then I will probably avoid it.Hosting needs to be whatever is best for preventing exploits and hacks.Games where you can just buy what you want to progress is a cancer that will kill gaming. You should just charge a yearly fee if you want to rip off your fans.It should just be a one time charge, unless you are like every other greasy developer and don't give a shit about making a good game people love. If you just want to line your pockets so you can move onto your next casual clone concept then go right ahead, but you will alienate your core fan base, and be no better then the zombie developers that are destroying any chance of games being fun and original into the future.Please just make the best game you can, love it want it to be great, believe in it.(when you can no longer do that move on) If you need cash ask the community for help, or release down loadable content(as much as I hate that) Don't become like every other HUGE developer and rape the people who allow you to get paid doing what you love. (creating/selling games) Edited July 22, 2012 by Nalyid Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
no idea 0 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) @RocketMaybe it can help you to look at the business model of a very small studio called "unknown worlds". They develope Natural Selection 2 (an MMO-FPS), wich was in developement for many years but they gave the oppertunity to pre-order it for 35$ and with that you got Beta Access.The result right now, after many years (~5) of developing and Beta-Testing and a nearly finished product (ver. 1.0) is this:- They were able to finance every expanse their little studio had (also marketing)- They had HUGE feedback because the people cared about it (they "invested" their money)- They were able to work VERY close with the community- The Creator was/is able to built his vision of the gameMaybe it helps for your decision?! If I were you, I would contact them (even if they are in the last stages of developement)@restYou never heard of it? Shame on you;): Edited July 22, 2012 by no idea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C4SINO (DayZ) 20 Posted July 22, 2012 - Game purchase only- Studio developed- Studio servers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harken (DayZ) 57 Posted July 22, 2012 Sort out the hackers and bugs and I'll pay for the game once. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keiranb97 0 Posted July 22, 2012 PurchaseKickstarter the fans want to support thiscommunity/studio developed some real dedicated people working with the studio to help outstudio servers but allow say businesses like the rooster teeth servers be a thing but probably just let them buy and name them like a sponsorship Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StripedRaccoon 12 Posted July 22, 2012 Game purchase only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Muffinsforever 4 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) Do it like Minecraft. Community/studio development. Upfront purchase, maybe some microtransactions and let everyone run their own servers with some sort of watch system so they don't cheat (unless the server doesn't want to play nice and allows that sort of behavior). I don't see studio servers working mainly because of huge and horrendous demands. A kickstarter might rival the Ouya in how fast and how much it gets from us. Just make sure it stands out from what it is now. Edited July 22, 2012 by Muffinsforever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tenderness 30 Posted July 22, 2012 Game Purchase. Paying for items with real money will easily make things unbalanced, and if not, it won't be a stable income for the makers of the game.I would like it to be developed just the way the game is now. I like how the community is holdning the servers, even though i don't think it would hurt to have both community aswell as developer servers. The way bugs are being reported, (and people generally complain too much) is actually what makes it possible for developers to make the game better, or just the way they like it. The community shoudln't always decide, seeing as the game would be pretty bad if they did, but it's important to keep contact between players and developers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted July 22, 2012 To add something from my previous post: If there is a marketplace, there should be different types camo clothing, hats, shoes, shades and even those who wish to dress as Dorothy! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J-Hat 14 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) One time payment. Monthly fees could work, but I think it would epic to see an mmo with a 5 or 10 dollar sub instead of the 15 bucks we always see. If it fights hackers and adds content, I'm down for a sub fee even if it is 15.Community and developer run servers. Could be beneficial as an experiment. idkI'd say developed professionally. I just don't want to see it fall into the wrong hands. Lead us, icemotoboy. Edited July 25, 2012 by Macrodamus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tact 3 Posted July 22, 2012 Micro-transaction would not work without 'levels', 'contact progress' (A.P.B Reloaded), etc. Though hunting the well geared would be fun, take all their shit. Monthly subs wouldn't last, not enough content. Free month + 1 month, then done. Purchase outright would not give incentive for you to develop the game beyond where it is now. Cash flow ceases, next project looms in the mind.So.. micro-transaction and develop a content hierarchy based on grinding, where premium accounts grind faster. Unless you just want to make it free and take the hit on one time cash-flow for a game that is more niche than blockbuster.Tough nut, like saying what should you charge for Minecraft?I would just sell it, and work on your next, bigger, project. You can't tie up human creative resources in Day Z the mod, standalone, and Day Z 2.0 at the same time.This mod has run its course nearly with the current engine, time to evolve the concept into a new virtual reality (better engine ARMA 3.0+?). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sincerely 5 Posted July 22, 2012 Purchase once only, that will bring more players! Let's say 35$~ If its monthly fee, u might lose players and ppl maybe won't even buy it. f2p, is shit, it will ruin the game..Studio developed let's get shit real!Maybe a little bit off both, id really love to see people actually get banned for hacking!Kickstarter!! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liquidator (DayZ) 3 Posted July 22, 2012 Game purchase only if a monthly fee was introduced i would not continue to play i see it wrecks the gaming industry everyone i game with boycotts games like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paulmx 1 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) Game purchase - HappyMonthly Fee - Not happy and even Lucasarts can't make that work now.Community Hosted servers - HappyF2P - Good, but only cosmetic purchases. Not, I can afford to pay for a BFG and NVG's so I can pay-to-pwn.Kickstarter - Yup you can have my Beans. Edited July 22, 2012 by Spiggs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HalloweeNGT 23 Posted July 22, 2012 Purchase and monthly payment or this game will burn in hell by cheaters like its actually doing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites