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About Muffinsforever

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. More zombies, not harder zombies. I don't know about you hard core types, but I carry around a lot of ammo for the day when it's not just 3 zombies, more like 15, that are coming at me. But there will always be that day... When your gun runs dry and you pulled out your grendaes and pistol and they are still coming, you'll be thinking "Man, someone else would've been really nice to have right now." and then you hear gunfire across the town, and you can just make out someone else in a similar situation, the irony sets in when it's that person you shot at like 15 minutes ago. XxxChanci was killed Gunguy was killed Another idea is to add, sadly, super-infected, but not like the ones we know, something that is a little more friendly to the ARMA engine.
  2. Damn dude, that sucks. I strive to either work together or just go out separate ways if one of us doesn't want to. Killing other players is a final option, not the first.
  3. Personally, I curse and run like hell with a trail of expletives behind me. What about you? (first poll post ever)
  4. I'm pretty sure that cheating wasn't the highest priority of Bohemia when making ARMA 2, so I would expect exploits and hacking to occur, and I applaud Rocket for using such an engine for this amazing mod and accomplishing so much in so little time with an amazing, yet tempermental gaming engine. I have faith in him and I will continue goofing off on servers, hackers or no. Also, I wonder if Bohemia would be willing to beta test their engine for ARMA 3 with DayZ. Pretty sure they are buckling down on that piece of tech with the increased popularity.
  5. This is how you post about pvp. Thank you. I do agree, there is a problem when elimination is the the trend, I just wanna play and mess around, so I don't see myself becoming a bandit, though I will pop people if they are being aggressive. I want to help and group up, not just kill everything thing I see while camping in the grass, I did that enough in my old CoD days thank you very much (back when it was good) I just hope more people see what they are missing when they just kill everyone they see. (It's also better to plot and make plans to kill everyone you meet in certain circumstances if shit hits the fan)
  6. Muffinsforever

    Really now? REALLY?

  7. Dude. When I played CoD (When it was actually good) I hated core and rushed into hardcore, using an entire clip to kill someone is not fun, lets keep dmg the way it is. Yeah it might suck that you get dropped by 1 or 2 bullets, but that's the name of the game here. As for the other stuff, you crazy, except for the zombie health. They sorta shouldn't be able to go down just shooting them in the chest a few times. Standalone version is either gonna be on this or ARMA 3 engine (probably 3, great beta test for Bohemia :D )
  8. Muffinsforever

    Lethal trees

    Actually, I have something worse. I swiveled on the floor off a house and my leg turned into the door-frame. Leg breaks, I'm in shock and unconscious. I wake up after losing half my blood, bandage myself, crawl to a church and try to look at a map to see where a hospital is since for some dumb reason I dropped my morphine, and while in the map i get hacked to death by some scrub with a hatchet (had an ALICE pack, a good gun and tons of supplies) I blame the fact that we are essentially driving puppets, not controlling avatars. They react to the world and it forces serverside, not client side (just like WoW), so to the server I essentially snapped my leg in half by turning in a doorway...
  9. Muffinsforever


    Yes. Also hearing artillery as well.
  10. Muffinsforever

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    You keep saying we are wrong. Uh, why are we wrong again? Is it the part where we speculate due to a lack of data and information (where I would gladly be wrong, so I can learn) or the part where we express our opinions and feeling in general about this idea? Also, protip: using a protip to counter a protip is really stupid.
  11. Muffinsforever

    Convert or DIE

    I'm not doing that shtick. I'm gonna be that guy that comes out of nowhere with a helicopter and picks peeps up and whatever.
  12. Muffinsforever

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Protip: Insulting people doesn't get you on their good side. How are you to know what causes what and how much lag is caused by our actions? I saw the post on the delays that a character brings to the server and I'm not sure creating a character is anywhere near that of zombie/loot spawns. This may or may not be a good idea, but where is your source that this will produce more lag then prevent?
  13. Muffinsforever

    Why are people still complaining?

    The reason why they are complaining is because they would probably be dead or enslaved in a real zombie apocalypse. GG
  14. Muffinsforever

    Hackers Destroying DayZ

    Oh, it's you again.
  15. Well here I was running around and I ran into this A-10 and I was like "Ok, loot it an leave" somebody cleaned it out so I kept running. Later I find this box and it has like 10 of everything. EVRYTHING! didn't do anything with it though and kept going. Ran into this guy crawling around, I think he had a broken leg, but he wouldn't talk to me. Then this truck comes out of nowhere and says for me to get in, I try and get mobbed by zombies due to the noise, and I finally did get in and jumped out since I was gonna die anyways since I was bleeding out. I think they were trying to group up players, it's like these guys were rounding us players up with the best vehicle to do so, and I'm not sure but the guy said he was the one who spawned the box... Wtf. Also, protip from my last life. Don't open your map while your in a town by yourself.