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IF this was an actual game...

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why even ask this topic? Arma3 will come out next year (CANT WAIT!!! :D)

and they are tailoring it to be compatible with Day Z to transfer onto the engine

i would gladly pay upwards of $60 for a standalone version of Day Z. but since its built on the Arma engine and currently a mod, that will never happen

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No real preference on anything other than a basic one time payment or something along those lines, not interested in "free to play" or the monthly subscription.

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How would you rather pay for it?

Game purchase only.

Please! NO "Free to play" it's certain death to the game. Subscription is death to community. I'll never play subscription or free-to-play again in my life. It's self-destruction. I'd rather pay you $50 once. Hmmm... I could pay $50 once a year :) Such subscription I can handle.

1) Community developed or studio developed?

2) Community or studio servers? or both?

3) Kickstarter? or not?

1) I trust rocket's common sense and accept any decision he's gonna make. It's his child, he will do the best to get it prospering.

2) Same here. But community servers help devs to cope with capacity problems, though require handling updates. Official servers will cost much more to devs.

3) I never donated a dime to a kickstarter project, because there's nothing there I'm interested in. But as for DayZ, I will support it as much as I can afford.

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I'd be happy with a mod for ARMA 3. But if a standalone was developed I'd either prefer the free to play model (Please partner with a company with experience in this and not Bohemia) or a one off purchase. I'd never subscribe monthly to a game.

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Game Purchase only

no free to play or micro transactions

no monthly fee

Studio Developed

Both community and studio servers

Edited by Starngere

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- Game purchase only

- Studio developed

- Community servers

- Kickstarter

Edited by DomiStyle

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I'd happily fork over 40~60 dollars for this game, but please for the love of god Rocket don't make the community pay for a monthly subscription.

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I think that what I am about to say is the general consensus of this entire thread, but I signed up specifically to say it:

Please do not add any sort of free to play with microtransactions. Stick to your guns rocket, its clear that a brutal hardcore game is what people want. You are handling pure gold in your hands with this game. Nothing would ruin that sooner and quicker than microtransactions.

A one time purchase I think is the only real option that should be considered. Subscription models aren't terrible, but it would definitely limit your player base at any given time. To me, a subscription model is a game I am "actively playing". If I lose interest for even a week, I feel as if I should cancel because I am wasting my money. Removing the ability for someone to just play any given weekend after they purchased the game would be a poor decision in my opinion. Some people (at times myself included) don't have the time to play a subscription model enough to feel like they are getting their moneys worth.

I'm really not sure about which would be better for developoment, a studio or a community. A mixture of both is probably ideal, however finding a good mix is likely difficult. I think a lot of people just want to see this game continue down its current path. However is easiest to facilitate that would be of course the best.

Either way though, start a kickstarter. I think that there would be plenty of people willing to help this project along as long as the game stays on its current path. I bought arma 2 CO for 30$, but honestly, in the short time I've played day Z, it was probably worth 60$ of entertaining gaming experience.

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Shit is gettin serious.

If this was made as a stand alone game, or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?

How would you rather pay for it?

- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)

- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Free to play, buy your shit?

- Something else?


- Community developed or studio developed?

- Community or studio servers? or both?

- Kickstarter? or not?

Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.

Id say

Studio developed

Studio servers

Guild war style

then add stuff like more character slots, new maps, etc that cost money.

so you get a full game for cheap, and enhance it with ''dlc''

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Game purchase only.

Studio Developed.

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One time purchase, having the community involved is always a plus.

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- Gamepurchase/one-time buy is how I would prefer to get the game. I have a strong distaste for monthly fees.

- I would prefer a combination of professional dev. and community feedback because there always is input (good and bad) from the community. It should be up to the the devs to sift through it all and decide what should remain or be added.

- Kickstarter for sure.

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Game Purchase only. (This will by far get the most buys, and then you could have the community run servers if the going gets tough.)

Studio Developed. (YOU HAVE THE CHOICE WITH BOHEMIA, USE YOUR ASSETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Kickstart if needed.

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Game purchase only!


Kickstarter=Definitely worth looking into

Edited by rattus

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1x money or free, no monthly payments plz!!


addon (no mod) for arma3, for money of course!

Edited by Smithy

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Game Purchase only is the best, make it buyable through Steam or Paysafecards tho :)

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Game purchase only.

Studio developed (provided you are in the lead).

No server preferance.

KICKSTARTER! I cant believe you still have not gone that way! If some point and click adventure gets 3+ mil, im confident Day-z will get twice that. If there are alot of good incentives, even go for the extras and pay 50, 80 or more.

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To give a bit more background.

The current system is not sustainable in the long run because:

- Too many people want to play

- ArmA2 wasn't exactly designed for this many players, playing this style, in entirely this way (the engine is perfect, but there are engine bugs that require the source)

I'd like to see this become a quality project in the long run. The options there are to accept donations (say through a kickstarter), or come up with some kind of commercial model that keeps the game accessible, keeps the development fresh, and provides a dependable quality gameplay experience.

The problem with donations/kickstarters is that you don't really get control over your money. You haven't bought anything. What is to stop me, or someone else, blowing all that money on hookers and cocaine? Where is the structure? The project as it is, is already completely overwhelmed. Imagine if we accepted money now! Someone would be tempted, or make a bad decision, and then the whole thing would come crashing down and we'd all look like idolistic hippies.

I'm not really suggesting anything in particular here, I'm genuinely interested in peoples feedback. But I'm also a realist. There is no way the current system can continue like this forever and produce what I think we all want. But I also don't think that your average studio can pull something like this off. That means there needs to be a new approach, something a bit unique, and I think at the very least it needs:

- Endorsement of the community. Any success of this project so far belongs to the community rather than any of the DayZ team. Therefore its future effectively belongs to them. The mod was not marketed at all, it's popularity has spread through online groups, stories, videos.

- Transparency. What are you getting for your money? I mean, I can't even bring myself to consider opening up a kickstarter. This project has only been released a month, and while I think I'm a pretty decent guy people don't really know me. I think if this become something else people have the right to know what they're getting for their money, and they should have the right to complain if they're not getting that.

- Sustainability. I don't want to invest all my free time and effort in something that's not sustainable. Player's don't want to invest their time in that either. And the guys hosting the servers, at considerable expense, they don't want too either. So whatever happens, it needs to be rational, sensible, clearly defined, and not based on some utopian ideals.

The only thing I'm really sure on, is that paying for items. I mean that's just, I don't even know what to say. I just think that's a terrible idea. Microtransactions for cosmetic stuff? I guess, but I think that's sort of distracting. Naturally the project will gravitate towards the areas it is getting money from. Then it becomes hat farm.


We're coping. And by we, I mean the community. The people running the servers. The people dying because they climbed a ladder with a pistol. But we also need to decide what it should be, and we also need to be realistic.

It's a good discussion.

Heres the thing rocket, You say you cant bring yourself to open a kickstarter...

Aside from the people who bitch about you and your "shitty GAME" when clearly its an alpha mod, You do have a community here who supports you..you really do

even if people do tend to complain about things you ultimately have no control over.. I.E. Griefers...sure they can be fixed but new griefing tactics will always exist..happens in every game.

Anyway back on topic!

As for the Free2Play model.. I dont mind it! EXCEPT---

Pay2win- Not an option... nobody likes to get constantly overpowered or bragged to by players who have considerably large amounts of money to pay CashShops.

Pay2Level- Still annoying... spending cash to buy a 600% XP boost for 12 days or whatever

I know Dayz has no leveling system but you get my point.

Since DayZ has a fairly large playerbase? Even something simple like a SKINS cash-shop would be cool

But make everything earnable by playing too

i.e. 5 days played = 5 cash and a skin costs 30 or something...

That kind of model is okay, because ultimately? if u cant afford a skin? You are not at a disadvantage..AT ALL.

but back to my original statement.

The community is here. we support you.

dont feel ashamed to see your project through by any means necessary

But do not push aside your creative mind and vision and bend over for some company that wants the model to basically assrape its customers wallets.

because once its out? Sure you will have players

But you think people are complaining now? I tend to find the ones with mass amounts of money to blow on a game and grief the poor players....complain ALOT more...

Thanks rocket

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[ Game purchase only ]. (F2P sucks unless it's really free, and monthly fee makes you feel you're wasting money/time when you're not playing)

[ Studio developed ]. (Not sure I understand the differences in this, but I feel the creator's vision is spot on, though I like community feedback)

[ Community servers ] (EDIT: I had forgotten this.--- The servers should be regulated to a degree so as not to have "KNIFE ONLY" matches and crap like that. Maybe a few studio servers too?)

Kickstarter is certainly an option but I feel it's over-saturated right now and "spoiling the soil". And I don't know many other ways you could finance this other than external producers. Can't hurt to try though, right? Kickstarter I mean..

As I was typing I saw this guy's post and thought... "well, why keep wasting time". These are my thoughts exactly:

I think that what I am about to say is the general consensus of this entire thread, but I signed up specifically to say it:

Please do not add any sort of free to play with microtransactions. Stick to your guns rocket, its clear that a brutal hardcore game is what people want. You are handling pure gold in your hands with this game. Nothing would ruin that sooner and quicker than microtransactions.

A one time purchase I think is the only real option that should be considered. Subscription models aren't terrible, but it would definitely limit your player base at any given time. To me, a subscription model is a game I am "actively playing". If I lose interest for even a week, I feel as if I should cancel because I am wasting my money. Removing the ability for someone to just play any given weekend after they purchased the game would be a poor decision in my opinion. Some people (at times myself included) don't have the time to play a subscription model enough to feel like they are getting their moneys worth.

I'm really not sure about which would be better for developoment, a studio or a community. A mixture of both is probably ideal, however finding a good mix is likely difficult. I think a lot of people just want to see this game continue down its current path. However is easiest to facilitate that would be of course the best.

Either way though, start a kickstarter. I think that there would be plenty of people willing to help this project along as long as the game stays on its current path. I bought arma 2 CO for 30$, but honestly, in the short time I've played day Z, it was probably worth 60$ of entertaining gaming experience.

Edited by Blade Runner
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I would definitely spend $60~$100! for a purchase to play model and purchasable DLC. Item-shop is fine with me as well but only for cosmetic stuff like clothing etc. But also make it so that players can also obtain them with in-game points that they accumulate while playing. Maybe something like you get X amount of game points in relation to how long you survived.

I'd like to see it developed by community as well as studio.

Definitely community and studio servers.

I'd back you up 100% on Kickstarter!

Just make sure to develop a KICKASS zombie apocalypse game!

Edited by jay.pis

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Stay away from F2P and being able to buy equipment and experience.

It would eliminate the purpose of finding supplies and diminish the core of the game. There would be no point in making any progress or spending time in this game to strengthen your character.

Why would you go through all that effort for a couple hours when you can spend $10-$15 to get what you need. If you're purely worried about making this game a cash crop then that's the route to go. But if your making a game that stands out from all the other ones and major companies, you to keep the way that gaming use to be. Spend some time to actually progress and earn what you have.

F2P is fucking up the video game industry. It's not about the core of the game, playability, fun factor, progress, etc. It's about making money, bottom line. Games have gone a much different direction in the last 5 or so years and it's slowing destroying the "real" gamer audience.

Stand alone full game purchase and stay the fuck away from EA and Activision. They'll take your work and fuck it up.

Edited by MaDKroniK
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