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One of our three Washington DC nodes got DDoS'ed into oblivion at roughly 5:30AM EST (GMT-5) this morning apparently so the datacenter null routed the address for 24 hours. We are trying to get it removed. (This would happen an hour after I went to sleep... Murphy's Law)

If anyone wants compensation for the downtime please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] - we're very sorry but DDoS attacks do happen and there's nothing we can really do about them if they are large enough (and this one was) - hardware DDoS protection is several thousands of dollars a month and it's not feasible for inexpensive game servers.

We are bringing new Salt Lake City and London servers online right now so if you want you can move your downed Washington DC server there to get it back up immediately you can (rather than waiting until 5AM for the DDoS nullroute to be over), though be aware the IP and port will change.

EDIT: The nullroute is now removed and the server is back online, disregard

Edited by ersan191

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Thanks for getting the servers back up, but:

Everyone is getting kicked by battle eye now after about a minute after joining.

"You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Client not reponding)"

I've restarted several times.

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Thanks for getting the servers back up, but:

Everyone is getting kicked by battle eye now after about a minute after joining.

"You were kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Client not reponding)"

I've restarted several times.

Every single person? Or just some?

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One of our three Washington DC nodes got DDoS'ed into oblivion at roughly 5:30AM EST (GMT-5) this morning apparently so the datacenter null routed the address for 24 hours. We are trying to get it removed. (This would happen an hour after I went to sleep... Murphy's Law)

If anyone wants compensation for the downtime please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] - we're very sorry but DDoS attacks do happen and there's nothing we can really do about them if they are large enough (and this one was) - hardware DDoS protection is several thousands of dollars a month and it's not feasible for inexpensive game servers.

We are bringing new Salt Lake City and London servers online right now so if you want you can move your downed Washington DC server there to get it back up immediately you can (rather than waiting until 5AM for the DDoS nullroute to be over), though be aware the IP and port will change.

EDIT: The nullroute is now removed and the server is back online, disregard

You guys seem to be getting targeted quite a bit lately, is there any indication that it could be a particular party, or are they just totally random?

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3 confirmed.

I Don't know about others, I only have 2 friends... ha.

But considering the popularity of the server, it is unusual to see it empty at this time of day which leads me to believe it is affecting everyone? Maybe not.

Edit: Moved server to salt lake temporarily.

Edited by Erad

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Same here - We're getting booted ~1-2 minutes after joining. Battleye not responding.

I restarted our server; for some reason the Always Daylight feature was not working. It is now daylight, but everyone is being kicked by Battleye. I hope it is sheer happenstance that the DDOS attack happened right after I banned some kid for scripting. Either way, we appreciate your continued efforts in these matters!

Edited by -Daemon-

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Man, something really wrong here: cannot join the server, it keeps saying "invalid password", but there is no password set!

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Man, something really wrong here: cannot join the server, it keeps saying "invalid password", but there is no password set!

you using dayzcommander ? if so try restart it and it should work ive been having this trub for about 3 weeks now

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you using dayzcommander ? if so try restart it and it should work ive been having this trub for about 3 weeks now

I've played with no problems like 2 hours ago in this server.. I've also just successfully joined another Namalsk server hosted by Dayz.st.

When I try to join mine I have the password error OR the game just close crashing to desktop.

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I'm not one to complain, since I know the hardships that you guys at DayZ.st are going through; but our server has been inaccessible for ~13 hours now.

All my players are getting:

Player is losing connection

Player was kicked by Battleye: Battleye client not responding.

It's happening with only 1 person on the server or as many as 10, and restarts/shutdowns have not changed anything.

Server is: We'reNuts Chernarus ,,Private Hive,GMT+11,Always Daytime | DayZ.ST

Edited by -Daemon-

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Man, something really wrong here: cannot join the server, it keeps saying "invalid password", but there is no password set!

We get this issue sometimes, just keep trying to join and you'll get passed it.

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Edit: server is up and working. Although every player that joins gets kicked by battle eye: client not responding within a few minutes of playtime.

Edited by hp.

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Hey lads, I understand that the server loadout is still in beta, but am i missing something when i say i cant change the bags?

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We believe the ddos in Washington is ongoing, we are all doing thanksgiving things with our families at the moment and will definitely see if anything can be done as soon as we get back which should be in a couple hours.

Very sorry, the timing on this was just poor.

Edited by ersan191

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If you don't have a problem with your ip and port changing, yes I would recommend it.

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We've moved to a Salt Lake one to keep our server going. Is there any chance of getting our old IP back if we switch to D.C after the attacks?

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We've determined the cause of the problem, when the datacenter removed the nullroute on our server they put a (very expensive actually) hardware firewall on it without asking us, the settings on the firewall are way too aggressive and not compatible with BattlEye, they said they will remove the firewall within the next 30 minutes, at which point the server will start working again. Very sorry about all that.

EDIT: It is fixed now.

We've moved to a Salt Lake one to keep our server going. Is there any chance of getting our old IP back if we switch to D.C after the attacks?

IP yes, port probably not - if it hasn't been sold to someone else already then yes (but it probably has)

Edited by ersan191

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Just moved it back. Same IP, but not the same port. Hopefully our players can find us again. Thanks a million for your dedication!

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Loading times are pretty fixed now, my server is hosted in London so it's a different problem than this WA one. But the "lag" problem remains, i'm not 100% sure it is about the database, but i believe so, it looks the records are updated after a while and this is causing too much desynch, sometime it keeps like 10 second to just enter into a vehicle.

Do we have any update about the new Database server? Hoping it will fix the problem definitevely.. coz i already had to migrate my server from NL to UK .. and initially it was OK, while now the situation seems worse in UK than what it was in NL.

Again: the loading times are amazing now... but the rest is not. And it's not a patch thing, i've tested the patch on other servers with 50 players or more and they works so good.

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Loading times are pretty fixed now, my server is hosted in London so it's a different problem than this WA one. But the "lag" problem remains, i'm not 100% sure it is about the database, but i believe so, it looks the records are updated after a while and this is causing too much desynch, sometime it keeps like 10 second to just enter into a vehicle.

Do we have any update about the new Database server? Hoping it will fix the problem definitevely.. coz i already had to migrate my server from NL to UK .. and initially it was OK, while now the situation seems worse in UK than what it was in NL.

Again: the loading times are amazing now... but the rest is not. And it's not a patch thing, i've tested the patch on other servers with 50 players or more and they works so good.

Seriously having the save issues on my London server. Been ignoring it for the last week or so but now its really starting to piss folk off :(

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Loading times are pretty fixed now, my server is hosted in London so it's a different problem than this WA one. But the "lag" problem remains, i'm not 100% sure it is about the database, but i believe so, it looks the records are updated after a while and this is causing too much desynch, sometime it keeps like 10 second to just enter into a vehicle.

Do we have any update about the new Database server? Hoping it will fix the problem definitevely.. coz i already had to migrate my server from NL to UK .. and initially it was OK, while now the situation seems worse in UK than what it was in NL.

Again: the loading times are amazing now... but the rest is not. And it's not a patch thing, i've tested the patch on other servers with 50 players or more and they works so good.

If it's the red chain and it shows up when someone is looting an item or driving a vehicle it is likely database related. The new database server has been online since yesterday but we haven't had any time to start porting things over to it because of the holidays and DayZ release. I'm going to be busy tomorrow and Saturday so we will likely do the migration on Sunday.

I just made a couple tweaks that may help with the current database server though.

I wasn't aware of any save issues Robaroo. If you're talking about the save button on vehicles and tents it has been removed in

Edited by ersan191

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I have a problem now with RMOD, battleeye is kicking me everytime I fire a weapon.

This never used to happen but now it is all the time, does anyone know how to fix this without disabling Battleeye?

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If it's the red chain and it shows up when someone is looting an item or driving a vehicle it is likely database related. The new database server has been online since yesterday but we haven't had any time to start porting things over to it because of the holidays and DayZ release. I'm going to be busy tomorrow and Saturday so we will likely do the migration on Sunday.

I just made a couple tweaks that may help with the current database server though.

Thank you, yes most of the times it is about the "desyinch", that i only now understand what it really means... with "now" i mean from when i started to manage with server things. It looks like the user-actions are constantly saved into the database in a sort of real-time data flow, and when the DB isn't fast enough updating these records, the desyinch happens and so the whole thing doesn't work at all.

Now a little OT: i work on this stuff as my "real life" job... i don't really understand how someone come up with this idea (i mean the DayZ devs), this is really a not efficient way of tracking the user activity, it's time and resource consuming, also MySQL is really not the right database to handle this of traffic (seek time is pretty bad). All the problems we're having with DayZ from the start are really about how it is designed.. we could live with a 1/10th less powerful machine to run the server on IF it wasn't designed that bad originally.

I hope they totally revolutionized the stand alone version, at least...

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Thank you, yes most of the times it is about the "desyinch", that i only now understand what it really means... with "now" i mean from when i started to manage with server things. It looks like the user-actions are constantly saved into the database in a sort of real-time data flow, and when the DB isn't fast enough updating these records, the desyinch happens and so the whole thing doesn't work at all.

Now a little OT: i work on this stuff as my "real life" job... i don't really understand how someone come up with this idea (i mean the DayZ devs), this is really a not efficient way of tracking the user activity, it's time and resource consuming, also MySQL is really not the right database to handle this of traffic (seek time is pretty bad). All the problems we're having with DayZ from the start are really about how it is designed.. we could live with a 1/10th less powerful machine to run the server on IF it wasn't designed that bad originally.

I hope they totally revolutionized the stand alone version, at least...

Actually that's something they are working on at the moment:


They're switching to a pure client-server architecture. The only thing they didn't mention was whether or not they were switching to a faster NoSQL database.

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