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Lock Doors on Vehicles

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I Think there should be a function to lock doors on vehicles.

If a door is already locked, then you should have to smash a window to unlock the vehicle, so that you can get into it.

(on a side note, you should also be able to kill other people in the vehicle)

(and before u ask. Yes, someone did get into my vehicle while I was in the passenger seat.)

Edited by Syphon_

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(and before u ask. Yes, someone did get into my vehicle while I was in the passenger seat.)

Get out, aim, kill.

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whats the point of lock when they can just break the window?

It would take a few seconds, thereby giving you a sight warning, and allowing you to get away

Get out, aim, kill.

Yea unfortunately I had just gotten into the vehicle to rearm and was unsure weather my weapon was loaded or not. (turns out the guy that stole the vehicle didnt know that i was in it, and I managed to kill his mate when he tried to get in.)

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