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Cya all, and bb DayZ

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First of all i know the game is new (pretty new) anyway the advertising for this game in beta is not that good atm.

the game has got from good to bad to worse to a nightmare.

here is my story:

just came back after a month, on first login i play for 10 min, shoot 10-15 rounds at a dude who disappear and few sec later spawns behind me and kills me (no way he could move there legal as i was up on a building) know it was him camo clothes and a .50 cal

i left and joined another server, played for 30-40 min then i got teleported into the air and falls to my death

logging off for the day

next day me and a pal plays for few hours sitting inside a house in a room without windows and we both randomly dies.

changes server and playing for about an hour when i found a camp with alot of stuff veicles and weapon boxes? hundreds of snipers and stuff. i do actually took a dmr from the box, heading out and see a player crossing a field, fire 1 shot at him and he pops out of the game

(was like i pressed alt+f4 for him) i grumble a bit and continue for like an hour when i get teleported to the air again and dies.

gets on another server (again) went to NE airfield where i found an CZ in a barn close by, moving around in the area and see a player at the hangars, i fire 5 shots 100% sure the first 2 hits him, he disappear and few sec later he had been moving 300 meters said something in russian over voice then shooting me with a m107 hitting me with the 2nd shot and i die. respawning on the same server at cherno, run into the city and into the fire station... on the second floor i hear the same russian dude over voice, unarmed as i was i turn around and are looking right into a half inch barrel and the next thing i know im dead again...

logged off again... i guess that was it for me. DayZ is a joke, every server you join there is atleast 1 hacker ruin the game, i die 3 times of 4 to a hacker, and also 3 out of 4 ppl i shoot at that is not an unkillable hacker just hit altF4. the server admins cant do anything and the devs dont seems to care.

had some fun moments in this game but that was it i guess, i wont play anymore DayZ and will not even bother the standalone, just hope WarZ will not be that infested with cheaters.

accept the fact: DayZ is dead before it even was born, the hacking and exploiting and duping is way out of hand

Cya all! /regards

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Have fun, see you in two weeks when you come back from your QQ'ing.

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Join unpoplulated servers or private hive servers. Also dayz is in alpha, not beta.

unpopulated servers are boring as im 100% for pvp.

what i hive and how can u be so sure there is no hackers on there?

i might still play Lingor if my crew and other friends sets up a server, but i will not support this community

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Have fun, see you in two weeks when you come back from your QQ'ing.

im not crying over dayZ, its just that the game is rather unplayable in long term, u kinda have to accept that ya gets killed by hacks atleast once a day, so picking a weapon and shootin ppl in cherno is still an option if u like that =)

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"That's a fantastic moustache, fair play mate it takes guts to be sporting a wankers badge these days."

That's an actual quote that a compleate stranger said to my mate at the pub.

Edited by Axz
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No one care.

you care, otherwise u whould never clicked the tread badass

"That's a fantastic moustache, fair play mate it takes guts to be sporting a wankers badge these days."

That's an actual quote that a compleate stranger said to my mate at the pub.

That sir was the best reply ive ever read on this forums. take my beans =)

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I try to play on 20 pop or lower servers. I have never been thunder domed or thrown into the air or nuked in almost three months of play. I have run into plenty of people with scripted gear but I have yet to experience any of the crap you cant seem to get away from. I'm probably just lucky but keep in mind "stick to low pop servers" doesn't necessarily mean servers with a population of 3. Last death I had, on a 10ish pop server if memory serves me, I had 3 kills before ever leaving electro which is where I spawned.

Edited by Chuckles

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I've played for over a month and a half and i've been killed by hackers two or three times. Find a home server and stick with it

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Why does there always need to be a story (or a post for that matter)?

- Pack up your shit.

- Take it to where ever you are going.

- Have a nice day, enough said.

SImple. As. That.

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We'll be seeing you again.

On a related note; who on this forum is really going to hand out pity-goodie-baskets to everybody who writes a sob story?

Edited by Dirty Pyrex
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Cya later nub, hopefully the game becomes easier so we can listen to your valuable opinion again one day. We will sure miss you!

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stick to servers below 20 people, you'll still find some action and avoid the hackers. or, play lingor. hackers are there, too, just not in as high volume.

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I totally agree with you. I have only come across 2 hackers, coz aus servers seem pretty untouched. But yea the community wrecks it for me, they're all a bunch of cunts.

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I've never really understood the point of these posts, and I've tried. Occasionally I've locked posts like this either because it's just QQ and nothing else or my frustration got the better of me. I'm not sure what response the OP wants. I'm pretty sure when I've got sick of games in the past I've just removed them from my HD and that was the end of it. I didn't bother writing a long post to the rest of the community to tell them I was about to do so.

It is important though for Rocket and team to see posts like this, they've always said the QQ posts are important to them so that they can understand what people are thinking. It's interesting that you've said the game is dead before it's born because of hackers when one of the main reasons for going standalone so soon is to deal with exactly that issue.

P.S - It's in Alpha, not Beta.

Edited by Fraggle
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I've never met a hacker before, nor did I ever die under suspicious causes. *quickly knocks on the desk*

I don't consider myself lucky, I only play on low populated servers (max 10 players) and avoid as much contact as I can.

You should try that sometimes.

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I only found a group of hackers and I have played dayz for like 1-2 months.

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I've never really understood the point of these posts, and I've tried. Occasionally I've locked posts like this either because it's just QQ and nothing else or my frustration got the better of me. I'm not sure what response the OP wants. I'm pretty sure when I've got sick of games in the past I've just removed them from my HD and that was the end of it. I didn't bother writing a long post to the rest of the community to tell them I was about to do so.

It is important though for Rocket and team to see posts like this, they've always said the QQ posts are important to them so that they can understand what people are thinking. It's interesting that you've said the game is dead before it's born because of hackers when one of the main reasons for going standalone so soon is to deal with exactly that issue.

P.S - It's in Alpha, not Beta.

that was exactly my point, to contribute to get the devs to open their eyes, i might still check out the standalone dut not sure if i will play it.

and to all flames about "QQ and sad suck and shit, i mean cmon kids! if it grieves ya so hard dont read it, just ignore it.. savvy?

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