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Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

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It's a bit too radical for me to do what PeteOfButcherBay is hinting towards... :)

I guess I'll either adapt or get out.

I tip my hat to you sir, i was really expecting this thread to digress into a massive complaint thread, but you made your point, heard the points from others, and came to the conclusion ''I guess I'll either adapt or get out'', even with my, at times pedantic and hostile reply's :)

i hope when i find something don't like i'd be as open minded as you, i say this with the up-most sincerity

If i find some NVG's, there all yours mate

i salute you

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This is horrible. I thought it was maybe a mistake or just some buggy shit last night. Everything does look wasted out and lifeless. Without being able to use HDR on very high (doesn't seem to change anything anymore) I get wasted out clouds and ground clutter at night. Like some king of color banding. I have no idea wtf the tech. term is and I can't find a night time server atm to cap a screen...I just know I won't be playing as it is anytime of day. The map is waaay to beautiful for this wasted out shit look to it. Damn! I believe this is a server setting not a beta patch setting. I had this effect on 93616. After it being fine earlier that day.

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It just hit me - I am running with fairly high settings. It's possible that lower configurations provide less ambient light at night? I'd test it but my graphics card is being repaired and I doubt my 2500K processor is any good at running Arma2 in "software" mode ;)

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I agree, there needs to be some adjustment to the night time lighting. And please don't give me any "carebear" or "real life" arguments. This game is not designed to be a 100% simulation of real life -morphine doesn't heal broken legs, no one can jog/sprint indefinitely with several hundred pounds of gear, loot doesn't respawn on a continuous basis, no one could eat that many beans without going insane, etc. Long story short, we all accept a variety of conventions that are clearly not realistic but are designed to enable game play elements that otherwise wound not be possible. The game play element most of us are looking to enable is "playing at night".

Even if you want to go with the "It's RL, deal with it" argument, the sensible thing most us without NVG's (which is functionally everyone) would do in a pitch black night, with zombies and bandits attracted to light like flies on s*, is find a pile of leaves, crawl under it, and shiver ourselves to sleep while we wait for morning - no one who values their life (and if this is a survival simulation, that should be all of us) would walk anywhere caring a road flare that can be scene from a mile away. As it currently stands, the game is balanced to say "don't do anything at night" - "realistic" perhaps, but downright boring, particularly for those of us that work during the day and whose opportunity to play is mainly at night. DayZ has been jokingly derided as a walking simulator. We certainly don't need to add in a sleeping simulator for 12 hours of the day.

This doesn't mean nighttime shouldn't present it's own set of challenges (and opportunities), but right now all it is is an insurmountable challenge. having it a "bit" brighter would still provide a unique gaming experience, give a signification advantage to those with NVG's, require the use of chemlights/road flares at times, but would also allow us to get around without giant red "here I am, come get me" flashing light above our heads 100% of the time.

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It's a bit too radical for me to do what PeteOfButcherBay is hinting towards... :)

I guess I'll either adapt or get out.

I tip my hat to you sir' date=' i was really expecting this thread to digress into a massive complaint thread, but you made your point, heard the points from others, and came to the conclusion ''I guess I'll either adapt or get out'', even with my, at times pedantic and hostile reply's :)

i hope when i find something don't like i'd be as open minded as you, i say this with the up-most sincerity

If i find some NVG's, there all yours mate

i salute you


hehe, thanks mate :) Yeah no point in reacting emotionally to something like this. I understand the viewpoints of both sides in this matter, as I'm a gamma warrior that has been hoping for a fix to the gamma-warrior issue.

However I'll remain hopeful that there will be a middle ground down the road where we CAN have a bit less 'pitch black' without being able to enhance it with pulling sliders in options.

Still my gripe with daytime dynamic light is probably not going to change no matter how many deal-with-it's i get ^^

Another and more pronounced example: http://imgur.com/a/GtYzu -- You'd think it'd be the other way around, no?

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I enjoyed it in it's previous state really. I'll just stay away from night until this is fixed one way or another. :x

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Love it. The gamma/brightness/hdr hack lessened the coolness of nvg and, let's be honest, is not realistic. With no power and no/minimal moon, you shouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face. Someone said it before, really brings out a new perspective in Cherno and tests how far players will go before lighting a flare/turning on their flashlight.

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Night vision takes about 20 minutes to set in and it's ruined by any type of light.

Which is why modern military grade night vision is monoscopic and straying away from the AN-PVS7. One eye acclimates to the night while one eye is seeing the world through the device.

Wish somehow that could be incorporated into the game.

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I had to set my brightness to 1.5 just to see in a forest in broad daylight

The "light adaptation" has gone haywire

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I like the dynamic range during the daytime, though, because it allows me to use the sun tactically-- I mean... using light and shadow to avoid detection was a skill I developed playing Ghost in the Graveyard and Hide and Seek games during summer nights as a child. Street lights, passing cars, anything to distract from and mask my silhouette. During the day, keep your silhouette against the shade side of foliage.

Man up!

...er... child up!

Or something-- just learn from experience and get better. That's how most people do it.

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Wow... Never had that problem, Wither. Mine is usually the other way - I tend to having to ignite flares in larger buildings (especially supermarkets) on the darker nights.

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hehe' date=' thanks mate :) Yeah no point in reacting emotionally to something like this. I understand the viewpoints of both sides in this matter, as I'm a gamma warrior that has been hoping for a fix to the gamma-warrior issue.

However I'll remain hopeful that there will be a middle ground down the road where we CAN have a bit less 'pitch black' without being able to enhance it with pulling sliders in options.

Still my gripe with daytime dynamic light is probably not going to change no matter how many deal-with-it's i get ^^

Another and more pronounced example: http://imgur.com/a/GtYzu -- You'd think it'd be the other way around, no?


Yeah i see your point with that image, however i think that is more to do with the terrible light/shader mapping within all buildings in arma 2. The police stations interior is also very strange, as the walls are white, at night time it looks like someone left the light on inside. Also looking through some windows in buildings it fails to draw in a lot of the landscape items. Probably wasn't much of an issue with vanilla arma 2 as most of the game-play happens outside for the most part, but with dayz, with the loot and security which a building provides its more noticeable and frustrating

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Wow... Never had that problem' date=' Wither. Mine is usually the other way - I tend to having to ignite flares in larger buildings (especially supermarkets) on the darker nights.


Oh that's my point. It's not dark yet in this example: http://imgur.com/a/GtYzu

I'm sure they're trying to simulate how the pupils dilate and contract as you look towards the sun, but in my example it's just overdone in my opinion.

hehe' date=' thanks mate :) Yeah no point in reacting emotionally to something like this. I understand the viewpoints of both sides in this matter, as I'm a gamma warrior that has been hoping for a fix to the gamma-warrior issue.

However I'll remain hopeful that there will be a middle ground down the road where we CAN have a bit less 'pitch black' without being able to enhance it with pulling sliders in options.

Still my gripe with daytime dynamic light is probably not going to change no matter how many deal-with-it's i get ^^

Another and more pronounced example: http://imgur.com/a/GtYzu -- You'd think it'd be the other way around, no?


Yeah i see your point with that image, however i think that is more to do with the terrible light/shader mapping within all buildings in arma 2. The police stations interior is also very strange, as the walls are white, at night time it looks like someone left the light on inside. Also looking through some windows in buildings it fails to draw in a lot of the landscape items. Probably wasn't much of an issue with vanilla arma 2 as most of the game-play happens outside for the most part, but with dayz, with the loot and security which a building provides its more noticeable and frustrating

Yeah. Hopefully Arma 3 has a proper lighting engine. The one they have in Arma 2 seems a bit slapdash (no offense BI!)

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I'm having the same troubles since the latest beta patch also, I noticed it last night. I'm used to dark nights, I also know how to adjust my brightness so I can see somewhat well at night, but last night was the darkest i've ever seen it. So much so that even with both brightness/gamma absolutely maxed, I still couldn't even make out the front post on my winchester. Everything was just blobs of black. The only saving grace was that some buildings were extremely bright as if they were emitting light themselves, so I could make out silhouettes.

I don't think this is an issue of the OP bitching about the night being too dark or anything, it's more of an issue that the lightning engine in this game is broken. I haven't been able to play in the daytime yet, but i'm wondering if that massive bloom spike problem is still in, I used to run into it a lot during the day time running through the woods, i'd be looking a certain direction and the brightness would just slowly ramp up until it looked like a nuke had gone off in the woods, then looking away it would go back to normal. At first I thought it was just the effect of looking at the sun, till I realized I was going down a hill and staring at dirt.

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I'm having the same troubles since the latest beta patch also' date=' I noticed it last night. I'm used to dark nights, I also know how to adjust my brightness so I can see somewhat well at night, but last night was the darkest i've ever seen it. So much so that even with both brightness/gamma absolutely maxed, I still couldn't even make out the front post on my winchester. Everything was just blobs of black. The only saving grace was that some buildings were extremely bright as if they were emitting light themselves, so I could make out silhouettes.

I don't think this is an issue of the OP bitching about the night being too dark or anything, it's more of an issue that the lightning engine in this game is broken. I haven't been able to play in the daytime yet, but i'm wondering if that massive bloom spike problem is still in, I used to run into it a lot during the day time running through the woods, i'd be looking a certain direction and the brightness would just slowly ramp up until it looked like a nuke had gone off in the woods, then looking away it would go back to normal. At first I thought it was just the effect of looking at the sun, till I realized I was going down a hill and staring at dirt.


Exactly this. I, as the OP, wasn't really bitching about the night being dark. I'm fine with it being a little dark -- but right now its unrealistically dark. So when people use "it's realistic!" as an argument for the complete blackening of the night, I'm inclined to believe I live in another reality than them...

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I think some of the people saying it's fine may not have the beta patch installed. One of the really neat features of this game is the accurate night sky, and looking through binoculars at the moon pre-beta I could see that it had accurate maria and stuff on it, very neat. After installing the beta, the stars and moon look more like blurry blobs, and you basically can't see anything at night. During the day, the difference in brightness between a shaded area and a well lit area is enormous, much more than the shade provided by the spruce trees of a temperate forest would account for. Looking into a shaded area is like being indoors with the shades drawn and the lights turned off during the day. I don't know if there's anything the Dayz team can do about it since it's an Arma 2 patch, but they really overdid it and I hope they tone it down some.

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@Flevius: DayZ devs and Arma2 devs are one and the same. The company anyway. Rocket is an employee there - so he can definitely get it fixed if it turns out to be an engine issue.

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Afaik it wasn't the beta patch that did this. It was server side or something. All I know is that I was on 93616 yesterday day time in game and everything was fine. I quit playing for awhile 'cause of the desync shit. I shot a guy with 2 full mags and he didn't die then was right next to me I shot him again and he finally died. Still on 93616 (didn't update to 93666 until a couple of hours ago) came back and it was night time on the server (UK 7) and I couldn't change these settings to my liking. I tried playing at day time again and everything just looks wasted out and lifeless. It could be that certain servers updated betas, but not to the most updated server side update or some shit...As I said earlier in this thread this map it too beautiful for this wasted shit look. Sucks. I hope this doesn't stay the way it is now...

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This could be postprocessing settings changed in the mission file. In ArmA 2, the mission creator can use scripting commands to create postprocessing effects and change things such as contrast etc. I believe rocket has modified some of these effects in the latest mission file.

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This could be postprocessing settings changed in the mission file. In ArmA 2' date=' the mission creator can use scripting commands to create postprocessing effects and change things such as contrast etc. I believe rocket has modified some of these effects in the latest mission file.


This is solely effect of the latest beta patch. Very easy to verify - just run standard 1.60 vs latest beta patch - and you will see it on your own.

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arma2 has a real moon time. that means, if you put in correct date in the mission than you can look at your calender and expect what moonphase you have and how much you see at night !!

so if the mission-files are updated in that case you will have nights you see good and nights you can´t see anything like in reallife. als if you have clouds its even getting darker.

also in arma the ebb and flow/high and low tide are calculated in realtime. ah and you can navigate by starts in night with north star.

so if its liek this ingame - deal with it !!

(hope you understand my german-english ;) )

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Your german-english sucks! j/k :P

It's not that its the way it is. It's changed from what it was to something different. This something different is horrible. Even if I'm the only one that hates it so much that I won't play until it changes. Then so be it. I'll gladly (not really I miss it already) not play. I'm not going to deal with it. This is an aplha though so it needs to be tested by someone. Hopefully you'll see what I see and hate the shit out of it too. So hopefully they change it to something less horrible in the future. If not, gg I'm out. It's THAT bad to me. Hehe.

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arma2 has a real moon time. that means' date=' if you put in correct date in the mission than you can look at your calender and expect what moonphase you have and how much you see at night !!

so if the mission-files are updated in that case you will have nights you see good and nights you can´t see anything like in reallife. als if you have clouds its even getting darker.

also in arma the ebb and flow/high and low tide are calculated in realtime. ah and you can navigate by starts in night with north star.

so if its liek this ingame - deal with it !!

(hope you understand my german-english ;) )


What you wrote here is correct, but has nothing to do with discussed problem.

Sigh, I saw so much "experts" on Internets like you, who has no clue what they are talking about...

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well the lighting looks very buggy, like the images show..

maybe instead of trying to force an engine (and fail) to mimic real hdr

an more average lighting approach should be choose..

i honestly rather want to see bug fixed than lighting being toyed with..

a complete pitch black night where you can see absolutely nothing is in most cases very unrealistic..

again i don't see the point to force something into the game thats technically not (yet? arma3?) possible with it..

whats funny is that the guys in dayz wear basecaps which should also limit drastically how much the eyes need to dilate in different light situations..

i assume arma handles light via bounding boxes (indoor outdoor etc.) and its very finetuned in that department compared to other engines (check cryengine 3 e3 videos.. looks amazing)

anyway.. i would like to see a fix (or backroll) to the old settings

this this is surely not a the night is to dark thread.. but if this change will start pooping up the day is too dark threads something is going wrong.. (and lighting should be kept to lighting artists not coders *cough*)

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