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  On 9/9/2012 at 12:12 PM, dev0 said:

It's not a bug, it's a feature. Stop server hopping and you will stop spawning at the beach.

That's a pretty retarded statement. This happens whether you hop servers or not. It's completely unpredictable. I've gone on a random server one morning and I log in dead. It happens on my favorite servers sometimes as well. I've been kicked for ping too high once and it happened on the immediate next server I joined. It's been happening more often now. I believe this glitch should receive more attention than the tents or vehicles as of right now. Losing extra items inside tents I can handle, but randomly losing all the gear on my person for an illegitimate reason is completely unfair.

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This team is really unbelievable! In order to fix a problem, they create another 3 or 4 new ones. But they don't try to fix these new problems right away! No no! They release the patch as is and brag about the fixed stuff on every known social website on the planet. You are not some low-level indie devs anymore. You are professionals and this not a hobby. Act your roles. You have a fanbase that expects more from you. They expect stuff you CAN deliver. If a couple of game conventions and presentations are SO overwhelming and tiring, maybe don't stay on the road so much and work on your product more. You should actually DEVELOP the game and then start the heavy advertising. Also you guys should know your limits. You obviously cannot operate efficiently by adding a ton of new stuff and then having to deal with a million bugs and glitches, so why not fix what you already have in the game and then add freaking dogs...

About the debug monitor and this 'unnecessary information' that it gives the players: Have you thought that the million people that played and liked your game, actually liked this existing 'formula'? They like the debug monitor and they use the funny indicators only for knowing when to eat/drink.

@Rocket: Dude I know you imagine your game differently and all but since the game has got so much attention and fans as is, maybe you should take a step back and realize that you actually have to make the game that a million people want and not your personal 'dream-game' anymore. I don't want to listen to weird stomach sounds to know I'm hungry when I can just take a look at a flashing indicator. I get how it's realistic but come on don't push it so much. I wouldn't even notice how my stomach is doing in real life in a firefight and I wouldn't care one bit about food in that situation. If any part of my body would make funny noises it would be my ass. Maybe you should also put farts in the game when the character is afraid or something. Or maybe we must go take a leak/dump every now and then. Too much realism is not a good thing for games.

Rocket groupies... please stop with the 'this is alpha' crap. Of course it is, everyone knows it. I'm asking for better management in the project.

This was a successful rant.

Edited by Zeichef
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  On 9/7/2012 at 7:49 PM, subtle said:

No you're not "stupid". You have ignorance when it comes to how torrents work. Totally separate thing.

no, i know exactly how torrents work. you are right, totally separate thing. you assume i dont know how they work just because you disagree with me. in the beginning, i just asked for the option. most of you people would still download the torrent, awesome, the apparent few like me would download something else, like we always have. if there are so few of me that would rather have 2 rar files, i dont see server suffering much. hence the option.

i did not know that website existed, now i do...

  On 9/8/2012 at 12:38 AM, subtle said:

Torrent owns and the .rar is clearly available for download right there on the download page. Not sure what the fuss is about?

-it wasnt before the weekend. i come home sunday and see its there, problem solved. thanks guys.

i dont see why all you guys jumped down my throat for making a request and having an opinion. (i dont like torrents) obviously if i want to play this retarded game, and i do, i will have to deal with it. some of you people just have no tolerance for anything other than what you think is right, and thats the only way it can be for you. i dont like the colour yellow, so i must be colour blind, and i expect a lynch mob to get me for saying that too.

thanks for your support.

Edited by sivart

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  On 9/9/2012 at 11:07 PM, sivart said:

i dont see why all you guys jumped down my throat for making a request and having an opinion. (i dont like torrents)

they 'jumped down your throat' because you said there was some kind of inherent connection between torrents and viruses. and pretty much insinuated people were stupid for using them

edit: specifically this post:

  On 9/7/2012 at 2:54 PM, sivart said:

im talking about torrent itself. its been around a looong time and its a well known carrier...

seems like a lot of you are new at this computer internet shit. doesnt matter what you say, i just dont trust it, and dont have to.

Edited by daze23

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Won't stop losing health.

I took a look at the community bug tracker, and looked through the forums. There was one forum posting from June, but didn't have a definite answer. In a 1 hour gaming session, twice I suddenly started losing health as if I was bleeding. I did not get attacked or shot, and I don't hear any infection related audio (is infection still a feature?). I've eaten, drank, applied bandages, used heat packs and started a fire. Nothing stops the drop in blood.

I may have missed a new feature detail, perhaps it's some silent infection? Anyone have similar issues?

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do you hear yourself coughing ? if yes you definitely have an infection and you need antibiotics from hospital ... i am not sure but if i remember correctly u can't die from it - bleeding will stop at a certain amount of blood

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which fixes do u yearn for ? ... the biggest problem was fixed with this hotfix ... artifacts are gone !

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So, my opinion is: Rocket, release that 1.7.3. Waste a month. Your task is not to implement dogs, cats and other shit, just fix ALL the bugs. And don't make any more. Only after that new stuff can be added IMO.

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Dem Graphical glitches.....

http://i.imgur.com/Ilsvf.jpg (That's in

  On 9/10/2012 at 11:16 AM, Kpekep2 said:

So, my opinion is: Rocket, release that 1.7.3. Waste a month. Your task is not to implement dogs, cats and other shit, just fix ALL the bugs. And don't make any more. Only after that new stuff can be added IMO.

Alpha is to add things, BETA is to fix things. DayZ is in ALPHA.

Edited by Primey0

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  On 9/10/2012 at 3:55 AM, weaponsfree said:

Won't stop losing health.

I took a look at the community bug tracker, and looked through the forums. There was one forum posting from June, but didn't have a definite answer. In a 1 hour gaming session, twice I suddenly started losing health as if I was bleeding. I did not get attacked or shot, and I don't hear any infection related audio (is infection still a feature?). I've eaten, drank, applied bandages, used heat packs and started a fire. Nothing stops the drop in blood.

I may have missed a new feature detail, perhaps it's some silent infection? Anyone have similar issues?

Try to restart the game and do not change the Debug UI - you're probably starving or parched

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without debug monitor we cant listen music anymore and camp in one place. we wont hear when we are infected :) so we need new icon which will blink when we coughing. That will also help ppl who dont hear very well or dont hear at all.

dont go to 100% realism. dont forget that most ppl play games becouse they wont to rest from real life.

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artifacts gone..i confirm the m24 ammo glitch.

i noticed something:

you have an akm with 3 mags.

you shoot 10 rounds we say, then reload. if you reload again and again i thought it would place in the rifle the 20 rounds mag again but i still have 30 displayed..maybe it has always been like this, but i thought the game cycled the mags, not just put first the one with more ammo..

the number of bullets in every mag is showed correctly in the inventory

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you shoot 10 rounds we say, then reload. if you reload again and again i thought it would place in the rifle the 20 rounds mag again but i still have 30 displayed..maybe it has always been like this, but i thought the game cycled the mags, not just put first the one with more ammo..

the number of bullets in every mag is showed correctly in the inventory

It will put the next magazine with the highest amount of ammo. So if you only shot 10 from one mag then reload you should have 30. Reload again without shooting and you will still have 30.

However if you empty both spare mags to 19 and reload it should display 20. As far as I know.

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  On 9/9/2012 at 8:14 PM, superkush said:

my tents are still not saving is this also like the vehicles with ids over 10000 or am i just very unlucky or someone ran it over ?

I think people miss what the tent saving is all about. When you place a tent, it is 'your' tent and as long as the character that placed the tent is still alive, you can save just fine. IF you die, and respawn a new character, The "New" guy IS NOT the same guy that placed the first tent (even if it is still you playing). ONLY the char that placed the tent can save/edit contents/repack the tent.

*EDIT* This is why it is really important for you to stay alive!

Edited by BelMarduk

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For me, tents don't save correctly after a server restart. Yesterday, I and a mate put some items in it ; and after server restart this morning, all items were gone...

Edit: i'll test again to see if the 1st restart enable the saving

Edited by Zeploun

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Few things I've run into in this patch.

- Vehicles come back with no fuel and everything needing to be repaired after a server restart. The vehicle location and gear saved but the state of the parts apparently don't.

- There are still occasional graphical glitches. Can't get close enough to whatever is causing them to figure out what it is though. (no more due to dead bodies though :D )

- Bandit kills don't get recorded on the debug monitor. I can flip between default/debug and have everything besides bandit kills be updated.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 2:36 PM, BelMarduk said:

I think people miss what the tent saving is all about. When you place a tent, it is 'your' tent and as long as the character that placed the tent is still alive, you can save just fine. IF you die, and respawn a new character, The "New" guy IS NOT the same guy that placed the first tent (even if it is still you playing). ONLY the char that placed the tent can save/edit contents/repack the tent.

*EDIT* This is why it is really important for you to stay alive!

This cant be true, I can save tents that are from my previous life?

I tought it was like that but doesnt seem like it.. even my friend could save the tent and content would be ok?

It would be smart if it worked like descriped... have to test it out, havent tought about it much really.

Edited by Zeppa

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Alright this is ridiculous. This morning I was playing on an updated (and rather popular in the afternoon) server. I had a tent and an ATV placed in a remote location on the map. I decided to go looting in Berezino. In case I didn't survive I placed some valuables in the tent. I hoped that even if the tent did not save, I would be able to get to it before a server restart in case I died. I drove my ATV to the northeast corner of Berezino and did a sloppy job of hiding it next to a tree and a bush. After an unsuccessful trip of looting I came back to where I parked my ATV. It was gone. Even though there were only four people in the server at the time, I accepted that it probably got stolen. I ran back to my tent location to pick up my valuables and log off. When I got to it the tent was not there. It had disappeared. Now keep in mind that this was an extremely good hiding spot between two gigantic bushes and a rock in a thick forest. Plus no one could pack the tent except me. Then I realized my vehicle wasn't stolen, it had simply disappeared along with my tent. I checked a nearby location of another broken down ATV, and it was gone as well. This led me to the conclusion that all tents and vehicles were somehow erased from the server while people were still logged onto it. Is this the work of a hacker? Or is it a rare glitch?

Edited by kevinyoki2

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  On 9/10/2012 at 2:36 PM, BelMarduk said:

I think people miss what the tent saving is all about. When you place a tent, it is 'your' tent and as long as the character that placed the tent is still alive, you can save just fine. IF you die, and respawn a new character, The "New" guy IS NOT the same guy that placed the first tent (even if it is still you playing). ONLY the char that placed the tent can save/edit contents/repack the tent.

*EDIT* This is why it is really important for you to stay alive!

Dude i'm sorry but you don't know what you're talking about.

EVERYONE can save/edit the contents inside a tent.

People are complaining because after the server restart sometimes the tents are saving, and sometimes even if they saved properly, they're finding their tents EMPTY, and not because someone stole their goods, but because the feature is not working as it should. It's a hit and miss, and it shouldn't work like that.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 11:17 AM, Primey0 said:

Alpha is to add things, BETA is to fix things. DayZ is in ALPHA.

Even though I support Rocket, and know that DayZ in the mod state will have bugs, what you said has no sense whatsover. Alpha is to fix bugs and add things and Beta is to polish the product up a bit!

With that said, it doesn't matter in what "phase" the DayZ Mod is cause it will always have some bugs and is just a testing ground for some features, they want to add in standalone!

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I can confirm, after spending about 6 hours moving stuff around in tents and the server doing its usual reboot the following day... that they are not saving :¬P

Serves me right for not checking properly first I guess :¬D

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