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Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

Barbed Wire  

  1. 1. Should we remove barbed wire?

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Well I would say fix them, but if you can't do that then yes remove them.

If I had a penny for every time i've seen a door blocked off by unmovable barbed wire i'd have £7.63.

If I had a penny for every person who whined instead of looking for a toolbox......I'd be too rich to care about all of this.

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If I had a penny for every person who whined instead of looking for a toolbox......I'd be too rich to care about all of this.

If only you could actually remove the barbed wire.

Most of the time it glitches out and you can't remove it.

Besides, clusters of barbed wire cause artifacts, and also seem to cause a lot of fps drops.

EDIT: I vote for removal until at least the artifacts are fixed. I agree that they are a part of the game, and they should be present. I don't enjoy using them myself, but they shouldn't be removed altogether just because a handful of people get annoyed by it.

Edited by Crowding
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sandbags + barbwire = good defense against those without a tool box or a truck.

Which essentially are ONLY newly spawned players. So it is basically no defense at all.

So from that point of view it doesn't matter if it's in or not.

The only "real" use I see so far for that stuff is to harrass others by placing it in building entrances.

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I say yes, but only temporarily until the kinks are fixed and then added back into the game.

As it is now, like countless people said, it's just a tool that's used for trolling, griefing and gives an edge for those who server hop and farm items that way.

If it was as easily removable as sandbags, it wouldn't really matter as you could just remove it easily with a toolbox. Though, that doesn't happen right now as anyone with enough patience can just place it down in certain places (most common are firestations and whatnot) in a way where it makes it really hardous if not impossible to remove since it just clips through the walls and who wants to remove it will spend some time finding that sweet spot in order to cut it down.

As it is right now, it's just a pain in the ass to deal with and serves no real purpose for what has been mentioned time and time again.

If it did either stop the infected (or zeds) in their tracks or at least slow them down to a crawl, now barbed wire would have a cool application for people who want to barricade themselves in an emergency where there's too many zombies (like, someone fired an Enfield or something) or just wants to seal off their camps from intruders and protect their assets.

Again, as serveral have said here, their interaction points need to be more than just their edges as it is now. Like the mentioned sandbags, you should be able to remove it at any point of the wire's length.

Also, as also mentioned, it should be a more rare item and perhaps drop in more specific areas of the map along with making toolboxes a bit more common. Though, this should work fine when the infamous tent duping cities are fixed and such.

Edit: On another note, barbed wire should also be vaultable. However, when one attempts to do so, there should be a change of leg injuries that will probably cause bleeding and such. Just to make things more interesting.

Edited by Stiletto

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I do kind of find it amusing people think it should stop other people. Zombies, yes because they can't figure it out but if you can't walk across barbed wire laid on the floor then you're an idiot. Maybe if you were forced to vault it or walk through it and running through it caused you to bleed it can stay.

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No. Should not be removed. People who disagree and think it should be removed should play a different game like L4D or find a toolbox and quit whining like a child. The barbed wire serves its purpose which is to keep players out. It does not need to be removed and people need to learn to quit complaining and just deal with it. If there is barbed wire, someone has put it there to prevent players.

Edited by mr.c

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As a server admin,

Unreservedly yes, or at least give us an option to not have them persist through restarts. I had someone place over 50 barbwires down last night in a relatively small area just b/c he thought that would be funny.

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Yes, it should be removed.

Maybe reinserted in the future as a item/tool and not as an annoyance as is now.

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private servers have option to remove.

as i have said so many times let the admin who runs server decide to remove if they want to . problem solved.

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You should fix it if you are going to make it useful. For example, keeping zombie out and damaging players that touch it. Additionally, it needs to be easier to take down with a tool box.

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Yes, and in standalone fix it if possible and make it unable to place inside building through walls

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Anything that gives the player some control over the environment will be abused to the maximum extent allowable. The right questions are whether or not the barbwire mechanic fits in the gameworld, whether its balanced and/or appropriately-powered, and whether it works as intended. I'd say it fits in the game. I'd also say it's balanced. Hording and base-building is a viable strategy. Wire passively protects gathered assets when the player isn't around. But the wire can be easily removed (as I've done myself, to the joy of finding NVGs, GPS, and a car). It's not overpowered. It also signals to players that other players might be nearby, which gives that player a tactical advantage.

But the mechanic breaks down because it doesn't work as intended--it clips, sometimes prohibits player movement, sometimes doesn't, can be very difficult to remove sometimes, and doesn't stop zombies. If it could be un-bugged (at least to the point of not clipping through walls) and made to stop/injure zombies, I'd definitely keep it in. But I don't think it's the most glaring issue that the developers could be thinking about right now :)

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Yes. I've never seen it used for anything other than trolling people. it's unrealistic when you walk into a city and every building is blocked off with barbed wire.

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Fix barbed wire instead of deleting it. It should cause a chance for bleeding if climbed, not broken limbs and it should also have a chance to tangle with damage caused to escape

I've actually been 100% unable to climb over barbed wire. Sandbags i can easily scale, though.

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Remove the dam barbwire or at least make it so when I spend hours getting all this GARBAGE off my server that its gone for good. This crap just comes back after a server restart rendering all the buildings I have in Cherno useless and my server sucks because people don't want to play if they can't get into buildings. I'm paying for a server that sucks and I'm sure all the other people who rent servers hate this crap. I dont care if you leave it in the game but it seems you can't get it to stay removed after a server restart. The barbwire is just stupid. Fix it or get rid of it. Preferably get rid of it. If you keep it I should be able to hit it with an axe a few times to destroy it. Say I hit the wooden pole 2 or 3 times. That would make it 100 times better. Please help the servers.

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private servers have option to remove.

as i have said so many times let the admin who runs server decide to remove if they want to . problem solved.

This is the best Idea. You would see no servers with this trash on it though because it ruins the server since it always comes back after a server restart

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I think they should stay, you should just do so people are aviable to remove them with a special tool they can find.

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you shouldt even think about small things like this..

YOU SHOULD focus on standalone and get a anti cheat that actually works, cus right now the hackers just ruins the game i dont even want to play it anymore because of this hacking issues, they are able to totaly dominate servers and take full control over everyone and everything thats on it. GG

see you guys at standalone

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