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About daniel7000

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  1. That makes much sense, actually not really, but your stupidity just raised to another level. I would report this case to IC3, what is a federal Law and Enforcements agency, a part of FBI, if I had done anything illegal. Thats.. how should I say it, really smart. Maybe you should think twice. But if I am a criminal, then why don't you show a IP log right here that It was my IP that uploaded those files to your host or changed DNS, whatever you trying to say with all this. I don't lie, what you are trying to do is looking like you are the only one who have the right to speak and everything you say is right. But let me give you a fact, I love speaking, and no person have ever made me stop speaking my mind, unless I see it's me who was wrong, that only happen once. And neither will you, I will keep speaking, I will keep warning people, I will keep posting on all forums I pass, to not buy from your company, and I will keep going untill justice have been forfill and I have my money back.
  2. I don't need DayZ staff to review this, they aren't going to change much, I already reported this to IC3. But in the mean time, I will make sure people get the message about this, to aviod buying from your hosting site. And I will keep doing that untill Justice will come.
  3. Me and my friend started to say, all routes lead to kamenka, because we always end up there lol.
  4. daniel7000

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I think they should stay, you should just do so people are aviable to remove them with a special tool they can find.
  5. I told them that it's on this forum aswell, but I can't, say more then that I don't know people, just like you think with your hosting. But if you REALLY got all those "EVIDENCE" why don't you show a IP log that MY IP! uploaded those so called DNS files or editted your DNS, what would be stupid at first place that I would have access to YOUR DNS, what would make oyu event more un-Proffesionel then first estimated. But I don't really care, I get my message out to people not to buy from you, and I will keep going untill justice have been forfill. I tell you why HTX-Connection would have you as sponsors, because they are looking for a dayz sponsor to their lan event, and I told them about you because you seems to be nice, and then I told them what happen the day after, and they changed their mind, because they know what kind of person I am. And if you havn't seen the video was just uploaded I posted it on forums just to get attention to it, so ofc the comments are close. Also if it was me posting, it would be marked by spam because youtube would block the comments since they would be from same IP. But I guess you don't know much about IP since you can't find any IP log that proof I uploaded those.
  6. Well sorry to say but I havn't touch your DNS, try to trace the data where it comes from? and sorry to say but other people had troubles with you aswell. youtube.com/watch?v=PkLVUqnSkKk Not to say about the 5 other forums I posted where people said you was a-holes. But I guess your proffesional skills doesn't go that far to trace where all data came from, simply because I never touched your DNS, also I have no reasons to touch your DNS. And what hosting choose name Administrator Password1 for a server, sorry to say but if it was someone hacking you, it was deserved. But as I see you punishing your buyers for something they didn't do"MAYBE you did just to terminate it" it all sounded fishy from the begining when you offered me YOUR test server as my main hosting, untill you would move me. So sorry to say, but you are not legit and alot of people saying the same.
  7. The hosting is a joke, their support team is alright, but the management and tech management sucks, they only learned how to put people on different servers/split up their servers and how to install BEC. everything else is bad. The ping is alright, but as soon you reach outside america you have a bad ping. They also saying alot of T.O.S, but you have no options to view T.O.S and you wont get them sent by email, they only tell you that your server is up, so they can shut you down what whatever reason they like, basically because you have no idea what the T.O.S are and they can just add it after the shut you down. Their website are HTML + CSS, what also indicate a low level of programming skills, what is pretty importent for a hosting company, you have no admin/login panel, also there is no ticket system, you can only hope that they respond to your email. They have no idea how to trace data, and if any mistakes happen, they will shut you down without either giving you option to get the hosting or your money back. Few people I know had the same those kind of troubles wit this hosting. A total review is Support is good Hosting is bad Management + website + tech devision is really bad The hosting is self is bad because they control everything without you got anything to day. Also they pretty much lying in this topic, they have a test server but they wont let you try it before you paid the price. This is not legit.
  8. Did you ever consider it could be the other way around?, I mean alot of you people saying " admins abusing" but if you look at it, most admins was on the server from day one, what means they could easily find alot of stuff while not so many players on. So is it really that wierd that they got alot of stuff?
  9. daniel7000

    Few suggestions

    I got few suggestions for DayZ scritper first one can be seen here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/86601-suggestion-how-to-make-the-different-servers-better/ second one making so when you got a camp " tents " you can save location so when you die you will spawn at your camp. Like scroll down in tent options and choose "spawn point" Third one Making different speed on cars and bikes. because currently they got almost the same speed. and bikes goes too fast. fourth one Zombies shouldn't be able to open doors and climb latters, but they should be able to keep same speed through buildings like they does on the outside of a house. But if they can run or not something i wish to suggest. fifth one Making all houses enter able, it's annoying running around trying to get in a house and then it can't be opened. sixth one more outfits, and remove outfit for bandits, I am not a bandit myself, but it is more fun to take a risk if someone is a bandit or not. More coming in my next topic.
  10. The point is, people would choose servers that got a stable enviorment that they like with the amount of cars and stuff admins have spawned, and why shouldn't a server owner have the rights to decide where stuff should be on his server. This have been working very well in games like SAMP IVMP Douga and alot more. All those games had very large success simply because the servers wasn't same and now even after 5 years they still getting more and more players.
  11. Hey guys, I decided to post here because by this way alot of other "Game Mods" had huge sucess, this is ofc for the owner of DayZ Mod. :: Here is the suggestion :: A mod who had great success the last few years and still have, is San Andreas Multiplayer. One of the huge reasons for this is because it is an open world, where you can do what you decides to do. People like it because servers can place different stuff as they wish, like houses, cars etc... So I think you should do so people can script car and stuff spawn and put it in the server directory, and afterwards when you launch the server it will spawn there. Stuff that could be able to be controled by admins:: Car locations Working car locations Item locations Weapon locations Maybe add extra cars houses + tents and stuff like that, but that will only be on the server that putted it in their "server script/Server Directory"