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Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

Barbed Wire  

  1. 1. Should we remove barbed wire?

    • Yes
    • No

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I'm not sure if someone else has posted this already but I think barbed wire should be left in the game for its many purposes but a tool (potentially the toolbox) should be available for use in taking them down. Now obviously there should be a delay to taking them down (just like the time it takes to put them up). The wire should also be updated to restrict zombies just like sandbags do, or atleast cripple their legs or hurt them. If you remove them from the game all your doing is limiting another way for use to baricade ourselves from other players or zombies (if updated).

Yes there are those who are just trolls and will use the wire to block off the stairs to a firehouse with an 870 on the other side just for the kicks to watch the newly spawned player fail misserably before he picks them off from long range or just lets them run off.

you already can use toolbox to take them down ... but you need to find "sweet spot" right in middle of it

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Where's the poll gone??

And yes, get rid of barbed wire, it's the biggest troll item in the game and has no beneficial use at all in it's current state.

The tank traps should be got rid of too imo.

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Haven't you heard? The patch fixed graphic glitches.

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Yes. The wire is only used to prevent beaners to accses loot in electro/cherno, therefore making starting the game much harder. Also, its the source of the atrifact-glitches (that might have been fixed in the hotfix today).

I have never seen wire being used to for example securing camps/vehicles, just griefing.

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No, they shouldn't be removed yet. The bugs around them should be fixed first and then we should be asking this question after we all have time to test how that is. I can see these being useful for bases, and if we really get to be able to make complex bases in the future then these would be a must.

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But then make Sandbags and Tank Traps more common. Barb wire is annoying but I like Sandbags and Tank Traps.


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Yes remove them, imo they aren't doing any good to the game and they're not used for much more than blocking off buildings which is just an annoyance tbh

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It doesn't matter if barbed wire is in the game. It matters that it can never be removed. Why the hell can it be put down and saved but not removed. That's the crazy part. So if you can't remove it still. Then it's broken, should be removed and should have never been added to the game in the first place.

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Yeah im with the guys saying get rid for now. No one really uses it for building purposes. Makes my blood boil when i got 20+ zeds on my tail and every building in town is wired up. When more and better building resources are available put them back in. Its kinda silly that infected can walk through them. Defys the point of a barricade really.

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Yes. The way I see it, in the current state, barbed wire is nothing more than a huge annoyance.

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I haven't actually seen anything useful done with barbed wire other than blocking entrances to buildings i would like to loot. If that's the main expectation of the item then it does do that well. However, I have not heard anyone talk good of it, and I personally find it rather annoying. It never is actually serving to protect someone. It's just a way to screw people out of loot. I would like it to be removed.

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