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Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

Barbed Wire  

  1. 1. Should we remove barbed wire?

    • Yes
    • No

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Until fortification isn't that usefull against zombies remove them..

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With this item we can remove it ourselves. :thumbsup:

Edited by PXXL

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Yes, please remove it. It's mostly (not always) used just because they found it and want to annoy others, and not because of tactical reasons.

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i bet, not only the barbed wire causes the glitches... glitches appear at several places with any edited content like tents, dead soldiers, hangars etc... just find out, what it is :) is it really that hard? why? for me, the glitches never appear, when i approach a single barbed wire... NEVER! so it could also be any combination of any other content. dead soldiers are worse. sometimes, i can see them, sometimes i only see their shadows and very often, the glitches are in a very small radius at the places, where dead soldiers lay on the ground. btw! all dead soldiers should be zombies ;) just get rid of them and leave the wire ^^

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Yes, but there has to be a balance, if u take it out u have to put somethng back in its place...MABE SUMTHING THAT CAN ACCUALLY KEEP BACK THE ZOMBIES?

Edited by kenma

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If it can be kept away from doors etc and doesn't cause probs then No

But if its going to be stupid like the last time then Yes Yes and more Yes

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No, please. Every time someone bitches about something like this I mark them on my pussy list. Man up, life has obstacles.

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lol jim bean, so many tears you've shed on your crusade...

if anything, barb wire is an enabler. it pushes frustrated players to google and then to server hopping. who knows, after they find out how easily the game is to exploit, maybe they begin to item dupe or spawn in weapons? where does it all end????

barb wire is a gateway to exploitation...

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ofc NOT, that's not about hardcore!

IRL you can fortificate with some trash, here you can use just some WIRE FENCE.

And yeah, there is such a useful item in this game. It's called toolbox.

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