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About sirrender

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  1. sirrender

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    dayz staff, you need to hurry :) warz already sells prescription and shows gameplay-videos... it IS a 100% replica and almost rdy to play :( want to stay with the arma engine and i hope, you'll give us some footage soon. the mod is dying more and more as hackers are on every server and tents still have the same stuff from patch the mod is no fun anymore :(
  2. sirrender

    stuck concious-unconcious

    got it solved by accidently joining a server with older dayz-version... somehow i was abled to join and the server told me, i had the wrong version. this way, my char was suddenly standing in the wall and i could move out... strange things happen in cherno ^^
  3. after getting unconcious (due to low blood-lvl) while climbing down ladder at elektro-firestation, my char got back to concious and slipped down the ladder and fell into the wall. i can change weapons, eat and drink, open inventory etc. but i lay there and cant get up. after logging back in, the char is still in this position. can somebody help me?
  4. sirrender

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    want a "stole your beans and shot you down"-button for the flamers in here... if all works, i'll be back this weekend *wohooo* btw, the torrent is like a rocket! im already seeding full speed. now, a database-reset would be nice. kill all the duped shit pls. i got everything out of tents and i dont want it anymore :D
  5. sirrender

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    dont remove ^^ make it removable ... cuz nobody can remove it with the toolbox. does it have only 1 pixel for interaction?
  6. sirrender

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    i bet, not only the barbed wire causes the glitches... glitches appear at several places with any edited content like tents, dead soldiers, hangars etc... just find out, what it is :) is it really that hard? why? for me, the glitches never appear, when i approach a single barbed wire... NEVER! so it could also be any combination of any other content. dead soldiers are worse. sometimes, i can see them, sometimes i only see their shadows and very often, the glitches are in a very small radius at the places, where dead soldiers lay on the ground. btw! all dead soldiers should be zombies ;) just get rid of them and leave the wire ^^
  7. sirrender

    [Trade] SVD Camo for NVG and Ghillie

    just take a walk trough the woods on any server ;) it's and all looted tents are filled again, when servers restart... i know several places on different servers, where to get all this "very rare" stuff ;) also SVD-camos ^^
  8. sirrender

    3 camps 1 day

    no problem to find more and more duped stuff and camps, which got raided already 1000 times. those get reset every restart :D is a piece of shit... mark the camps and go back tomorrow. they'll be there again.
  9. sirrender

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    why? it says, dayz will be developed, not downgraded... read the complete AMA, then complain and cry.
  10. sirrender

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    those gaphic-glitches must have something to do with the memory of graphic-cards. temporary solution; turn video memory to any other configuration and then back to default and those glitches are gone! but they'll come back any time :D aarrggh just like those zombis!