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melee combat (i dont know if already suggested)

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Ok so here are a few ideas for melee combat i think should be added.

a stealth kill system where if you walk up behind a person you can strangle them and if the other person keeps pressing F he can push you off unless you keep pressing F and G aswell to tighten your grip on the victims windpipe.

a disarming move where you can kick the weapon out of your opponants hands and force him into melee

a knife kill move where you can sneak up to people and if you have a hunting knife you can slit their throat i think this would add more tension and would teach players to always make sure they weren't being followed.

a head bashing move where you can grab a persons head and bash it against a wall unless they press F while they are being grabbed.

i think if a car is about to run you over and if your fast you can jump onto the car and kill the driver in a series of QTE'S or if you have a gun just shoot him.

i think basic climbing should be added nothing serious just brink style climbing over head high obstacles and sprinting+sliding.

i think you should be able to rob people instead of killing them say person 1 meets person 2 person 2 tells person 1 to give over his gear person 1 does not have a gun so he hands it over but if person one is fast enough he can grab person 2 and kill him while the robbing animation is taking place.

i think there should be water falls with caves where you can hide and safely make a fire i also think the caves could be spawn points so if you die you respawn at the cave you were last at unless a person is in it.

you should be able to hide on the rafters in barns (rafters are wooden beams holding the roof up) and if a person comes into the barn you can jump onto them and slit their throat (if you have a knife)

thats all please spare a tin of beans for a hungry man (puppy dog eyes)

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Do you know who does know if it's been suggested? The search facility. It gave 5 pages after a 2 second search.

A melee option is already being considered for the standalone. Try to look at the Q&A's from Rocket, they will get you up to speed mate.

Edited by Jim Bean

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lol sprinter cell i dont play sprinter cell i play assassins creed revelations and brink dumbass never heard of sprinter cell

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QTE melee, in anyway, shape or form is a big no-no on my list (and pretty much everybody's) of things that are a big no-no.

So, no.

You played too much Uncharted.


  On 9/6/2012 at 10:31 AM, apache25 said:

lol sprinter cell i dont play sprinter cell i play assassins creed revelations and brink dumbass never heard of sprinter cell


Edited by Axelord FTW

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I think he meant Splinter Cell. It was an espionage game released in 2002. Great game.

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i bet you 2 ignored most of my suggestions on this list

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i dont have a playstation 3 so i cant play uncharted but i do have brink great game fallout 3 is good too if not a bit silly and unrealistic

Edited by apache25

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  On 9/6/2012 at 10:32 AM, apache25 said:

i bet you 2 ignored most of my suggestions on this list

I went through the whole post.

it boils down to "QTE Everywhere".


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In the past i have played a lot of Metal gear solid and i think DayZ could learn a few things from it. MGS3 had some great survival elements in it, your charactors stomach would start grumbling if he didnt eat and this would give away your position. MGS introduced catching a cold and taking medicine in mgs2 if i remember correctly, long before dayz was a twinkle in rockets eye. the CQC system has improved with every itteration of MGS and if directly ported to DayZ would work perfectly IMO.

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nic ved bro but dat comment haz nuten ta du wet ma post sa get ya ninja ass utta ma post

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  On 9/6/2012 at 10:49 AM, apache25 said:

nic ved bro but dat comment haz nuten ta du wet ma post sa get ya ninja ass utta ma post

Yeh it does, Im tired of narrow minded fools knocking down other peoples ideas, like yours and telling people to go back and play, Cod, AC,Splinter Cell or whatever, like there is no merit in these games at all and they know best.

Edited by freeman83
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but that wasnt an idea it was a video im apologise if i offended you but if you have an idea post it in your own topic thats what i was trying to say

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I've been wondering about why our characters already know how to operate helicopters, all kinds of weapons ranging from hunting rifles to Saws, and now this is going to turn our characters into James Bond/Jason Born type ninjas.

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i agree that people should not be able to fly choppers and handle certain weapons unless they get a manuel on how to do it first but everyone is able to stealth kill and kill other people

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i cannot believe u would steal my choking idea apche after berating many of my ideas -.-

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choking idea was already suggested a hundred times it was also posted in my other posts

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You're ideals are either really dumb or really cheap. No quick events in ANY multiplayer game unless its like a hacking mini game or something. AND NO FREAKING ONE SHOT MELEE KILLS! God if rocket because one of the game devs who thinks some sort of one shot melee kill is needed in every fps i will murder him.

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  On 9/7/2012 at 9:49 AM, harley001 said:

You're ideals are either really dumb or really cheap. No quick events in ANY multiplayer game unless its like a hacking mini game or something. AND NO FREAKING ONE SHOT MELEE KILLS! God if rocket because one of the game devs who thinks some sort of one shot melee kill is needed in every fps i will murder him.

But we already have one-shot meelee kills, right? Hatchet to the face?

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yeah my ideals are really dumb..........................U CANT HANDALZ DA PRESHUR UV KACK TIM EVENTS

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be sure you have a one shot melee kill if you plan on murdering rocket

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