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twinturbonet (DayZ)

Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

Reason on leaving DayZ?  

272 members have voted

  1. 1. Why would you leave DayZ?

    • Bugs.
    • Hackers.
    • Another game caught my interest.
    • Another game caught my interest until the Stand Alone.
    • Life changes... (school, baby, etc.)
    • I don't care... Why am I on the forums!? I should be playing DayZ.

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It's part of the game yet you consider it griefing and immoral. A+ logic. And you don't hate bandits' guts but you think they are jerks and you wouldn't sympathize with them. Makes sense too.

In a game with open ended goals, my logic applies. It is up to you how you conduct yourself in game, no matter what your motivations. If you are going to KoS some of what you do is griefing because if you don't take the chance to confirm friendly, you'll end up killing benign survivors in the wake of your paranoia fueled blood lust.

And yes, I can think you're a Jerk, without hating your guts, man. If I was that black and white in my thinking, I would have gotten into 100's of fights on the subway to work, because I would hate every jerk who plays horrid techno on blaring headphones at 7:30am. If they get hearing loss from the loud music, I have little sympathy, because of the negative impact they have had on my experience. Is that a clear enough analogy?

If you get killed in a PvP game it means you've lost in a competition that you have voluntarily entered, agreeing to the rules of it. And like you said, PvP is part of the game. Sorry but I'm not trying to harm other people. My goal is to survive, they are in the way. Nothing personal. Just because you feel bad it doesn't mean it's griefing. It's like saying that when I'm playing counter-strike or any other game where I kill other players I grief the enemy team. It makes no sense.

And I don't come here to QQ about artifacts. I started talking about artifacts cause someone said something about artifacts that I disagree with.

And like I said. "if roleplaying would put me at a really disadvantageous position, I choose not to do it." Change the mechanics of the game so that banditry isn't favored playstyle if your goal is to survive and I'll stop doing it.

Yeah, um, Counter Strike? Really, dude? I've never played it, so excuse me if I draw a few assumptions here.... Spawning into a platoon of like minded players, geared up for an assault on an equally prepared group, has very little in common with average DayZ play. Unless you find other groups or individuals looking for the same thing like clan on clan competition for superiority on a server. I log on to DayZ assuming that the instant I log on, I could be killed in many ways.

I walk Chernarus full well knowing and accepting my imminent demise. At this point I'm interested to see just how long I can hold on as a mountain man. I too was tempted to try some bandit hunting, and I will likely look for some "action" versus bandits the next time I die. But like you I am aware that the humanity mechanic and skins are broken, so I am less interested in this path then I would've been.

I agree with Rocket that there should not be any big penalties for choosing a play style, and that you all should be free to choose Good v Evil without "magical" repercussions.

There is a different thrill in trying to confirm friendly, and an added thrill when you have those rare spur of the moment team ups. I protected a noob in a barn after he proclaimed friendly and helped him gear up before he went off to meet a friend. He provlaimed it as "the greatest thing thats happened to me in DayZ", and that only reaffirmed my goal to not be a bandit.

Sometimes when you describe your motivations, it's as if you are looking to be "let off the hook" because you believe that gearing up as fast as possible is the "best way to play". Well patience is a virtue, not often found in people of any age. I take great pride in that I looted all of my gear myself, FINALLY finding NVG's, FINALLY finding GPS, totally worth the time spent searching, searching, searching, and increases my desire to just survive, even more, because I value my character who I have worked so hard to improve.

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I can deal with the bugs, I can deal with 4 man teams sniping noobs spawning on the coast. I can deal with graphical glitches completely obscuring my field of view. I can deal with crazy, jerky zombies. I can deal with being hit by a zombie from 6ft away, breaking my legs and crawling to a hospital. I can deal with randomly losing gear..but...hacking....gamebreaker.

Literally the incentive to play is getting smaller and smaller, despite the fact day-z would probably be my favourite game minus the hackers and a few tweaks. There's no point in running around gearing up - which was half the fun - when you're either gonna be hacked and die instantly, everyone else is fully geared with scripted weapons within 2 minutes of spawning or you can find dead players on the coast who have full gear. Hell, I haven't been further north than Stary in 2 weeks. Then, even if you have survived long enough to get fully geared, you have to battle the subtle god mode hacks and ESP hacks. So essentially the point of playing the game seriously is gone. Now I have more fun driving a bus through Electro spamming the horn seeing if I can run anyone down haha. Or seeing if I can hatchet anyone straight off spawn.

Also, while the game is a sandbox and half the ''missions'' and ''objectives'' come naturally (e.g, spending a hour repairing a vehicle or raiding the airfield), I would like more of a objective and a few tweaks in the standalone. Not ''storyline'' like, or ''console'' like, but maybe more to do. Friendly only towns/trade points, building legit bases/camps as ''safezones'', more vehicles, ''boss'' type zombies - crawlers and normal zombies with like 5 skins isn't cutting it (yes, it's a alpha mod, I know lol) perhaps maps/radios that give coordinates of rare loot spawns like the deerstands. Just more subtle content that doesn't take away from the sandbox nature of the game.

Edited by showtime

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In a game with open ended goals, my logic applies. It is up to you how you conduct yourself in game, no matter what your motivations. If you are going to KoS some of what you do is griefing because if you don't take the chance to confirm friendly, you'll end up killing benign survivors in the wake of your paranoia fueled blood lust.

You either don't know what griefing is or you just lack logic altogether. As long as you're not cheating you can play any way you want. The game has no rules on how to play you figure out what's the best way to play yourself. Sadly that best way is going to be KoS for many (I could go on a limb here and say most) people. Reason for that: the game favors killing on sight. It's just how it is. You can attach all the "morality" to it you want. In terms of mechanics the game does favor KoS. And again. Everyone playing this game does it willingly accepting the rules of the game. Which is pretty much survival of the fittest. And without any downsides to killing on sight, yeah, that's gonna be the strategy people are going to choose.

And I find it pretty baffling that you'd sympathize so much with some other people's pixels (as long as you don't consider them jerks btw). And again. I'm not killing people to upset them. They're just in my way.

And yes, I can think you're a Jerk, without hating your guts, man. If I was that black and white in my thinking, I would have gotten into 100's of fights on the subway to work, because I would hate every jerk who plays horrid techno on blaring headphones at 7:30am. If they get hearing loss from the loud music, I have little sympathy, because of the negative impact they have had on my experience. Is that a clear enough analogy?

I understand the analogy. Still makes you a bad person and has little logic in it for me.

Yeah, um, Counter Strike? Really, dude? I've never played it, so excuse me if I draw a few assumptions here.... Spawning into a platoon of like minded players, geared up for an assault on an equally prepared group, has very little in common with average DayZ play. Unless you find other groups or individuals looking for the same thing like clan on clan competition for superiority on a server. I log on to DayZ assuming that the instant I log on, I could be killed in many ways.

Why does it have little in common with average DayZ play? Everyone on their own doing their own thing with no downsides to killing people effectively setting the gamemode to FFA DM (now more TDMish with the skins) with some people swimming against the tide and trying not to play deathmatch. I don't think the game was supposed to be a deathmatch but the mechanics at least in the current state of the game support it. You can't just assume that people won't kill each other. You need to give them a reason. And before you go "morality projected to virtual world"... It's pretty crazy. Maybe it's your thing but like you said, open goals. Most people will just follow the mechanics without making up their own goals that go against the mechanics putting them at disadvantage.

I agree with Rocket that there should not be any big penalties for choosing a play style, and that you all should be free to choose Good v Evil without "magical" repercussions.

To make the Good vs Evil choice a matter of only personal approach, you need to have both choices balanced. With trade offs, in-game. It's like saying you're free to choose to get 50$ or a kick in the nuts. Which one are you going to choose? It is a matter of personal choice but most people will just choose 50$. Same way people choose banditry.

There is a different thrill in trying to confirm friendly, and an added thrill when you have those rare spur of the moment team ups. I protected a noob in a barn after he proclaimed friendly and helped him gear up before he went off to meet a friend. He provlaimed it as "the greatest thing thats happened to me in DayZ", and that only reaffirmed my goal to not be a bandit.

When I was starting to play DayZ I tried to be friendly and go out of my way to help people. Fended off zombies off a freshspawn and tried to give him a bloodbag only to get axed in the face while doing that. I've teamed up with some random people and we looted stary. Then we got up north a bit and they just said "thanks for helping us bring all that stuff here", shot me in the face and took all my shit. None of that is gonna happen again. Not gonna take any more chances anymore. I don't have much fun starting fresh.

Sometimes when you describe your motivations, it's as if you are looking to be "let off the hook" because you believe that gearing up as fast as possible is the "best way to play". Well patience is a virtue, not often found in people of any age. I take great pride in that I looted all of my gear myself, FINALLY finding NVG's, FINALLY finding GPS, totally worth the time spent searching, searching, searching, and increases my desire to just survive, even more, because I value my character who I have worked so hard to improve.

It's a best way for me. And if your goal is to survive and gear up, KoS is the best way to do that. And maybe you have fun walking for hours around the map checking military lootspawns just to find that there's nothing there and go to another one and then after days of doing that you're happy that you've found NVG's or whatever. Well I can get all that in a matter of hours. I don't see any reason not to choose the faster way. Because again, I don't care for your pixels that you've put on the line when willingly entering the competition. And I don't consider it immoral to kill a virtual character you're controlling, (provided I don't break the rules of the competition). Do you even realize how absurd it sounds?

Edited by SillySil

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I understand the analogy. Still makes you a bad person and has little logic in it for me.

Now you can go F off. I'll make sure some idiot makes your morning commute an atrocious torture, and then you can shake his hand for it. Makes me a bad person, because some clueless tool has no regard for other peoples personal space? LOL! Now who is making unfair moral judgements?

After your last response it's obvious you don't have the SPINE to stand behind your convictions.

You don't think I have been back stabbed? Didn't turn me into a jaded murderer though, did it?

Also, it's obvious that you don't let any of what I say sink in, and will defend your right to play as a "bad guy" even in the face of perfectly acceptable facts regarding play style choice. If everyone jumps off a bridge, do you follow?

You just shot a medic, grief or no grief? Whether you knew he was a medic or not, you chose the path of a murderer of innocence.

As much as I enjoy a good debate, I am truly done with this. Say what you want about my mother, or make all of the personal slights you like, you will be talking to the wall.

This quote is for Hetstaine (though he may never see it)....

"The earth starts to rumble

World powers fall

A warring for the heavens

A peaceful man stands tall

Tall, tall"

Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction

This is DayZ. This is MY story.

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Now you can go F off. I'll make sure some idiot makes your morning commute an atrocious torture, and then you can shake his hand for it. Makes me a bad person, because some clueless tool has no regard for other peoples personal space? LOL! Now who is making unfair moral judgements?

You're vengeful, makes you a bad person. I wouldn't wish anything bad to happen to people that made something bad to me. (other than to stop what they've been doing). Especially not in a video game.

After your last response it's obvious you don't have the SPINE to stand behind your convictions.

I've tested different ways of playing and turns out that KoS has the smallest chance of getting killed while getting loot fast. Picked that. So did many others. And it wasn't any conviction, I was just learning how to play. Why do you even need some kind of conviction? It's not like I did "I don't know how's the gameplay but I'm gonna be x". I didn't do that. I've tested different playstyles and chose the one that suits me most. I'm not gonna make some kind of conviction and then follow it even tho it pisses me off to play that way.

Also, it's obvious that you don't let any of what I say sink in, and will defend your right to play as a "bad guy" even in the face of perfectly acceptable facts regarding play style choice. If everyone jumps off a bridge, do you follow?

I'm not following what other people are doing. Again, I've tested different playstyles and chose the one that has the smallest chance of getting killed while getting loot fast. I don't see how the jumping off a bridge comparison has anything to do with it.

People always follow the most profitable way. If there are more or less equally profitable ways then the choice is going to be purely personal. DayZ doesn't have that. It favors KoS. Simply because there are no downsides to killing people on sight.

You just shot a medic, grief or no grief? Whether you knew he was a medic or not, you chose the path of a murderer of innocence.

It doesn't matter who I shot. I didn't do that to piss him off IRL. Not griefing.

As much as I enjoy a good debate, I am truly done with this. Say what you want about my mother, or make all of the personal slights you like, you will be talking to the wall.

I've been talking to a wall all the time.

You have a very weird way of looking at things. Projecting your morality into virtual world, expecting other people to do the same and when they don't they're unimaginative jerks and you don't care if something bad happens to them and in spite of that you're still trying to put yourself on a moral highground. On top of that you consider defeating other people in a PvP video game (without intent of pissing people off) griefing and immoral. Wow.

Edited by SillySil
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