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Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

Reason on leaving DayZ?  

272 members have voted

  1. 1. Why would you leave DayZ?

    • Bugs.
    • Hackers.
    • Another game caught my interest.
    • Another game caught my interest until the Stand Alone.
    • Life changes... (school, baby, etc.)
    • I don't care... Why am I on the forums!? I should be playing DayZ.

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But why does it matter? There is no patch, nothing changed you just have more of the same. That's my point. And if a problem that made you leave hasn't been fixed yet, your complaint is valid. Again you make no sense with this.

Not best way to play. Best way to play if your goal is to survive and gear up (which is a part of surviving). I'm not telling you how to play, you can be a medic of cherno who dies 30 times a day. I'm just telling you, if your goal is not to get killed (without staying away from towns and people) then KoS is the best option. There is just no trade off.

And hell if the point of the game would be simple to survive I could have over 40 days now if I'd take pleasure in playing the most boring game ever. Drinking at ponds, eating cows and just lying down in a bush deep in a forest or an edge of the map on an empty server with no danger or challenge to that.

Just because you don't experience the problems it doesn't mean they don't exist. Prick. You are gonna tell people that there is no problem as long as you're not the one experiencing it. And you call me an asshole? Great alpha tester you are by the way.

Deerstand and crashes. I knew you'd bring that up. First it's military locations then it's all places with military loot. Backpedal more.

Well change the game mechanics so it actually has downsides in-game and less people will do that. Don't blame people for following the most efficient path of gearing up and getting rid of threats that the game has set.

Wow it took you this long to degrade into a name calling piece of shit, huh?

Please quote me where I called you an asshole, baby boy.

"And if a problem that made you leave hasn't been fixed yet, your complaint is valid."

Wrong. Say it once, say it twice, say it 3 times even, after that wtf are you still doing here?

"I'm just telling you, if your goal is not to get killed (without staying away from towns and people) then KoS is the best option."

Wrong again, but it seems this is a cyclical argument, not worth pursuing.

"I could have over 40 days now if I'd take pleasure in playing the most boring game ever."

Boring is a matter of opinion, a concept you seem to have trouble with. So again, cyclical argument, not worth pursuing. Next?

"Deerstand and crashes. I knew you'd bring that up. First it's military locations then it's all places with military loot. Backpedal more."

My quote said, "many military spawn locations which are glitch free." now tell me MY definition of "military spawn location", ass. The locations dont spawn, the loot does. Tryharder.

I don't blame people for KoS, but it is directly up to the player to pull the trigger or not. KoS is a vicious cycle, one that many people have broken out of in search of a more gratifying interaction with their fellow man.

This started with a civil discourse on the subject at hand, and with the unprovoked name calling you've now stooped to the level of an adolescent.

Have fun!

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Wow it took you this long to degrade into a name calling piece of shit, huh?

Please quote me where I called you an asshole, baby boy.

You said "but you're the same jerks who would kill my 20 day character for little to know reason whatsoever" like I'm some kind of griefer. You didn't actually say asshole you said jerk. But your remark screams "you're just an asshole out there to ruin people's fun". And you are a prick for acting like there is no problem as long as it doesn't concern you.

Wrong. Say it once, say it twice, say it 3 times even, after that wtf are you still doing here?

How is it not valid if the issue is still in the game? Not everyone makes a post about the reason why they left they just stop playing and lurk the forum. If people are talking about an issue that was a week ago and still is in the game, provided that there were no patches in the last week, I have up to date info on it.

Wrong again, but it seems this is a cyclical argument, not worth pursuing.

So you're going to tell me that it's faster and less dangerous to go to a hospital/shop/military spawns instead of just killing someone who already has the gear? I didn't know length of time was a matter of opinion.

Boring is a matter of opinion, a concept you seem to have trouble with. So again, cyclical argument, not worth pursuing. Next?

I was gonna add "maybe that's your thing" but I was hoping you'd get the point without it. I guess I overestimated you.

Your argument about having 20+ days is null. Everyone can do that with a knife, a hatchet and a water bottle. It doesn't mean anything.

My quote said, "many military spawn locations which are glitch free." now tell me MY definition of "military spawn location", ass. The locations dont spawn, the loot does. Tryharder.

We both know what you were talking about, don't play dumb. You even admitted that you don't have the artifacts in berezino and stary.

I don't blame people for KoS, but it is directly up to the player to pull the trigger or not. KoS is a vicious cycle, one that many people have broken out of in search of a more gratifying interaction with their fellow man.

Again, if your goal is to gear up and not to die, KoS. Especially if you're not looking for friends. So yeah it's up to the player to choose good or bad. And don't put yourself on a high horse. Like you are better than me because you're friendly in-game.

This started with a civil discourse on the subject at hand, and with the unprovoked name calling you've now stooped to the level of an adolescent.

It wasn't unprovoked. You don't give a shit about other people's problems as long as it doesn't concern you. And you wanna play the good guy here? Give me a break.

Edited by SillySil

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To all the jackasses out there complaining that this thread is useless, try using your brain for once. Regardless of whether or not the OP meant to do this, the fact is that this thread could be very useful for one source to look at to gather information on exactly what are the main problems in Dayz currently and how many people they affect. Rather than sifting through and counting the hundreds of threads there are complaining about each and every topic, if people all vote on this thread, Rocket would have the opportunity to see just what are the issues that needed to be tended to first, and what should be tended to after.

So please don't just be an asshole to OP'ers just because you think their thread is useless. Whether or not it is actually useless, your comment within itself is just as useless and thus you are a hypocrite.

Edited by Spart248

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Calling someone a Jerk, in the english language, is not an enormous slight, and no where near calling someone an asshole.

I do care about the problems with the game, even when they don't effect my game as much.

You seem to disregard the tenor of my statements and supplant my ideas with your shallow perceptions at every turn. This makes conversation with you ultra tedious as I have to elucidate on all of my outstanding points. If I haven't been clear to you, it's not my fault that your interpretations are lacking.

I'm not "better", you used the word better. I just stated that I wasn't a murderer, like you.... argue that!

You speak well for English as a second language, but your reading comprehension or ability to empathize is severely lacking.

And to Spart248, search for similar topics, and you'll find all of this content and more was posted 1,000 times prior. So yeah I have no problem with the poll, and a poll doesnt mean ANYTHING to anybody. Rocket himself has expressed great displeasure with all of the problems you have. There is no amount of forum threads that will drive the point home harder. Personally, I don't respond to all of these threads as that would indeed be useless, but every 100th time I see the same thread (fix the bugs, hackers suck!", a small part of me says, "stfu and gtfo already!".

Edited by BioHaze

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Calling someone a Jerk, in the english language, is not an enormous slight, and no where near calling someone an asshole.

I do care about the problems with the game, even when they don't effect my game as much.

You seem to disregard the tenor of my statements and supplant my ideas with your shallow perceptions at every turn. This makes conversation with you ultra tedious as I have to elucidate on all of my outstanding points. If I haven't been clear to you, it's not my fault that your interpretations are lacking.

I'm not "better", you used the word better. I just stated that I wasn't a murderer, like you.... argue that!

You speak well for English as a second language, but your reading comprehension or ability to empathize is severely lacking.

You constantly put yourself above people who KoS. Like they are doing a bad thing. Like they are griefers. Like it's the most basic way of playing this game and the more intelligent people are friendly. Am I misreading that? It surely feels that way.

And you're the guy who missed the point about 20+ days. You are the guy who said "Glitches are a problem sometimes, but I find many many military spawn locations which are glitch free. Sorry if your loot bloated PvP hotspots are useless to you now, still not a problem for me". You weren't talking about deerstands. And don't give a crap that other people can't go to military areas because "it's not a problem for you"

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You constantly put yourself above people who KoS. Like they are doing a bad thing. Like they are griefers. Like it's the most basic way of playing this game and the more intelligent people are friendly. Am I misreading that? It surely feels that way.

And you're the guy who missed the point about 20+ days. You are the guy who said "Glitches are a problem sometimes, but I find many many military spawn locations which are glitch free. Sorry if your loot bloated PvP hotspots are useless to you now, still not a problem for me". You weren't talking about deerstands. And don't give a crap that other people can't go to military areas because "it's not a problem for you"

I do put myself "above" the KoS crowd as it is obviously the moral high ground from any perspective.

If you suspend your disbelief, and allow yourself to be fully immersed, you are more likely to make decisions in game that match your real life decisions. If being a cold blooded murderer is in your nature, then I'm wrong in this regard. But, most people put in a survival situation would not arbitrarily kill each other.

Even war torn third world countries don't descend into chaotic every man for himself killing sprees. The people involved in Genocide don't respawn on the Liberian coast, so they keep the abject murder contained amongst warring clans, or villages, not dug in somewhere killing innocents who are trying to get groceries.

And, I WAS talking about all areas that spawn military loot, and I definitely had deerstands in mind. You can't change that by denying it.

I stated, "I do care about the problems with the game, even when they don't effect my game as much." - this is "giving a shit", by any definition of the term. Alas I'm admittedly callus to the "suffering" of others who I perceive as murderers, because they have no regard for the value of my survivors life.

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I do put myself "above" the KoS crowd as it is obviously the moral high ground from any perspective.

Oh but I love this. Moral high ground for not killing pixels. Here's the thing. There is nothing immoral about defeating people in a video game. Because that's what killing in PvP games is. Nobody actually gets hurt. Thus it's not immoral. And DayZ is a PvP game. Survival of the fittest.

Maybe you shouldn't play PvP games. For your own mental health. One day you will kill someone in-game unintentionally and start suffering depression in real life because you've KILLED someone and it's IMMORAL.

And, I WAS talking about all areas that spawn military loot, and I definitely had deerstands in mind. You can't change that by denying it.

You were also talking about berezino and stary. You can't change that by denying it.

I stated, "I do care about the problems with the game, even when they don't effect my game as much." - this is "giving a shit", by any definition of the term. Alas I'm admittedly callus to the "suffering" of others who I perceive as murderers, because they have no regard for the value of my survivors life.

Yeah you said that after saying that you don't give a shit. And after I called you out on it. And you make no sense. This is a PvP game. Fighting other players is part of the game. Again maybe you should play games that don't involve killing other people. You seem to confuse real life with virtual world. You don't give a crap that people have technical difficulties with the game because they've killed you in a PvP game that you voluntarily play and that you can turn off at any moment? What sort of logic and morality you have?

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Mainly missing endgame content and this:


You get the beans i have on me and the ones in my tent and the future ones i scavenge. Also some other game issues made me stop playing for now.

Edited by Frisqy

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Oh but I love this. Moral high ground for not killing pixels. Here's the thing. There is nothing immoral about defeating people in a video game. Because that's what killing in PvP games is. Nobody actually gets hurt. Thus it's not immoral. And DayZ is a PvP game. Survival of the fittest.

Maybe you shouldn't play PvP games. For your own mental health. One day you will kill someone in-game unintentionally and start suffering depression in real life because you've KILLED someone and it's IMMORAL.

You were also talking about berezino and stary. You can't change that by denying it.

Yeah you said that after saying that you don't give a shit. And after I called you out on it. And you make no sense. This is a PvP game. Fighting other players is part of the game. Again maybe you should play games that don't involve killing other people. You seem to confuse real life with virtual world. You don't give a crap that people have technical difficulties with the game because they've killed you in a PvP game that you voluntarily play and that you can turn off at any moment? What sort of logic and morality you have?

Yeah well, if you can't fantasize enough to place your morals on your character, I feel bad for you.

You are ridiculously thick headed, Sil. To the point of absurdity. Yes I mentioned Stary and Berezino, how does that change the point of the entire paragraph those names were mentioned in? I actually think you might be trolling now, I can't believe someone could be this pointlessly contradictory without doing it on purpose.

The personal impact on me if I had to murder someone in a game, would be minimal. I merely uphold what I value in the game, my survival, and the survival of other friendlies. I would not lose sleep over killing pixelated people, god knows I've done it a million times, again this is you, being ridiculous.

"Fighting other players is part of the game." - But, it's not the entire game now, is it? And if that's the only satisfying aspect of this game for you, there are many more fully functioning FPS games without the glitches and less hackers, where you can get your rocks off. Also, you'll have more people to play with and better snipers/FPS people to compete against. Tell me I'm wrong there.

"You don't give a crap that people have technical difficulties with the game because they've killed you in a PvP game that you voluntarily play and that you can turn off at any moment? What sort of logic and morality you have?" This is also ridiculous. If you are a murderous maniac, who does not "give a shit" about whether my survivor lives or dies, why in the hell would I care if you can gear up at Stary, or Berezino?

The morality behind not caring for the feelings of malicious whining bandits, does not compare with making a choice not to be a murderer. If that sentiment causes you grief, you'll get about as much sympathy from me as you give to the survivors you kill, which is none. See how that works?

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Because no matter what, a server will have hackers. I have seen people spawn crates (recently), teleport all vehicles and my tents and cars have been gone (wiped). The game is getting way too hard with all this stupid Vehicle and Tent ESP

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-Community is now mostly composed of 12 year old kids

-If I want to play a Free for All or TDM, I would play the regular arma. No boring marathon runs for weapons/gear, just instant action.

-Surviving is way too easy and once you have full gear theres nothing to do but kill people.

Edited by andrestander
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Yeah well, if you can't fantasize enough to place your morals on your character, I feel bad for you.

I can but if roleplaying would put me at a really disadvantageous position, I choose not to do it. I would like to be bandit hunter. But if I'd let survivors go, and focus only on killing bandits, eventually I'd get shot by survivors without my fault in it. Plus I'd probably become a bandit myself because not all bandits have the skin which would make me kill everyone in self defense.

You are ridiculously thick headed, Sil. To the point of absurdity. Yes I mentioned Stary and Berezino, how does that change the point of the entire paragraph those names were mentioned in? I actually think you might be trolling now, I can't believe someone could be this pointlessly contradictory without doing it on purpose.

We know you included berezino and stary when you were talking about military spawn locations. What's the big deal? And yeah there are deerstands, but the chance of getting something better than AKM in there is so low that it's not really worth it. I can do better by just killing few people in cherno/electro. Way better. And crashsites? Yeah we go crashsite hunting from time to time. When we don't really feel like PvPing. But then again. Best location to find as50/AWS is electro/cherno.

The personal impact on me if I had to murder someone in a game, would be minimal. I merely uphold what I value in the game, my survival, and the survival of other friendlies. I would not lose sleep over killing pixelated people, god knows I've done it a million times, again this is you, being ridiculous.

If you think it's immoral to kill people in game it's just logical to assume that you feel bad about yourself for killing people in game. And I'm just showing you how ridiculous is assuming moral highground for not doing something that's perfectly within the rules of the game. (it's not griefing or anything like that, I don't do it to make you angry)

"Fighting other players is part of the game." - But, it's not the entire game now, is it? And if that's the only satisfying aspect of this game for you, there are many more fully functioning FPS games without the glitches and less hackers, where you can get your rocks off. Also, you'll have more people to play with and better snipers/FPS people to compete against. Tell me I'm wrong there.

Correction, it's not supposed to be the entire game. It is now because all the mechanics support killing on sight. That's my point. If it was equally beneficial to befriending/letting people go, people wouldn't do it as much. And in that situation it would be just a personal choice. Right now one playstyle is more efficient than other. If both playstyles would be balanced then being a bandit/survivor would be just up to personal taste. Right now it's just a better or worse choice.

"You don't give a crap that people have technical difficulties with the game because they've killed you in a PvP game that you voluntarily play and that you can turn off at any moment? What sort of logic and morality you have?" This is also ridiculous. If you are a murderous maniac, who does not "give a shit" about whether my survivor lives or dies, why in the hell would I care if you can gear up at Stary, or Berezino?

The morality behind not caring for the feelings of malicious whining bandits, does not compare with making a choice not to be a murderer. If that sentiment causes you grief, you'll get about as much sympathy from me as you give to the survivors you kill, which is none. See how that works?

2 reasons.

1. I'm not the only person who has it. There are friendlies who have that problem too. So if you go "meh the artifacts aren't that much of a problem, I frequent millitary spawn locations and there are no artifacts" you go against them too.

2. We're playing a PvP game. We're competing. Survival of the fittest. You play the game voluntarily. It's not like I'm harassing you, it's all within the rules of the game. Just because someone killed you in a PvP game it doesn't give you a reason to hate his guts IRL and not give a fuck about his technical difficulties. I don't know but it seems to me you're confusing or threating equally real life and virtual world when it comes to morality. I don't hate people who kill me (well unless they are hackers/griefers not actually playing the game just being there to piss people off) I understand that we've been competing and I've lost. And I've let it happen. I'll try not to let it happen again. And if those people who killed me have technical difficulties I wouldn't threat them any different than any other person having the same problem. I don't give a shit what you feel after I've killed you because you have AGREED to play a PVP game. You have voluntarily entered a competition where ingame death means defeat. You WANTED to be in the competition.

All in all, you don't really have a place up there on the high horse.

Edited by SillySil

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LOL, ah fuck it, your just as bad.

Great argument you changed my life.

And it's "you're" not "your"

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There's a few reasons for me leaving:-

Bugs, kinda grates getting killed by yet another tree. This stops me from trying to play the long game, what's the point if at any minute I could die a silly and pointless death.

Hackers, the incidents are starting to mount. Folk breaking your legs or teleporting behind you to kill you. I've been lucky to from stories I've read, most have suffered more than me.

Boredom, if you take out the focus to survive because of the above, dayz grows old quite quickly playing on your own. You spawn, grab loot, die rince and repeat. It's truly amazing for a while but once the panic and nervous feelings leave you the interest in playing, for me at least, wanes. I tried Lingor Island last night and it feels more sociable because side chat is open but essentially its the same game. There are more hackers in Lingor it would seem.

While I'm looking forward to the standalone, it's gonna need a lot more content to keep me playing.

Edited by DazTroyer

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Oh Sil, you've misunderstood again.

I don't hate anybody that snipes me or tries to snipe me, that's part of the game.

But if your whole goal in game is to try to be a murderous bandit, then yes chances are you are a griefer on some level, whether you're comfortable with that or not, doesn't enter into the equation.

Griefing is banditry, and vice versa, no way around it.

Therefore, if you're constantly trying to do harm and then don't have patience or maturity to work around the artifacts, but instead come here to QQ, and never add anything constructive otherwise, i have little sympathy for your plight.

I don't take it personally, but when you run around the game like a malicious child killing everything that moves because you can't see the benefit of role playing, then you might as well play cod.

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1st thing is script kiddies. I am here 2 months, and i will be here also during this month, but if things dont change till october i will stop playing becouse there is no point investing my time in something which can be destroyed by many cheaters which are in this game.

2nd thing is Another game caught my interest until the Stand Alone. They plan standalone for new year, but on december, january and febrauary i expect 4 games which are on my list "must have" so it is big question will i be in standalone at all. Probably will during next summer but only if games change a lot than it is now. I wont be on standalone if game stays almost same as mod. It would be boring for me to play dayz for one year. Not much content ingame for so much time to spend so i will save my money.

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Oh Sil, you've misunderstood again.

I don't hate anybody that snipes me or tries to snipe me, that's part of the game.

But if your whole goal in game is to try to be a murderous bandit, then yes chances are you are a griefer on some level, whether you're comfortable with that or not, doesn't enter into the equation.

Griefing is banditry, and vice versa, no way around it.

Therefore, if you're constantly trying to do harm and then don't have patience or maturity to work around the artifacts, but instead come here to QQ, and never add anything constructive otherwise, i have little sympathy for your plight.

I don't take it personally, but when you run around the game like a malicious child killing everything that moves because you can't see the benefit of role playing, then you might as well play cod.

It's part of the game yet you consider it griefing and immoral. A+ logic. And you don't hate bandits' guts but you think they are jerks and you wouldn't sympathize with them. Makes sense too.

If you get killed in a PvP game it means you've lost in a competition that you have voluntarily entered, agreeing to the rules of it. And like you said, PvP is part of the game. Sorry but I'm not trying to harm other people. My goal is to survive, they are in the way. Nothing personal. Just because you feel bad it doesn't mean it's griefing. It's like saying that when I'm playing counter-strike or any other game where I kill other players I grief the enemy team. It makes no sense.

And I don't come here to QQ about artifacts. I started talking about artifacts cause someone said something about artifacts that I disagree with.

And like I said. "if roleplaying would put me at a really disadvantageous position, I choose not to do it." Change the mechanics of the game so that banditry isn't favored playstyle if your goal is to survive and I'll stop doing it.

Edited by SillySil

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1st thing is script kiddies. I am here 2 months, and i will be here also during this month, but if things dont change till october i will stop playing becouse there is no point investing my time in something which can be destroyed by many cheaters which are in this game.

Unfortunately, I don't see anything happening until Stand Alone. Sooooo, you might as well just quit it now.

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Cuse i got banned for no fucking reason. So fuck this game and standalone , Battlecrapshiteye wont even contact me with all the proof going on 14 days . Alpha mode lol great excuse this is fkn free for all mode , no more updates , shit load of hackers that are still hacking everyone , they sure aren't banned! SOME simple bugs could of been fixed.... I just dont get it i never ever even tried to hack ANY games in the past 15 years , and get accused of it with this shit .. But yet a shit load of Arma copies being sold ... Alpha mode hahahaha whatever Rockshit over and out.

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Unfortunately, I don't see anything happening until Stand Alone. Sooooo, you might as well just quit it now.

as soon as i finish my 2 goals i am done with this game. I allready stoped gearing up, i dont leave south coast at all. right now i play to become hero, with shit gear only, afther that few days of being bandit and that is all, no more goals no more things to try.

i failed only in doing 3k zombies on 20+ ppl servers. i wasnt even close :) , maybe that will bring me back in standalone, but we are talking about something which will happen in almost half a year so who knows where all of us are going to be than.

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