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twinturbonet (DayZ)

Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

Reason on leaving DayZ?  

272 members have voted

  1. 1. Why would you leave DayZ?

    • Bugs.
    • Hackers.
    • Another game caught my interest.
    • Another game caught my interest until the Stand Alone.
    • Life changes... (school, baby, etc.)
    • I don't care... Why am I on the forums!? I should be playing DayZ.

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My first poll... hope I did it right. Select your vote and give a reason or story (if you like) on why you chose it.

I chose "Other game caught my interest until Stand Alone"... Borderland 2 :)

Edited by twinturbonet

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Add 'because I'm a COD playing, incompetent cocklick.' to the options, otherwise 90% of the people who enter will have nothing to vote.

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This thread is useless. If you want to leave then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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Add 'because I'm a COD playing, incompetent cocklick.' to the options, otherwise 90% of the people who enter will have nothing to vote.

I'll leave that out and assume that whoever doesn't vote falls in that category. :thumbsup:

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hackers fucked me over im now writing a hate thread to show that i cant deal with the fact that i have to gear up again which is basically the entire goal of the game

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If people are serious about leaving or have left then why would they still be using the Day Z forum????

Edited by Box
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This thread is useless. If you want to leave then don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Why is it useless? I'm just curious on why people would leave. There is another thread going back n forth on the reason people are leaving DayZ... a poll is a perfect solution.

I find your post, USELESS.

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If people are serious about leaving or have left then why would they still be using the Day Z forum????

This is why the poll is pretty much asking why you would leave DayZ... Not, "Why DID you leave?" It's obvious that if a user leaves the game, they probably won't be checking the forums. Duh.

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Why is it useless? I'm just curious on why people would leave. There is another thread going back n forth on the reason people are leaving DayZ... a poll is a perfect solution.

I find your post, USELESS.

Correction, there are multiple threads on this very subject. In fact every day I see at least three threads like this one, although yours is not coming off as some huge cry so you have that going for you.

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Mainly missing endgame content and this:


So much this. I wish even the double barreled shot gun and winchester were hard to come by along with ammo, let alone the military grade equipment. It would be much more meaningful when you do acquire rare loot and also rachet up the tension when you know you only have several bullets remaining, think twice before engaging and make sure every shot counts.

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This is why the poll is pretty much asking why you would leave DayZ... Not, "Why DID you leave?" It's obvious that if a user leaves the game, they probably won't be checking the forums. Duh.

I think you miss the point - if they were leaving or seriously considering leaving (as seriously as you think about a game!) they surely would just leave or lose interest and not participate in the community anyway. You would ahve to be pretty sad, a bit of an attention seeker or just bored beyond belief to bother with a gaming community that you werent even arsed about playing any more!

To me this just looks like a useless QQ thread. If you dont want to, or can't play, then don't. It's that simple.No one is holding a gun to people's heads forcing them to play. You don't need to post moans and whine threads here about it, just go and leave the rest of us who do wish to continue playing to discuss the game and it's content.

What is lost on lost people is that this game is aimed at a very specific target audience, then on a wave of popularity loads of people have hopped on the band wagon outside of that target audience and started moaning and crying about the game. I am inclined to believe most of the people who are leaving are just the nuggets who werent within that target audience bracket anyway so good riddance to them.

Edited by Box

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The reason my interest is waning is bugs, and duplicated/spawned items. It's not so fun that 80% of the people I see have 100% of the rarest gear, then once I take one of then out with an axe, they show up 20 minutes later with the same kit. Vehicles and tents are borked = more frustration and lack of motivation to squirrel away any bits and bobs I find cause it won't work, or causes more duped items. I still play a bit, not as much as I did... just waiting for fixes at the moment while playing other stuff.

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I think you miss the point - if they were leaving or seriously considering leaving (as seriously as you think about a game!) they surely would just leave or lose interest and not participate in the community. To me this just looks like a useless cry thread. If you dont want to or can't play then don't, no one is holding a gun to people's heads forcing them to play. You don't need to post moans and whine threads here about it, just go and leave the rest of us who do wish to continue playing to discuss the game and it's content.

What is lost on lost people is that this game is aimed at a very specific target audience, then on a wave of popularity loads of people have hopped on the band wagon outside of that target audience and started moaning and crying about the game. I am inclined to believe most of the people who are leaving are just the nuggets who werent within that target audience bracket anyway so good riddance to them.

He's participating in the community, asking for people's opinion on a subject. Using your logic your post is the useless one, either participate in the discussion he's starting or leave it. Are you the type to butt your nose into another group's conversation at a bar or restaurant?

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Actually the bugs are kinda game breaker, but i'm not playing THAT MUCH, mostly because it got old (for me, at least), i mean, running around the woods with nothing to do is only cool in the first few days.

Edited by Fenrig

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He's participating in the community, asking for people's opinion on a subject. Using your logic your post is the useless one, either participate in the discussion he's starting or leave it. Are you the type to butt your nose into another group's conversation at a bar or restaurant?

Did you bother to read my post or did just skim read it? I gave you my opinions on why people are leaving and my opinions on why I feel this thread is a poor thread. If this topic is a serious attempt to engage the community and attempt to address the popularity of the mod (which isn't in need of addressing!), rather than purely a QQ /negative thread aimed at bashing and undermining this mod, then surely it would be more constructive to post recommendations for improvements with his ideas as to why people are leaving (which he clearly has , hence the poll selections).

Edited by Box

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Correction, there are multiple threads on this very subject. In fact every day I see at least three threads like this one, although yours is not coming off as some huge cry so you have that going for you.

Lol, thanks? :beans:

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Yep, just curious. Feel free to express your opinion on why you think I made this poll. Like I said before, I'm curious on why people would leave DayZ if they were to go. Simple.

I didn't see any other polls. Lol, god forbid I started a new topic that might have been covered already.

Edited by twinturbonet
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If people are serious about leaving or have left then why would they still be using the Day Z forum????

Maybe they're not playing the game because it's unplayable but are still on the forum following what's happening and waiting for standalone?

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If you stop playing the game, the impact of your opinion on said game diminishes, period.

IMO, all of the people who don't play anymore SHOULD step away from the forums as well, if they have nothing constructive to offer. Apparently a certain demographic of ex-players feel the need to whine and whine and whine while they wait for a patch or the standalone. This just makes them enormous tools.

The people who left the game mostly left due to the bugs and hackers. (thread end game achieved)

While I appreciate their frustrations, clogging this forum with their pointless BITCHING accomplishes nothing.

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Maybe they're not playing the game because it's unplayable but are still on the forum following what's happening and waiting for standalone?

Maybe they are playing a different game to me if they think it's "unplayable" then. Maybe they should stop playing.

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Bugs i can accept, that's perfectly fine. Dieing because of bugs... yep fine, it's Alpha.

But the rampant hacking/scripting is just unrelenting.

I don't mind gearing up again that's fun, If I die by player death or bug...... but not scripters.

At the moment it just feels like this mod (in its current state) has just been left to die now. All concentration is being put on the standalone.

It won't stop me playing though, it's too bloody addictive.

Edited by chuddy

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I've tweaked the title a bit so people don't get the wrong impression about why you did this poll.

To the rest of you, stop overreacting. Read.

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