[email protected] 22 Posted September 5, 2012 Judgemental and angry at Muslims are we? People will always kill people, I like to think that it's better to kill someone for a just reason than murder someone.At muslims? No my friend, at any religion as long as it doesn't respect the other beliefs. You can think you're right, but you can't make me think like you by threatening me. Angry at repressive religions, yes.Live and let live, and don't tell me what to do as long as i don't hurt anyone.But most of you guys, like the christians before you (and still in some areas) seem not to allow that. My way or the hard way, basically. You clearly stated it in your first post. Killing infidels, lol. If you only said it in roleplaying, but somehow i doubt so.And please, kill for a just reason? You only would kill, in that case, for someone (bone and flesh) who was taken as the real prophet, for some things he said and some god he believed in, and for the interpretations of his words by some other men (same old bone and flesh), who in most cases had and have an agenda.But hey, be my guest and keep it up, bro. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fat-Marco 13 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) Wow people are slow lol.At muslims? No my friend, at any religion as long as it doesn't respect the other beliefs. You can think you're right, but you can't make me think like you by threatening me. Angry at repressive religions, yes.Live and let live, and don't tell me what to do as long as i don't hurt anyone.But most of you guys, like the christians before you (and still in some areas) seem not to allow that. My way or the hard way, basically. You clearly stated it in your first post. Killing infidels, lol. If you only said it in roleplaying, but somehow i doubt so.And please, kill for a just reason? You only would kill, in that case, for someone (bone and flesh) who was taken as the real prophet, for some things he said and some god he believed in, and for the interpretations of his words by some other men (same old bone and flesh), who in most cases had and have an agenda.But hey, be my guest and keep it up, bro.You do realize that hes not even muslim right? Hes pretending to be muslim to hatemonger against them. You can tell very easily because hes parroting every fox-news line in first person mode. You really think some jihadi dude would be saying "i like to kill infidels because my god is evil and its fun "yadayadayada"It's like if I hate communists and I go post on a forum "Communism power! We are going to take over the world and do x y z to you".Or if I hate black people so I go post with an avatar of a black person and post stuff like "YAAAAAA you stupid crackers, raped two white women last night"Then people on the forum start responding seriously "you shouldn't rape white women. Cant we just get along"But its not really your fault. The propoganda machine is in full effect at even higher than the communism fear-mongering of the cold war.Talking about the jihadis and communists while were at it .... it's quite instructive to remember how the "evil jihadis" and "evil mooooslims" that everyone is a parroting expert on these days, were our best friends in the 70's/80's. When they were a bulwark for europe agains the spread of communism near the iron curtain. There were no crocodile tears and op-eds about plight of women or the other propoganda of convenience. Back then they were super awesome "freedom fighters" and today they are "evil terrorists who hate our freedoms and want to take over the world [so dont turn into vietnam anti-war protests when we go invade their countries]"My uncle is a military movie junkie and he has every military movie ever in his vhs/dvd collection. I watched Rambo 3 the other day at his house and I wasn't sure if the TV was trolling me. You should have seen how much ass-kissing praise the jihadi's were getting in that movie (because they were fighting against Russia's invasion of afghanistan) Rambo's superior officer in particular was pouring on the decorations about the "brave mujahideen freedom fighters". Take a moment and imagine what the script would read for the same movie made today and it should give you some insight into how propoganda works. Hint: Every adjective and descriptor would be reversed. Brave mujahideen to cowardly terrorist. Either way the viewer would believe either one because 99.9999999999% of people havent a clue about some random third world country half way around the world. You believe what your told. "But won't the noble journalists and reputable news organisations set us straight if something is not true" ? RiiiiiggghhhtttThis world will be a much better place the day people learn that all governments lie (including ours). It all started with that assh0le caveman who drew a line on the beach, flexed his muscles and said "this beach is mine. If you come here i smash your head on a rock"Fat Marco OUT! Edited September 5, 2012 by Fat-Marco Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taiphoz 95 Posted September 5, 2012 With me it's all about the group, or clan, or guild, if your not part of that inner circle then your just another corpse waiting for a bullet, that being said I make it a task to do one good deed a day in game normally not killing some one and helping them out in some way or other, giving them a ride in a car or helping them out with loot.Those people that have gotten past me and made it into the group while making first contact with me have been those who made it visible real fast that they did not want a fight, either by yelling friendly and then turning their back to me, or by switching to a pistol and aiming at the ground or off to the side and then waiting to see what I did.That takes some balls, not to aim at a bandit with a ghillie suit on and a big ass gun pointed at your face, but some times it's the only play you have that will result in you not getting your face taken off by a .50 cal round. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted September 5, 2012 Because every mechanic in DayZ supports killing on sight and there is not a single reason not to shoot. Assuming your goal is to survive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 22 Posted September 5, 2012 ...You might be right there, might have been rickrolled lol, but from your post i assume you think i'm american or something (talking about fox and so). I'm from spain and the opinions i have from muslims are quite direct, we're only 14 km away from morocco and have a big north african community living in spain.Not everyone is like that but some things you see... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ActionManZlt 160 Posted September 5, 2012 Because every mechanic in DayZ supports killing on sight and there is not a single reason not to shoot. Assuming your goal is to survive.Here's one - it draws attention to yourself and gets you shot at. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) Here's one - it draws attention to yourself and gets you shot at.So I make a sound. And people around know that there is someone in my general direction. Compared to letting a guy go who might have seen you and knows exactly where you are who now will try to kill you at the first possible opportunity or who might relay your exact position to his friends who want to kill you, it's nothing. It's not even a trade off. It's just less of the same thing. KoS is the most efficient way of eliminating threats while gearing up fast. Besides, shots scare off people who don't want to PvP. So it's not like I'm attracting everyone. Edited September 5, 2012 by SillySil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andrestander (DayZ) 37 Posted September 5, 2012 cuz i am a cool 12 year old kid and i think im the smartest kid in world and im also secretly a SOCIOPATH!!!111 lol!!! ex deeeeeee!!!!1 #YOLO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted September 5, 2012 cos otherwise I will be shot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xuse 92 Posted September 5, 2012 If I don't shoot, I will Die. Its that Simple.. I've tried trusting people but it has failed me. I even did the friendly Bus driver thing only to be shot by the guys mates who I was giving a lift... So... what things like that I will Shoot you. I won't Panic Shoot, I will slowly bind my time watching your every move and close in and Kill you Close up... I don't Like Snipers :P So Chances are I'll have an AK/M4A3 in your face ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zymi 64 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) Because a thought in my head leads me to believe DayZ fun, but upon playing I get bored and jaded. So I target practice. Edited September 5, 2012 by Zymi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted September 5, 2012 kcoc a era ouy esuaceb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Draxx (DayZ) 61 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) I am a sniper in my clan. We (the spotter and me) are providing overwatch to our mates. If someone comes into their vicinity I report him and wait for the extermination order. If the squad leader gives the order to kill - the guy is dead.So I am not killing for fun - I am just obeying orders ;) Edited September 5, 2012 by Draxx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 I am bi polar, sometimes I will be nice and it usually confirms that I should not have been playing that way, but the majority of the time I will murder other players unless they are new spawns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M O N S T E R 599 Posted September 5, 2012 I kill because it's fun. Especially when you come back and die again.-MONSTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HydrogenHats 17 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) Doublepost, sorry. Edited September 5, 2012 by HydrogenHats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BouncingObject 0 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) I tend to try and avoid players. But I occasionally get those moods where I wanna go find some trouble. It usually doesn't end well for me though. If i find a player, I tend to just watch, kinda like a National Geographic documentary. :P But I will return fire if shot at. Edited September 5, 2012 by BouncingObject Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lupin-III 44 Posted September 5, 2012 Because it's fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted September 5, 2012 I kill myself more then I kill others, but I do kill others from time to time. There is no explanation why other then that it is DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kebman 213 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) I kill in self defence (whenever someone surprises me or just plain comes at me), and sometimes when a good hunt presents itself, where I can stalk my pray for a bit. I don't like sniping from afar, unless I'm securing for a friend. Otherwise I think sniping is just cowardice demanding no skill. Edited September 5, 2012 by kebman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatherjohn 143 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) The OP had the courage to discuss their mental health problems, be supportive of their honesty.Really? Did you not read the part where I said in the first few words, "not trying to flame you"? Edited September 5, 2012 by fatherjohn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
octarine 60 Posted September 5, 2012 I've never killed anyone, zero kills here or on the map Which Shall Not Be Named.Plenty of zombies if all you want is target practice. They fall down just like the characters with a person controlling them. I'm here for the survival aspect of the game. To that end, I'll alt f4 and server hop if it means avoiding other players. I am no threat to them so why should I sit around and become their next target? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dxze 20 Posted September 5, 2012 I get bored running through forests and slaughtering zombies. Hunting players adds a real challenge to the game. Makes it fun, and keeps me playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CM LEGION 29 Posted September 5, 2012 For fun. Because its fake. And not Real. And they respawn. They most they lose is time and luck.So call me sociopathic, but then that means every FPS gamer is sociopathic, even every gamer who plays M games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites