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Name and Shame: PvP Diconnectors

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Im sure you are all sick of the players who disconnect in combat, as Rocket explained in the past this is an exploit thats going to be fixed in the future, however according to the update thread on 1.7.1 its not going to be fixed in the next patch so were all going to have to put up with this behaviour a little longer, which made me rather a sad panda. So I thought it might be a good idea for us as a community to present somewhat of a united front against this kind of behaviour until such time as a fix can be implemented.

The simplist way seems to be naming and shaming of the players conducting this unsporting behaviour. I have had it happen to me many many times in the past but last time was the first time I bothered to take down the names of the gentlemen. I will provide an account of the events and the players involved here so that should you encounter these players in-game you will have a good idea of what kind of lengths they will go to with the use of expoilts to stay alive.




Server/s and time:

UK15 around 3am GMT.

What happened:

Myself (Gwyn) and a friend (Omelette du fromage) were heading to the NW airfield to try and find some NV equipment for him, as we neared the forest border we observed two gentlemen coming out of the woods so we decided to follow them since they may be heading back to thier camp or something, as we observe we notice they have some nice gear, one of them a 50 cal. sniper. We ghost them for a while and they seem to be heading to Starry Sober, probably follow them for what seemed like 15-20m as they explore barns and deer towers along the way. As they approach the edge of the tower to scout it out, they stop, I’m on their left in the bushes but they don’t see me, I had lost my friend somewhere along the way so I decided this is the place to try and ambush them before they get to the town, it’s very dark so I figure I’ll take out one then go prone and circle around to find his friend (I already had some NV equipment). I am about 15 metres away from one of them so I unload several slugs from my M1 shotgun into him, he goes down but didn’t die, I go prone and get ready to circle around on his friend who I assume will have an idea where the shot came from but probably didn’t see me. However as soon as I prone, BOOM Shadowfury Disconnects, Audi_666 disconnects, didn’t even fire a single shot at me in self-defence "Esc, Alt+F4" was their response. Normally when people do this to me I just facepalm and go about my day but I felt a bit jipped at the time if I’m honest, I had detracted from the airfield and tracked these boys a good 15 minutes at least. I knew they were Russian from their side chat so I figured they will probably jump to a server with a similar ping, sure enough after a couple of glances at player lists on similar ping servers I find them on UK14, however when I join there he leaves again and goes back to UK15, when I go there to confront him he actually gloats about him and his friends being alive with 12k health....I facepalmed so hard at that I nearly broke my nose.

So well done gentlemen, you got away this time! To the rest of you, please don’t take this as rage or a rant, I just got a little dejected and disappointed, hoped it would be fixed in latest update but looks like these kinds of players are literally getting a stay of execution for now. Feel free to share your stories below, name and shame the cowards! :D

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You realize it takes literally 15 seconds to change your name' date=' right?


You have to create a new character if you want to change your name from what i've seen and the name people pick first is usually one they like so if this forces them to give up either then prehaps thats a fitting punishment until its fixed.


The kids have officially arrived' date=' welcome.

Try aim.......

I didnt miss the shot? I think you missed the point however.

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Judging by the replies so far it seems like people are ok with diconnecting during a firefight, so yes I concur with the "son" macro. Dissapointment, what has become of the Day Z community?

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It's not that everybody is OK with it, we are just fed up with reading about it - daily.

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I'm happy to see them named and shamed - they're scum. If changing your alias is simple - I haven't checked to see if it is - then there's little point in doing this, though.

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It's not that everybody is OK with it' date=' we are just fed up with reading about it - daily.


Why did you click the thread then? Also while there are many complaints about it on the forum, when I used the search function I was unable to location a "name and shame" thread. Forgive for wasting your valuable time.

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I'm not condoning the disconnecting but some ppl just want to play and don't want to be involved in PvP. I am so tired of getting killed by someone that when I hear shots coming my way, I consider disconnecting sometimes. The PvP is great but balancing is needed. Very rarely do I ever some across someone who actually wants to team up. Now I try to avoid everyone.

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I'm happy to see them named and shamed - they're scum. If changing your alias is simple - I haven't checked to see if it is - then there's little point in doing this' date=' though.


Yeah I just double checked now, it appears that I am unable to change the name of my first profile but when I create a second one, I seem to be able to edit my name in that after creation, im not sure if the name gets locked in though after logging a server.

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Not only is it trival to change names (and possible for many players to have the same name) the readers have nothing but your word to verify for the "crimes" that the players should have done.

Thats clearly not enough to miscredit anyone in public.

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cry more...

You are the cancer of Day Z' date=' just saying. :)


Not only is it trival to change names (and possible for many players to have the same name) the readers have nothing but your word to verify for the "crimes" that the players should have done.

Thats clearly not enough to miscredit anyone in public.

Sure that’s possible but I really don’t have the time or motivation to make this stuff up, I'm 27 years old and like to think I’m somewhat mature, I really don’t see what I would gain from making this up. If people suspect I’m "butuhurt" over them killing me or stealing a vehicle or something of that nature then they are unable no obligation to believe a word I say.

I'm not asking you to verbally abuse these people or harass them in-game, that would solve nothing and simply further degrade the Day Z community even deeper into the abyss of immaturity it is currently falling into. T

The purpose of my post was that if happen to see them in game and choose to engage them in combat then be aware that they may or may not disconnect from the game. What’s wrong with posting about that information? People who choose to use exploits to succeed are usually not the most trustworthy players anyway.

Anyway, I know what they did and they know what they did, hopefully they feel some level of appropriate shame. As I said this isn’t the first and dare I say it, the last time I encounter players using this exploit. I’m not here every single time it occurs "crying" over it however as another poster seemed to suggest. I just wanted to put it out there, I don’t really think this will fix the issue, at best it will make the offending players think twice about doing it again, at worst, I got to vent about a problem I think is currently ruining and degrading the very core aspect of this game. PvP isnt PvP if the second P wont V, ya dig?

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Honestly, there are so many disconnecters it's pointless to call out specific people.

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I'm not condoning the disconnecting but some ppl just want to play and don't want to be involved in PvP. I am so tired of getting killed by someone that when I hear shots coming my way' date=' I consider disconnecting sometimes. The PvP is great but balancing is needed. Very rarely do I ever some across someone who actually wants to team up. Now I try to avoid everyone.


This is the wrong game for you, then. Go and play something else. Rocket will fix this disconnecting nonsense eventually. Your days are numbered.

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