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Poll- Very slowly regenerating blood?


150 members have voted

  1. 1. How should regenerating blood work?

    • If you are able to stay well-fed and well-watered, blood should regenerate fully in about 1-6 hours.
    • Blood should regenerate much slower than the above suggestions
    • Blood should NOT regenerate
  2. 2. What variables should affect blood regeneration? (You can mark multiple options)

    • Blood count
    • Tempeture
    • Whether you're sick or not
    • Hunger
    • Water
    • Medicine

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Sometimes "realism" isn't very real because gamers will just meta-game the system. So you've taken away quick healing? Great now everyone's just suiciding in a safe location and running back to get their gear. Instant heal, annoying gameplay, but everyone would be forced to do it so that you'd be at full hp for your next encounter (as your opponent most definitely will).

Giving some one a transfusion back to full HP may not be realistic, but it makes for damn good gameplay; from hitting hospitals for meds to covering fallen allies while they're resuscitated. And whoever complained that people are popping blood bags and "getting right back into the fight" obviously doesn't PvP very much, because USUALLY when you're hit in this game, you're respawning. If not, your allies have to risk their hides to get to you when an enemy is obviously staring at your bloody carcass through a scope. In that regard, ArmA hit the nail on the head I would say; it's awesome to lay out some suppressive fire and drag your buddy behind a building to heal him up, fantastic gameplay.

Honestly the whole grayscale/shaky/blurry vision thing is stupid and would be better replaced with reduced run speeds, louder breathing fx (similar to how players can hear you pop a soda), etc, that could last even after a blood bag; say once you're critical, you're debuffed for 30 minutes regardless of whether you heal -- long enough to matter, short enough that no one'll be suiciding to work around it.

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I've never really been fond of games where health regeneration happens for no apparent reason, ie. Battlefield and Call of Duty. Implementing it here would completely destroy the point of carrying blood bags and even scavenging entire villages or hunting animals repeatedly for food, careless of whether it happens over one or six hours. It doesn't belong, imo.

Health regen wouldn't be for no reason if it's implemented as the OP described it. Your body replaces lost blood, you know (to an extent, obviously if you lose several pints you're probably going to die).

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