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Poll- Very slowly regenerating blood?


150 members have voted

  1. 1. How should regenerating blood work?

    • If you are able to stay well-fed and well-watered, blood should regenerate fully in about 1-6 hours.
    • Blood should regenerate much slower than the above suggestions
    • Blood should NOT regenerate
  2. 2. What variables should affect blood regeneration? (You can mark multiple options)

    • Blood count
    • Tempeture
    • Whether you're sick or not
    • Hunger
    • Water
    • Medicine

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This game needs more stuff from call of duty


Blood regeneration happens in real life. It's called cell division mitosis.

Cell goes through 5 steps: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis (which some might argue is not a step, but I still count it as one).

Freshman high school biology.

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Blood Regeneration should only work at a certain point.

Example: You can only regenerate blood if you are, at the very least, 6000.

If you are below 6000, you will need to eat or use a blood bag.

Blood Regeneration gradually speeds up for every 2000 blood regained.

IRL, a typical human cannot regenerate blood when they've lost a certain amount.

At that point, a blood donor is required; (e.g. below 6000).

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I think it would be kind of interesting if regenerating blood were experimented with. Obviously, it would have to regenerate VERY slowly(like, real-time hours I mean). Do you think it should be implemented? Do you think it's a good idea? A horrible one?

I like it. I've always wondered why this wasn't in the game to begin with. If your food/water levels are green, then blood should regenerate. It will stop when it goes orange/red. Good idea :thumbsup:

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Can we all remember that this is still a GAME at the end of the day. The injury mechanics are just fine as they are and no one should have to wait days to heal from an injury in the game, that is absurd. Should we have physical therapy after three weeks of bed rest? Do we get crutches or a wheelchair if we get in a car accident. I know lets add insulin to combat the diabetes we will all get from drinking a pepsi or coke every half hour. Maybe we have to farm organic food to get the right nutrient amounts, take breaks on long runs, or add a cramp mechanic.

The game needs to remain accessible guys, I am not saying easy (there are plenty of easy games that you can pick up and play with minimal effort) I am saying accessible. I would much rather die than have to limp along for days due to a broken leg (considering how much of this game is a running simulator), so no I would not want some terrible mechanic that made the game worse just for the sake of "realism."

I take your point, but I'm not suggesting anything approaching a realistic treatment of injuries , merely a token, but significant gameplay disadvantage that can't be easily or entirely avoided even if you are in a group. For instance, a broken leg means you can't run or crouch for a bit which may mean your pals have to "carry" you for a bit or may even have to abandon you. At the moment the game is quite binary-ish; the lack of normal gameply mechanisms like 'levelling up' means there are essentialy three statuses - alive and weakly armed, alive and well armed, and dead. Rude health (lots o' blood) could be quite a difficult to achieve and maintain status and confer considerable advantages (speed, quietness, visibility etc). Just a notion

As far as the actual suggestion, yes it would make sense to add a slow blood regeneration effect. The people suggesting nerfing the blood bags, we have so few mechanics in this game that encourage cooperation that we should not be so quick to discard one.

The way the game is at the moment, the transfusion mechanism doesn't particularily support spontaneous co-operation between gameplayers, it supports groups of friends playing in teams . If you are in one such group you can probably easily get a transfusion and if you aren't, then there is no way in hell you can ever get one.

Edited by magrathea

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NO !!!

In fact i want more hardcore health system !!!

2 weeks of playing would fit i think..i want a more cruel health system too.

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I take your point, but I'm not suggesting anything approaching a realistic treatment of injuries , merely a token, but significant gameplay disadvantage that can't be easily or entirely avoided even if you are in a group. For instance, a broken leg means you can't run or crouch for a bit which may mean your pals have to "carry" you for a bit or may even have to abandon you. At the moment the game is quite binary-ish; the lack of normal gameply mechanisms like 'levelling up' means there are essentialy three statuses - alive and weakly armed, alive and well armed, and dead. Rude health (lots o' blood) could be quite a difficult to achieve and maintain status and confer considerable advantages (speed, quietness, visibility etc). Just a notion

The way the game is at the moment, the transfusion mechanism doesn't particularily support spontaneous co-operation between gameplayers, it supports groups of friends playing in teams . If you are in one such group you can probably easily get a transfusion and if you aren't, then there is no way in hell you can ever get one.

I actually would be fine with some minor tweaks to the current injury system, I would just hate to make it incredibly hard to recover. If recovery takes too much time and resources most will just take a death over hobbling around for an extended period of time, so if the effects lasted 30 minutes to an hour of in game time fine, if it took longer to regain your step then I would just commit suicide and run for the gear from the coast. This game has a steep learning curve which I love, but I think they should be cautious in implementing features that makes the game even more difficult.

Blood bags do favor groups or IRL friends, but it is literally one of the only cooperative experiences in the game currently. In fact it is the only dedicated cooperative mechanic in the game, although fixing vehicles is really a two + man job.

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Blood already regens...when you eat.

If you don't eat, your blood doesn't regen.

I think the current system works well.

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I think it would be kind of interesting if regenerating blood were experimented with. Obviously, it would have to regenerate VERY slowly(like, real-time hours I mean). Do you think it should be implemented? Do you think it's a good idea? A horrible one?

To be honest I'm afraid of anything that makes the game easier.

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It's funny how people think that the regeneration of blood is unrealistic. If it's unrealistic, then why haven't they died from any papercuts?

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What makes this game so fun to play and your heart pounding like crazy in every firefight, its the unforgiving setup as it is now. After one week of playing already, it is pretty easy to find loads of food and medic supplies. It is easy to find the basic tools to hunt animals and cook meat. Which can restore your health easy and fast.

Stop with the suggestions to make this game a walk in the park. Its a fucking post apocalyptic zombie game, depending on a realistic engine, made for a realistic combat simulation.

Pretty much everything in the game is real life related. Having the need to eat and drink. Breaking bones if falling from higher heights. Being in a shock if hurt or going unconscious. Dying by a well placed shot in the upper chest and instant death if getting shot in the head. Pretty much everything is realistic.


Are you people dumb or what? Yeah, lets also replace the zombies with pokemon and give everyone pokeballs instead of weapons..


Edited by - Valkyrie -

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Once again, if they were to implement this it would have to be VERY slowly, i emphasize very.

To give some RL data: on average a normal, healthy individual who donates a

unit of blood (about 450 ml or ¾ pint) will fully recuperate from the

blood loss in four to six weeks.

All proposed ideas of blood regeneration levels have been too high so far. I say this for several reasons, one being it would make blood bags almost completely useless if blood were to regenerate at 2500 per hour. Blood should also not regenerate if it is at a low level, just like humans in real life. The blood regeneration should be something that you dont rely on, but is just there as a little perk. a low level of regeneration wouldnt make the game easier or harder.

I am personally fine with the system currently in place. All i ask is to not allow blood to regenerate at outrageous rates.

Edited by Post Hoc

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In reality if you lose a drastic amount of blood, you are not going to regenerate it, you are going to die. If 2000 blood related to 1/6 of your total blood in your body, you are not surviving that. In fact any blood levels below 60% would require intense medical care in order to survive. Realism =/= current system or any system that keeps you alive at those levels. Of course that wouldn't be fun so throw realism out the window. OH BUT I CAN EAT MEAT LOL THANKS JESUS MEAT.

I would like to see blood transfusions not used solely as the miracle cure for health, but instead as a emergency tool for extremely low blood levels (6000 or lower, perhaps). The lower your blood is, the more blood a blood transfusion would restore and vice versa.

That being said, regeneration should start at 6000 and increase in speed as you increase blood and stay above a certain hunger and thirst. For example, going from 6000 to 7000 would take much longer than going from 11000 to 12000. Water and food should also heal some instantly but their main purpose should be to keep conditions nominal for blood regeneration.

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You said yourself that blood at or below 60% requires medical care. Then you want to add blood regeneration to the game? To make it more fun? Clearly go play WarZ then when it comes out.

The games difficulty is JUST PERFECT as it is. Only thing that needs to be fixed are bugs and glitches. Graphical, inventory related and other stats bugs. Tents duplicating things etc.

The difficulty is PERFECT.

It is a survival game at the very end. Lets not turn it into a fucking arcade. The game is what it is, and attracted all those people because of its unique difficulty and engine. If you don't like it then go buy another of the upcoming idea stealing fuck games.

Whats next? COD kids crying about not having commando perks in the game, and we shall add them then?

"Hey let me use my commando perk to stab the zombies 100m down the road in the town, then enter a zombie cleared town and loot all the stuff, YAY!"

Jesus fucking Christ.

Edited by - Valkyrie -

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The guy started a topic of conversation. I responded with what my views on the matter were. I said that realism needs to be tossed out the window sometimes, even in simulation scenarios, so that argument is invalid. I also can't press a single button on a scope to zero it. I can't run kilometers with pounds of gear on my back without stopping. I can't jump in a helicopter, press one button, and start flying it around.

And no game can never be perfect. There is always room for improvement. And how is anything I said an arcade? If you don't want to hear other peoples opinions and suggestions then GTFO the forums. That's what they're there for.

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We looked at this before, but if blood regeneration were relative to the amount of in-game time it takes to die from hunger and thirst, then you would regenerate roughly 3,000 blood/hour. This seems like a lot, but it wouldn't if we removed the health restoration you gain from eating food and limited the amount of blood that blood packs restore to 3,000.

So here's the math:

  • In real life you die from starvation in 7 to 8 weeks. You die from starvation in 90 minutes from full blood.
  • You go into cardiac arrest and die when you lose 4 pints/units of blood. It takes 4-6 weeks to regenerate 1 pint/unit of blood.
  • This is also the amount of blood in a typical real-world blood pack.
  • If 7.5 weeks is 90 minutes of game time, then 5 weeks is an hour of game time. This means if it takes 90 minutes to starve to death in-game, it should take 60 minutes to regenerate 1 pint of blood, and that pint of blood would be the same amount that exists in a blood pack.
  • That's 3,000 blood regenerated/hour and 3,000 blood in one blood pack. Or, if you prefer, 50 blood regenerated/minute (or the equivalent of a current can of beans every 4 minutes).
  • That's the damage from 1 STANAG round from a M-16 every ~45 minutes. Not a huge amount.
  • EDIT: A full hunger level would allow you to recover blood at full speed. Half a hunger level would be 1500 blood an hour. And if you're starving, you would lose blood as normal. Thirst would just be an either/or. If you're thirsty, you recover 0 health. If you're not, you recover whatever health your hunger level is at.

I would also like to see healing removed from food items. Group PVP would be a lot harder but this would also make survivors less likely to die of attrition. They could pick their battles now, hiding out in the woods recuperating like they would in the real world from their wounds instead of shoving themselves full of steaks to heal their bullet wounds. And players engaged in PVP would now be more likely to drop dead in fights instead of slapping a blood pack on and running right back into battle.

Edited by BazBake
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In reality if you lose a drastic amount of blood, you are not going to regenerate it, you are going to die. If 2000 blood related to 1/6 of your total blood in your body, you are not surviving that. In fact any blood levels below 60% would require intense medical care in order to survive. Realism =/= current system or any system that keeps you alive at those levels. Of course that wouldn't be fun so throw realism out the window. OH BUT I CAN EAT MEAT LOL THANKS JESUS MEAT.

I would like to see blood transfusions not used solely as the miracle cure for health, but instead as a emergency tool for extremely low blood levels (6000 or lower, perhaps). The lower your blood is, the more blood a blood transfusion would restore and vice versa.

That being said, regeneration should start at 6000 and increase in speed as you increase blood and stay above a certain hunger and thirst. For example, going from 6000 to 7000 would take much longer than going from 11000 to 12000. Water and food should also heal some instantly but their main purpose should be to keep conditions nominal for blood regeneration.

If blood points were a measure of TOTAL blood, blood packs would heal about 1,000 blood instead of 12,000 blood, steaks would heal ZERO blood, and you would die when you reached 7,000 health. See my post above for a more reasonable look at this situation reflecting a realistic view of what blood represents and how a regeneration system could be logically implemented.


The difficulty level's a joke for a lot of reasons.

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That being said, regeneration should start at 6000 and increase in speed as you increase blood and stay above a certain hunger and thirst. For example, going from 6000 to 7000 would take much longer than going from 11000 to 12000.

Personally that's the opposite way I'd implement any kind of regeneration. I'd be more inclined to make it slow down as it approached 12000, but that's just me.

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@BazBake I thought blood was intentionally based around the amount of pints in the average adult males body, around 12 pints (1000 per pint). It doesn't make sense I know but I didn't design the mechanic. Your math looks good on paper. What must be considered is hunger and thirst is a different design entirely when compared to health, especially when food and water are relatively plentiful compared to the intrinsic value of blood points. And yes it is somewhat irrelevant if health accounts for total blood or not, I was simply making a point against the realism defenders.

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You said yourself that blood at or below 60% requires medical care. Then you want to add blood regeneration to the game? To make it more fun? Clearly go play WarZ then when it comes out.

The games difficulty is JUST PERFECT as it is. Only thing that needs to be fixed are bugs and glitches. Graphical, inventory related and other stats bugs. Tents duplicating things etc.

The difficulty is PERFECT.

It is a survival game at the very end. Lets not turn it into a fucking arcade. The game is what it is, and attracted all those people because of its unique difficulty and engine. If you don't like it then go buy another of the upcoming idea stealing fuck games.

Whats next? COD kids crying about not having commando perks in the game, and we shall add them then?

"Hey let me use my commando perk to stab the zombies 100m down the road in the town, then enter a zombie cleared town and loot all the stuff, YAY!"

Jesus fucking Christ.

The difficulty is perfect, and yet you're all in favor of munching on a steak and having full blood in a manner of several minutes instead of several hours? You, sir, are in favor of dumbing down the difficulty.

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Like many others have said, in real life, if you get a boo-boo, you don't suddenly become weaker. You eat food in the game (meat, beans, pasta, etc.), and you gain back Iron, which is what blood is. It should be the same rate that you lose blood when you have an infection, like 3 every second. And the difficulties would factor it, like Recruit: 3, Regular: 2, Expert: 1, and Veteran: No regeneration.

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@BazBake I thought blood was intentionally based around the amount of pints in the average adult males body, around 12 pints (1000 per pint). It doesn't make sense I know but I didn't design the mechanic. Your math looks good on paper. What must be considered is hunger and thirst is a different design entirely when compared to health, especially when food and water are relatively plentiful compared to the intrinsic value of blood points. And yes it is somewhat irrelevant if health accounts for total blood or not, I was simply making a point against the realism defenders.

It's about 8-10 pints of blood in a grown human, not 12. Which is moot since the only significance blood has in this game right now is as an arbitrary DoT. No more, no less. Like I said before, if it really represented blood loss, you would die when you hit 7,000 blood.

This game is a survival simulator. By making an authentic recovery system, such as one primarily driven by blood regeneration, then you actually make the entire game dynamic much closer to a survival game.

  • If you're hurt, a blood pack doesn't put you right back into combat form.
  • A can of beans is no longer the equivalent of a very tiny health pack.
  • You don't suddenly gain all of your health back by eating 20 pounds of roast pork.

Instead, you have to recuperate. Get out of the line of fire. Run for your life. Blood packs are now a resource for everybody to stockpile, not just groups. And now they need four times as many to get the same benefits.

Food would be a resource you have to constantly consume if you want to stay at the top of your game instead of just a can of beans once an hour. It puts both group PVPers and lone wolf survivors on the same playing field competing for the same medical gear and same resources 24/7.

In short, it adds an extra layer of survival to all parties involved while removing the more arcadey aspects to increase the authenticity of the gameplay and smooth some of the rougher edges of lone wolf surviving by motivating everyone to vie for the same gear for the same reasons.

Edited by BazBake

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