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Rustywolf (DayZ)

Tired of 16/18+ age restrictions? Then this squad is for you!

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Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?: not really/sometimes

Skype name: oldfatbadger

Level of game knowledge (1-10):2/3

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?:hatchet, ammo, cola, double barrel shotgun(just spawned)

Anything else?: I just got the game, but i know the controls and all.

Edited by vampirezebra

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What do you plan to use skype for? Just to chat or will you be using it to video chat? What kind of clan you looking to create? One where we actually set up a base server have a camp and store stuff. Or one where we are on the move always changing servers and not staying in one for multiple days?

Skype for Talk not video and we'll probably have a base camp. Hopefully maybe even our own public server!

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Ok people that's it! Thanks for everyone who sent in forms I hope people can understand that not everyone will get in. Stay tuned we might be recruiting again soon! :lol:

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[quote name='vampirezebra' timestamp='1347060537' post='831659'

Level of game knowledge (1-10):2/3

I just got the game, but i know the controls and all.

If you want we could meet up tomorrow ( if i can) or some other day. I could show you around DayZ and maybe teach you some stuff. I may not be an "Expert" but i do know a lot about the game. My skype is down right now so hopefully i can get it working tomorrow. If not we would have to use Direct Chat.

Edited by Danny_007

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If you want we could meet up tomorrow ( if i can) or some other day. I could show you around DayZ and maybe teach you some stuff. I may not be an "Expert" but i do know a lot about the game. My skype is down right now so hopefully i can get it working tomorrow. If not we would have to use Direct Chat.

I can do the same. I run with these guys sometimes;


I'm certainly not the best of them but I can teach you just about everything you need to know and likely al ot more.

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I run with these guys sometimes;


I'm certainly not the best of them but I can teach you just about everything you need to know and likely al ot more.

I was thinking about trying to become a white list medic, but I don't know. I wan't to at least hit the NW airfield and get some better gear before i do. Can't do that with a broken leg though. Well I could, but man would that be dangerous/boring. I wonder how long it would take to crawl there from near guglovo.

Edited by Danny_007

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I was thinking about trying to become a white list medic, but I don't know. I wan't to at least hit the NW airfield and get some better gear before i do. Can't do that with a broken leg though. Well I could, but man would that be dangerous/boring. I wonder how long it would take to crawl there from near guglovo.

I joined because I was bored and I had nothing better to do, but I didn't want to be a bandit. The thing I like about it is that you don't need end-game gear to do it. All you need is medical supplies and you can do it almost as well as if you had NVG's, GPS, coyote, etc. Those things definitely help but doing it without is not that difficult either. If you need some help with that broken leg I can get there, just let me know.

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I joined because I was bored and I had nothing better to do, but I didn't want to be a bandit. The thing I like about it is that you don't need end-game gear to do it. All you need is medical supplies and you can do it almost as well as if you had NVG's, GPS, coyote, etc. Those things definitely help but doing it without is not that difficult either. If you need some help with that broken leg I can get there, just let me know.

Yea that would be awesome do you have any blood bags too could use some at like 4,000 blood. I can't get on right now but i can in like 5 or 6 hours ( 8:00 or 9:00 for me ) if your able to be on then that would be great. I'm near guglovo so any of those cities near there would be great.

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Yea that would be awesome do you have any blood bags too could use some at like 4,000 blood. I can't get on right now but i can in like 5 or 6 hours ( 8:00 or 9:00 for me ) if your able to be on then that would be great. I'm near guglovo so any of those cities near there would be great.

Now what kind of medic would I be if I didn't have any blood bags? ;)

Anyways I will probably be on that time as well, but I'll head over to around Noby Sobor and just log out.

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I joined because I was bored and I had nothing better to do, but I didn't want to be a bandit. The thing I like about it is that you don't need end-game gear to do it. All you need is medical supplies and you can do it almost as well as if you had NVG's, GPS, coyote, etc. Those things definitely help but doing it without is not that difficult either. If you need some help with that broken leg I can get there, just let me know.

To be honest, it'd probably be preferable to not be very geared (in case of trolls and bandits). This way it won't be too big of a deal if something does go wrong.

Edited by Deetwo

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If you want we could meet up tomorrow ( if i can) or some other day. I could show you around DayZ and maybe teach you some stuff. I may not be an "Expert" but i do know a lot about the game. My skype is down right now so hopefully i can get it working tomorrow. If not we would have to use Direct Chat.

Yeah, that would be cool. I get kicked from a lot of servers. Yesterday I played just fine on one for a while, then got off. That was the first time I think I wasn't randomly kicked off a serv. maybe it's because of my Internet. It isn't the best.

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To be honest, it'd probably be preferable to not be very geared (in case of trolls and bandits). This way it won't be too big of a deal if something does go wrong.

True, and a lot of medics will stash anything valuable they don't need to save someone before they go on a rescue mission. Sometimes I do this if I log in next to my tents, but normally I just go with what I have on me. The amount of people who ask for help on the forum and then kill you in-game is pretty low. A number of TMW members are bodyguards so there will often be 1-3 other players along with the medic who have no problem killing you if you start to cause trouble.

Bandits know most medics don't have much besides medical supplies on them, and so a lot of them don't shoot medics anyways.

A few weeks ago some guy tried to kill a few medics by saying he needed help, and he killed one and almost got me. After that he posted a thread about trying to take down the medics.

We haven't seen much of him lately; don't think things worked out too well for him.

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Yeah, that would be cool. I get kicked from a lot of servers. Yesterday I played just fine on one for a while, then got off. That was the first time I think I wasn't randomly kicked off a serv. maybe it's because of my Internet. It isn't the best.

I'm going to be on in about 2 hours or lower so if you want ( and if its okay with miller ) i could connect to skype ( if i get it working ) or steam chat both of you and when miller is done i could find you and we could head off to wherever.

QUESTION TO MILLER AND VAMP: What version of DayZ and ArmA2 beta patches are you using?

Edited by Danny_007

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I'm going to be on in about 2 hours or lower so if you want ( and if its okay with miller ) i could connect to skype ( if i get it working ) or steam chat both of you and when miller is done i could find you and we could head off to wherever.

QUESTION TO MILLER AND VAMP: What version of DayZ and ArmA2 beta patches are you using?

Sounds good, my skype is working as far as I know.

I'm running DayZ and Arma2 96584 patch.

Do either of you use DayZ commander?

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I think age restriction is retarded i'm 13 and most people think i'm 18 so I could easily get in those so called "squads" but I prefer the lone wolf gameplay =)

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Sounds good, my skype is working as far as I know.

I'm running DayZ and Arma2 96584 patch.

Do either of you use DayZ commander?

No i manually do it. I find it simpler to do it myself. Also i don't want it to not work or mess up something, but if i do it i know that it's right and working. Also don't know if you know this but theres another beta patch 96751 thats out, but you dont need it they both work perfectly fine with

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No i manually do it. I find it simpler to do it myself. Also i don't want it to not work or mess up something, but if i do it i know that it's right and working. Also don't know if you know this but theres another beta patch 96751 thats out, but you dont need it they both work perfectly fine with

DayZ commander is about as simple as it gets and I've had no problems. Also lets you favorite and filter servers for population, ping, day/night, 3rd person, etc.

96751 just came out so only about 4% of the servers are running it. About half run 96584.

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Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?:15-90

Skype name:Snakob99

Level of game knowledge (1-10): 4

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?: m1911 2 mags, Crossbow 3 bolts, food, water, alice pack, painkillers, torch, watch

Anything else?:I dont know my way around the map :P

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Isn't this game rated m 17+

Just wondering what type of parent would allow a child to play a video game that depicts war, murder, theft and horror.

I wonder where the self righteous mods are now?(pointing no elbows here at all Max).Allowing children to openly post on a forum where language and themes are very often extreme and adult.

It's a matter of maturity, not age.

The moderators, if they were to ban players because they are underage to play the mod [NOT POST ON THE FORUMS], would be pulling a stupid move. I'm sure they know better.

It's 15+ here in Australia, not 17.

Although, both the 15+ and the 17+ come down to 'M for maturity'.

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Dan Wright (real name)

Edmond Dantes (DAY Z Character name)

I look forward to meeting you. I'm 17, and it seems to me that most clans with age restrictions (based on my experiences) just want to muscle your stuff and threaten you if you don't do what they want.

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Hey im getting on in like 5 minutes miller are you ready to meet up

my skype is DannyMartialis. skype me and well set up our meet.

Edited by Danny_007

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Remember kids, post your current inventory so OP can weed out the ones that are not worth luring. <_<

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Had fun playing with you Vamp ( even though you broke your leg and couldn't move the whole time.) It was kind of funny though, that and there wasn't any morphine in the whole hospital. I was going looting while you where stuck crawiling around Elektro. It must have been fun lol. sorry, but i found it kind of funny. Anyway you seem cool and if you ever want to play again or need some help PM me.

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