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malau (DayZ)

Stats (like GTA or Skyrim etc etc)

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You know, the usual thing that most sandbox games have these days, a stats screen, with things like: (just making this up as I go along obviously)

* Longest kill shot

* Highest elevation reached.

* Percentage of map explored.

* Distance Walked / ran

* Distance crawled

* Distance swam

* Distance driven

* Distance flown

* Favourite weapon by percentage of kills

* # Tins of food eaten

* # Cans of Drinks consumed

* # Meat consumed

* Number of animals killed.

* Longest zombie kill-streak

* Number of Towns visited

* Location visited most often

* Total number of supermarket visits

* Number of helicopter crash sites raided

* Number of times spotted by other players

* Number of times spotted by zombies

* Number of times fainted

* Number of limbs broken

* Favourite clothing

* Number of tents found / looted

* Number of vehicles stolen

* Barbed wire laid / removed

* Tank Traps laid / removed

* Sandbags laid / removed

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I'm happy this company doesn't belong to either one of those companies and i hope they don't suddenly have the need to add something like this.

btw... it's impossible to do that because you don't have a fixed name like in CoD or BF where you account is bound to your e-mail.

Or did you want stats just for yourself?

Edited by Enforcer

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I think it would be great to have a silent skill system, so if you do something you become better at it but you cannot see your stats.

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Sadly stats attract cheats and this game has its fair share without that atm. Have a look at any popular game that runs Stats i.e COD, BF etc.

Its one of the main reasons that people cheat and hack in online gaming cause they wanna feel like they are better than the rest, look at me I have a better KDR than you blah blah. Winning at something is a great feeling but sadly some people will do what it takes to be No.1 to raise their own self esteem and that is when the cheating comes in.

It happens in anything that creates competition, whether it be gaming,sport and so on. I'd personally rather games in general got rid of stats altogether and just focused more on the experience playing a game on your own or with your mates.

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I think it would be great to have a silent skill system, so if you do something you become better at it but you cannot see your stats.

First sry for the delay on the post, i am under Moderator over watch :(

NO, NO NO and once again NO ..no skill points that make u better..the only skill points u got, should be in your own head and fingers...u run around the map of Corse u will learn the map better, u shoot at infected of Corse your skill in shooting will get better..but definitely no skill points..

..i know one thing, at the moment this game will start to look like any other game, i am gone..Back to UT99..And never turn back..

But stats yes, i actually would be happy to know how much KMs has my character run in the last 50 dayz ..Nothing else..


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I don't want any stats at all. Gives to much incentive to the Cod kiddies to rack up as much kills as possible

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Put a stat for "number of chickens killed with a crowbar" and players will hack in crowbars and chase chickens around all day. In the end, some people just desperately want to play the same old game.

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Highest fall from a building

Most tree roots tripped over

Cans of mountain dew drunk

Longest hill slide

Furthest flare/chemlight throw

Most steak eaten and cooked in one minute ( must be performed in a group feasting )

Woodcutting pile competition, as per above.

Crawl time up the largest hill on the map.

Roll time down.

Most objects eaten by pack.

Biggest cow shot.

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I wouldn't mind various stats as a postmortem roundup on death.

However, as others have stated this would lead to certain players engaging in certain actions just to get the high score for a particular stat. It's inevitable to some extent (how many zombies can I kill? How many players can I kill?) but would be made worst with the introduction of extra stats. They'd have to be chosen carefully to minimise this.

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I'm happy this company doesn't belong to either one of those companies and i hope they don't suddenly have the need to add something like this.

btw... it's impossible to do that because you don't have a fixed name like in CoD or BF where you account is bound to your e-mail.

Or did you want stats just for yourself?

You actually wouldn't need your account bound to an e-mail to do stats ( don't even know why you would think that). The stats could be tracked via GUID easily. I would say some of those stats would be interesting to have such as km traveled or longest amount of days survived. Nothing typical like most kills/deaths or anything like that. So yeah stats would be a cool thing to see in the standalone version of dayz.

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Number of times Alt-F4'd

Number of unarmed noobs shot with AS50

Number of items duped

Number of vehicles held off map

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