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I committed my first murder...need advice/consoling

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Although, I will say most/all of you in this thread I would team up with (PM if you wanna!) just for the camaraderie and swap some stories etc. Beyond that human instinct, there are no/few benefits, as I see them.

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I just had my first kill yesterday or the day before. I had an m4a1CCO and was in cherno at the fire station and i headed up the stairs part of it. So i was on the last set of stairs because i heard flies and then i saw a dead body on the floor. Afraid of being sniped through the window i stood between the middle to the top part of the stairs so i could still loot but not get sniped. I was taking everything i needed when i heard rapid footsteps coming up and i knew that it was too fast to be a zombie. I exited the dudes gear and started to look down the stairs when i literally saw a player only an inch away from me running up my stairs. I felt my blood drain away from my body it scared the hell out of me. My first reaction was to shoot. What other choice did i have? i saw the girl skinned player dead on the stairs. I checker his/her gear and it turned out he/she had a remmington with a flashlight but nothing else i didnt have. i didnt take the shotgun because i had better stuff but i felt kind of guilty for killing the player without seeing if he/she was friendly because thats my policy see if friendly before engaging.

Also no one on that server said stay away or ill shoot but one. Also i tried 3 or 4 times to see if people where friendly but i ended up being shot and killed anyway. This one guy came into the firestation and we talked a little but then he open fired on me when all i had was a kobra and he had i think it was a m16 or something but it was better because i used the gun a lot.

I just wanted to ask and see if anyone thinks that kill is justifiable. I don't like killing people if i can make friends with them, but a remmington. i would have been dead in a second if he/she wasnt friendly.

Edited by Danny_007

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hahaha commited my first murder as well the other day and had the same question, i was in balota inside the control tower and i heard someone firing from outside the airstrip, thing was is it was a clan server so i was freaking out thinking the clan was there, so i sat at the top of the stairs with my m16 aimed towards the bottom knowing that right when they turned the corner i was going to shoot. Shoot and killed the first guy and heard him cry on the mic, it was someone in the clan, his buddy ran in after him...i shot him too....felt awful =/

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Ive only got 1 kill and I don't really seem to upset about it. The only reason is because he was a bandit. I was a new Spawn. I ran into a nearby barn and grabbed the nearest weapon. An Enfield. Running into Electro I sprinted into the office building from the front. Looted one room and then as I walked out, I saw a guy running straight towards me with an AK. He had the bandit skin on so I knew he meant would pull the trigger with no thought in his mind. I fired once. He was down. Bleeding out on the cold floor. I walked over to him as he lay there passed out. I looked straight down those Iron sights and fired one round into his face. I quickly looted his body, took the AK and his alice pack and ran for the hills. I'd assume he was just heading north because he had everything on him. Food, matches, hunting knife, bino's the lot. I was just glad I got that shot off before he had a chance to re-act.

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I use to avoid people at all costs on every server and I remember how my heart would pound if I saw someone in the middle of nowhere. I would go prone and hope they didn't seem me. A million thoughts would go through my head wondering if they were friendly because they're up North with a survivor skin. I never had to commit a single murder, luckily. Now my clan has their own private server with different squads. All other squads are you enemy. Now, I've never felt more inclined to PvP knowing it's just my clan members and it's all in good fun, but underneath I still feel a little "evil" trying to go out of my way and kill them all hahaha.

I did get a bandit kill once. Three of us were in Elektro's fire station. Someone spawned in. I think he was probably terrified to see 3 people there and just started firing. He shot and killed two of us. I turned and took him out with the SAW. My hands were still shaking 5 minutes later.

Edited by PygmyJess

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my friend and i have only had dayz for 4 days now, and my friend and I have had one character for 3 of the 4 days, we have killed combined like 8 people and we are not bandits yet? well my first was in cherno a guy put like 6 makarov shots in me and i put a mag of m1911 in him and i felt fine he fired first, but my fav kill, we where at nw air port and my freind and i where waiting for this huey to land when he hovers over us and his gunner takes out our tractor and breaks my friend's leg, but my friend had a m240B so he shot them down and i shot one guy who lived execution style with my makorov as he bandaged.

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There's no right and wrongs in DayZ, it's all about trying to justifying your actions or living with your regrets.

Most survivors in DayZ has a little dirt on them. Whether you become a bandit or a survivor, at least you had the kind of experience, Rocket intended, when he designed the mod. The cool thing about DayZ is you have your own motivations for the actions you make, but it's very hard to know what motivates other players.

You where definitely in a dangerous situation, if you had call out most players wound instantly move, making it a lot harder for you to make a lethal headshot. If the guy had moved, you'd be in a very bad place with a 7 shot handgun versus a 30 round full-auto AK. I generally never call out "Friendly, friendly!" unless I'm behind safe cover or are crossing someone's line of sight, while running for cover.

I hardly ever engage someone unprovoked though, I only have one kill since I began playing months ago, that I couldn't find any justification for, so in that situation, I'd probably have placed some kind of cover between us.

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I just got the game and I have yet to get my first murder. But I am sure waiting for that blood-curdling moment to occur. I am trying to be as friendly as possibly, but I did encounter one guy earlier today who ended up being my downfall. I met him in the School in Electro and he was in a Ghillie with a DMR. He was perched up in a window and I was just outside, getting ready to make my way in. I know for a fact that he saw me, but he didn't shoot me. Perhaps he felt bad because I was armed with only a hatchet and had very little food and drink on me. So, I slowly inched my way up to his location and walked into the room he was sitting in. He was friendly enough, he direct chatted me and we talked for a good few minutes. All seemed grand, until what I can only describe to you as an act of terrorism occurred. Last thing I saw was a grenade and a smoke roll into the room. Ghillie man, who I believe was named Phillip, exploded and was dead right then. Unfortunately, I made it through and was just unconscious, bleeding out. Three very-highly geared up men in bandit skins walked in and stole our loot right before putting a few rounds into my head. I was very sad, since this was my first death and I thought I had just made a new ally.

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murder in real life is a sticky subject but in this game its a whole new ball game.

i dont think you were wrong for shooting him, someone with a ghillie suit knows when they pick it up there are now a high target and will be considered a bandit. plus if you think about it anyone who kills for loot will kill him due to the ghillie suit being a great skin for when you move north so you hide with your surroundings.

Overall, no you didnt do wrong and everyone else on here thinks the same way. ignore the people who think its silly to have emotional feelings for someone in the same boat you are in cause honestly it sucks when i die and i get annoyed and you thought about it unlike the guys who just shoot and say eh.

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Solid kill, 3 to the dome. Its voodoo to do 3 with a pistol however as the recoil usually skews the 3rd shot. Solid kill though mate, im proud of you.

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Welcome to the bandit life, friend (unless I see you. Then you're just an XL loot pile).

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First tip: ALWAYS use chat when contacting someone. And when you do, make sure that you do responsibly. This means making sure you can see him and he can see you, but you can get out of the way and not get shot perchance he sees you, and that you are ALREADY in cover or have means to a position. VOIP provides info to where you are by sound radius and ect.

Second: Bandits are usually in ghilles if not camo clothing or bandit skins. Making that assumption is a good one.

Third: You kept yourself safe. That's worth anything. You didn't let the danger happen, not let it happen and eliminate it then.

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I like how everyone is equating ghillie guys with the more violent side of DayZ, my friend used to run ghillie suits all the time and never once raised a gun on anyone. He was one of the most level-headed guys I played with, he coordinated 6 random strangers to escape a hostage situation unarmed and still never harmed anyone. Ghillie means stealth, not violence. In fact I prefer ghillies when I'm trying to be friendly, hiding in a bush with it gives them less of a chance to kill me after I call out if they do turn out to be not-so-friendly.

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